What will our classrooms look like once students are back in the buildings?
Masks or facial coverings will be required for all students and staff members in all of our buildings. In addition to wearing masks, all students and staff will maintain social distancing of at least six feet. Mask breaks will be allowed during the day. There will not be any physical barriers within the classroom.
Will the classrooms and desks be cleaned each day?
Yes. Desks will be cleaned and sanitized nightly. There will be no shared spaces for students. Personal protective equipment supplies will be provided to each classroom.
How will meals work?
Breakfast will be delivered to each classroom daily and consumed by students at their desks.
The current plan for lunch is for a maximum of 50 students to go to the cafeteria at one time, as per crowd guidance from the department of health. Everyone will sit six feet apart. No additional supervision staff is needed since this is well below the regular lunch participation.
Those students getting a school lunch will be called up individually to one of two lines where the food service staff will hand them the lunch. There will be a limited menu which will be posted to the website.
This process may vary as we are still developing plans for the secondary grades.
Still left to be determined is if cash will be accepted in the cafeteria or if pre-payment will be required.
What safety and cleaning precautions will be taken for students using bus transportation?
All students riding buses will be required to wear a mask while on the bus. Those students who do not have a mask will be provided with one. However, students are expected to have their own.
Bus drivers will not be taking temperatures and cannot, by law, refuse a student to get on the bus to come to school.
Bus seats will be wiped down between runs and cleaned and sanitized either at night or before the first morning run.
When will bus routes be complete?
The district now has preliminary counts for students who will participate in in-person learning. Therefore, some bus routes for the elementary buildings have been completed and will be shared with the bus company. These counts will also be given to the building leaders for review and scheduling.
Bus routes will be determined by the students’ home location. Logistically, it makes more sense to do this rather than alphabetically. Pine Bush is a very large district geographically. All students in the same family will attend school on the same days.
Will there be daily temperature screenings for each student?
No. Every student will not have their temperatures taken prior to entering the buildings. However, a health screening questionnaire will be required for every student every day. Students whose parents do not complete the health screening will have their temperature taken before being allowed into the building.
Are the ventilation systems in all of the buildings up to the requirements of the state?
The ventilation systems for all of our buildings are currently under review by hired engineers to assess our current filtration and ventilation systems and the possible need for improvement throughout the buildings.
Will the district’s custodial staff be brought up to speed on new procedures to sanitize the buildings?
All head custodians at each site have been given a draft manual by the Director of Facilities that outlines the protocols for cleaning and disinfecting classrooms, hallways, floors, high-touched areas (including door knobs, hand railings, light switches and toilets). It also includes directives for garbage and recycling, washing and cleaning flooring and windows as well as the cafeterias and kitchen areas.
What changes will be made in areas of the schools where appropriate social distancing cannot be maintained?
Barriers will be installed where six feet distancing cannot be maintained.
Can the district provide resources for childcare on the days students who are part of the hybrid learning group are not in school buildings?
We are working closely with local organizations that offer childcare to see if we can help. We will report on our findings as soon as we get them.