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A beautiful evening for the Class of 2024 as they graduate Pine Bush High School

Pine Bush High School now has 422 new alumni.

It was a gorgeous summer evening Thursday, June 27, when well more than 1000 family members and friends packed the Thomas F. Lonergan Field to watch this wonderful Class of 2024 take their final bows as Pine Bush High School students.

A group of five high school seniors, all wearing gold or blue cap and gown. They are smiling.






Principal Aaron Hopmayer welcomed all to the festivities, with a special greeting for the graduates.

Assistant Superintendent for Business Joseph Lenz reminded the graduates of the importance of the challenges they’ve faced and the benefits that came from them.

“As we reflect on the significance of this day, I am reminded of a profound truth: we often derive the most growth and fulfillment from the challenges we face,” said Mr. Lenz. “It is through adversity that we discover our strengths, resilience, and capacity for growth. The late-night study sessions , the setbacks, the moments of self-doubt that seemed insurmountable—all of these have shaped you into the strong, capable individuals you are today. Don’t back down, even when life gets tough.  Push forward and you will accomplish things you didn’t know were possible.”


A high school graduate in a blue cap and gown hugs a woman.





Mr. Lenz used the wise words of Taylor Swift to complete his message to the graduates: “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”

Amy Brockner, the assistant superintendent for instruction, talked to the students about believing in themselves.

“Always remember the words of Steve Perry of Journey. Don’t stop believing,” said Mrs. Brockner. “ Your belief has fueled your ambition, shaped your aspirations and propelled you through challenges. Your presence here today is proof of your belief in yourself and your potential. You refused to let temporary defeats define you because you knew that every challenge was an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser and more resilient.”


Mr. Hopmayer  gave his address to the students, explaining to them the importance of having a compass for their future.

“A map  outlines a fixed route, filled with well-traveled paths and marked destinations,” he said. “It’s a snapshot of the world when the map was drawn, not as it is or could be. A compass offers no such illusion of certainty. Instead it provides direction, a guiding principle.”

Their teachers and counselors have provided the students is a compass of knowledge, critical thinking and the courage to question, Mr. Hopmayer said.

“These tools are more valuable than any map we could have given you,” he continued. “A compass requires a steady hand. The true measure of success is not reaching your destination but the journey itself; the person you become along the way. Your journey is uniquely yours.


A man in a lack robe stands off to the side as a young woman with short dark hair, wearing a blue cap and gown with a gold sash, speaks at the podium.




“I urge you to embrace the unknown with open arms and an open heart,” Mr. Hopmayer concluded. “Let your compass lead you to discoveries of your greatest potential.”

Salutatorian Angela Hilgenfeldt told the crowd she is overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey that has brought all of them to this point. “

“I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey that has brought us to this point, and everything we have accomplished,” said Angela. “Today does not only reflect our years of hard work, but also the unwavering support and guidance we’ve received along the way. To our teachers, thank you for igniting curiosity within us and for believing in our potential even when we doubted ourselves. Your guidance has shaped us into who we are today.




“To our families, who have been our steady support system in everything we’ve been through, thank you,” she continued. “Your love and encouragement has paved the way for our success.”

Saige Valentino, the Class of 2024 valedictorian, talked to her classmates about the importance of love in their journey to this momentous day and beyond.

“I want to talk to you all about what I have found to be the most important ingredient to my success so far: love. Love has both gotten me to where I am today, and is a driving force of the future,” said Saige.

“The connections we form and the people we form them with shape who we are as individuals,” Saige continued. “They are a reflection of ourselves and we reflect onto them. When you are surrounded with love and encouragement, you yourself become full of it. There are so many teachers and faculty that have made such profound impacts on me and the rest of my fellow students that I simply can’t list off all of the names, but I do want to take a second to appreciate these heroes that have helped to shape our lives in a plethora of different ways. Without them, we would not be where we are today.”


A high school graduate shakes the hand of a woman as he receives his diploma.



Mr. Hopmayer announced the four honorees of his principal’s awards, given to those who lead by example – one faculty member, one community member and the graduates with the two highest cumulative averages. They are:

  • Kelly Cooke – PBHS English Department chairperson and senior class advisor
  • Alayne Eisloeffel – Tri-County Prevention Coalition program director
  • Saige Valentino – Valedictorian
  • Angela Hilgenfeldt – Salutatorian

The entire Pine Bush Board of Education was in attendance and on the stage to congratulate each of the graduates as they received their diploma from board president Gretchen Meier.


A blue sky in the background. A podium in the center of a stage with a man speaking. On either side are three men and four women. All clapping


The  crowd erupted in cheers as many of the students tossed their caps into the dusky sky at the conclusion of the ceremony! A beautiful end to an emotion-filled, joyful evening.

A dark blue sky with many graduation caps thrown up into the air.




A special thank you to the Pine Bush Select Choir for the amazing job singing the National Anthem and the Pine Bush High School Concert Band, under the direction of Ralph Wagner, which played beautifully. A shout out to Assistant Principal Mike Amsden for his announcing prowess as he imparted the name of each graduate.


A young woman wearing a gold graduation gown smiles and holds up her diploma.


Congratulations to the Pine Bush High School Class of 2024! We know you will do great things.

To watch the graduation ceremony, click here.

To view many pictures from the ceremony, before and after, go to our Facebook page.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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