Kudos to our Food Service workers on School Lunch Hero Appreciation Day

While school buildings have been closed since mid-March, most everything else about school as we know it has continued. Teachers have prepared lesson plans and taught their students in a new way. Administrators have worked diligently on developing a contingency plan for the remainder of the
closure. The school board has met regularly doing the business of the district. The Food Services workers and many volunteers have continued to nourish our students throughout this closure and will do so through June.
Today, May 1, is School Lunch Hero Appreciation Day. And during this most unusual circumstance of the coronavirus pandemic, our hats are off to our Food Service workers who have done their jobs so that our students can thrive.

A woman wearing gloves and a face mask packs a white plastic bag with food
PBE Assistant Principal Kristin Slover packs bags of food for students at Circleville Middle School.

Every Tuesday and Thursday, about one third of the Pine Bush Food Services kitchen staff prepare breakfasts and lunches to go for our students. With the help of dozens of volunteers, approximately 15,000 meals per week are distributed, two breakfasts and lunches per student on Tuesdays and three
each on Thursdays. Some of the meals are ready-to-eat and others are ready-to-heat, according to Food Services Director Lyn Prestia.

“The ordering, receiving, preparation, packaging and transportation to the front line where the distribution takes place can be complicated, especially with some items in short supply,” said Prestia. “We have to be flexible and on our game to get it right.”

A woman with face mask packs bags of food
Volunteers at Pine Bush High School prepare bags of food to be distributed to families.

And they have gotten it right, in all kinds of weather – snow, rain, high winds, sleet – with an endless line of cars in the queue. The meals keep coming.

“Preparing meals to go for all of our students is indeed quite a production,” said Superintendent of Schools Tim Mains. “I am so proud of our Food Services workers as well as our volunteers who make this all possible. Our Pine Bush team is incredible. Their selflessness impresses me every day.”

A woman with long blonde hair puts white plastic bags of food in the trunk of a blue car.
Dawn Loechner, the district treasurer, volunteers at the high school distribution of food during the coronavirus pandemic.

The district provides these meals at three outdoor locations: Pine Bush High School, Circleville Middle School and Family Church in Middletown. Each location is staffed with all volunteers to distribute the meals.

“Our volunteers are priceless and a huge part of the team,” said Prestia. “They are a group of dedicated school employees who show up and work constantly to service the drive-through line of never-ending cars.”

The volunteers include district nurses, teaching assistants, office personnel and administrators along with parishioners at Family Church.

blue skies, white clouds and a line of cars waiting in front of tPine Bush High School
The distribution of food at Pine Bush High School, as well as at Circleville Middle School and the Family Church, goes off without a hitch because of the dedicated Food Services personnel and generous volunteers.

Students do not have to be present to pick-up meals. All children and young adults 18 and under who live in the district may receive meals. Distribution is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers, all safely outfitted with gloves and masks, place the appropriate number of meals in
your vehicle. There is no need for passengers or drivers to leave their car.

So let’s hear it for our Food Service workers and volunteers. They truly are among the heroes in these trying times.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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