may be used for online school meal payments. You may also create a free account and use it simply to monitor purchase history and balance information, without actually depositing funds through it. This website provides a number of features you will find beneficial including:
- Scheduled recurring payments
- Automatic deposits when your child’s account balance runs low
- Extended purchase history for the past 90 days
- Low balance email notifications
There is no fee for viewing student transactions or receiving balance alerts.
The convenience fee for cafeteria account deposits is 4 percent, which will cover all deposits made within a single transaction.
There is also a free MySchoolBucks app available where you get your apps.
If you have any questions, please contact Lyn Prestia, director of school nutrition, at 845-744-2031, ext. 4826.
Registering for
- Go to
- Click Register for a Free Account and enter the required information.
- Click Finish to complete the initial registration process.
Add Students to Your Family Account
- When you log in you will be taken to the homepage.
- Click on the link in Step 1 to look up your students and add them to your household.
How to Make a Deposit
- When you log in you will be taken to the homepage.
- Click on the link in Step 2 to make a payment.