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A familiar face returns to Pakanasink – this time as an author – to read to students

PAK second-graders in Kimberly White’s class had a very special guest reader Wednesday, Sept. 28. Loretta Gould, author of the book “Meet Barnaby Benjamin Bear,” stopped in to read her book during the class’s library period.

Mrs. Gould was a familiar face to many staff members at PAK. She was Loretta Richner at the time she served as principal at Pakanasink before retiring in 2007. 

A group of second grade students sit on a colorful rug looking up at a woman with short blonde hair. The woman is reading a book to the students. Behind her is a screen that says Welcome author Loretta Gould.

The story of Barnaby Benjamin Bear is an adventurous one! He traveled around the country and the world, visiting Washington D.C. and President Teddy Roosevelt (toy bears were named for him), New York City as a star in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Lillehammer, Norway to compete in the Olympics and so much more.

A line of five second graders sit on a colorful rug in a row watching someone who is talking to them.


The children were mesmerized by Mrs. Gould’s storytelling, answering her questions about the places Barnaby traveled to.

Afterwards, Aubrey Zamonsky, PAK’s library media specialist, had the students write what their favorite Barnaby adventure was and then draw their own illustration of it.

Two second-grade boys use pencils to write on a piece of paper. The boy on the right is wearing a blue shirt and has short dark hair. The boy on the left also has short dark hair and is writing with a pencil as well. There is a green basket on the table in front of them filled with crayons and pencils.


A girl with long dark hair in a ponytail wearing a white shirt, writes on a piece of paper on a desk. She drew a picture of a bear on the paper. On the table is a little basket of crayons.

Mrs. Gould shared that writing a children’s book was on her bucket list after her retirement. When she married her husband, Robert, who was a math teacher in the Newburgh school system for many years, that dream became a reality. Robert’s late father, John, was an award-winning artist. He had drawn many pictures of Barnaby, which sparked Mrs. Gould to write this book. Robert Gould had an original sketch of Barnaby in the library for the students to see.

A man with white hair sits and talks to students. He is wearing a blue sweater and tan pants and holding up a drawing of bears. Students sit in front of him watching and listening.

 “These illustrations made it possible for me to become an author,” said Mrs. Gould, who signed a book for the library. “There are always new adventures out there for all of us, just like for Barnaby.”

A woman with chin-length blonde hair sits at a desk and smiles. She is wearing a black long-sleeve shirt and a triple heart silver necklace. She is signing a book on the table.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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