Dear Parents of Future 4th Graders,
There are several sales throughout the summer where you can take advantage of discount prices. If there is anything on the list that you can send in for the students to use in the upcoming year, it would be greatly appreciated. (For example if every child would bring in one packet of loose leaf paper, we would have enough loose leaf paper for the entire school year.)
We will need the following supplies for the 2019-2020 school year.
- 1 packet of loose leaf paper
- 5 boxes of #2 Ticonderoga™ pencils
- 5 marble notebooks (Wide Ruled)
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 4 glue sticks
- 2 packages pencil cap erasers or block erasers
- 1 box of 24 crayons
- Ear buds or headphones (inexpensive and labeled with name)
- Pencil bag
Thank you in advance for helping out our 4th grade team.
The official school supply list for each individual teacher will be mailed to your home in August, along with your child’s class placement.
The Fourth Grade Teachers