All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other district personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. A student’s dress, grooming, and appearance, shall:
- be safe, appropriate, and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process;
- be covered from armpit to mid-thigh with no undergarments or bare skin visible. This code does not apply to school-sanctioned uniforms and costumes approved by the relevant administrator for athletic, choral, or dramatic performances;
- include safe and appropriate footwear at all times;
- not include items that are vulgar, obscene, or libelous, or denigrate others on account of race, color, weight, religion, religious practice, creed, national origin, ethnic group, gender (identity and expression), sex, sexual orientation or disability;
- not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities;
- not include the wearing of hats or head gear in the elementary schools, except for a medical or religious purpose.
Each building principal or his/her designee shall be responsible for informing all students and their parents of the student dress code at the beginning of the school year and any revisions to the dress code made during the school year. Students who violate the student dress code shall be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item and, if necessary or practical, replacing it with an acceptable item. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to discipline, up to and including in-school suspension for the day. Any student who repeatedly fails to comply with the dress code shall be subject to further discipline, up to and including out of school suspension.