Dear Future Third-Graders,
The following are general supplies that all the third grade teachers would like to have. When you receive your placement letter, check your teacher’s specific requirements.
- 1 steno pad 6″ x 9″
- 2-3 marble composition books, 100 pages or more, sewn, wide ruled
- 1 box of crayons, no more than 48
- 2-4 boxes of #2 pencils for the year (Ticonderoga – sharpen please, if possible)
- 1-2 boxes of tissues
- 1 highlighter
- Erasers
- Large glue sticks
- Package WIDE RULED loose leaf paper
- 2 two-pocket sturdy folders (must be able to stand up on own; one for music, one for homework)
- Personal headphones for computer (necessary); in a labeled Ziploc bag
- 1 package of index cards
Your child’s specific teacher may ask for additional items when school begins.
Thank you.
Grade Three Teachers