100 days smarter!

Hooray for the 100th day of school! We celebrated the 100th day in Pine Bush on Thursday, Feb. 20.

Two older elementary age girls smile. They are dressed as old people with gray hair and curlers in them.



Many students enjoyed dressing like 100-year-old  people and they did many activities surrounding 100, like counting, sorting, stacking objects, coming up with 100 words and so much more.


Three young elementary students dressed as old people. The little girl has blue glasses and her hair in curlers. The boy in center is wearing suspenders, a bushy mustache and a bow tie. and the oy on the left is wearing a sweater vest. both boys are wearing paper hats that say 100 days.

At CES, the classes have a poster outside of their door depicting 100 in some way! And the main office gets into the spirit too. Principal Kristin Slover, Assistant Principal Romulo Gabriel and office staff Kerri Gutierrez dressed the part too, delighting the students! Many teachers and other staff members did the same.

Three adults dress as 100-year-old people. The two women are wearing dresses and sneakers. On ehas a gray wig and the other a white one. The man in the center is wearing a white wig.

Learning is fun and these kids are 100 days smarter for sure!


A woman wears a short curly gray wig, glasses on a necklace and a cardigan sweater.. She is standing with two little kids dressed as old people.


Go to our facebook page for many more photos from the 100th day of school!

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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