A message from Interim Superintendent Donna Geidel regarding violence at PBHS

I am writing this evening with critical updates about some incidents that occurred today at Pine Bush High School. Please know that the high school administrators and staff, district office administrators, the Board of Education and I are resolute in our commitment to a safe school environment. The negative behaviors, including physical and verbal violence, will not be tolerated. They have no place in our schools and were extremely disruptive and traumatic for our students and staff.  Mrs. Brockner, Mr. Pacella and I met after school with the high school administrators,  security personnel, and police Chief Blasko. We will be meeting with the entire high school faculty and staff tomorrow morning before school.  Several mitigation measures that will be implemented include:

  • Pass restrictions;
  • Extra staff in the hallways in between periods;
  • Limited release from study halls;
  • Extra staff at student arrival and dismissal and in the cafeteria;
  • Students must remain seated in the cafeteria;
  • Additional security guards in the building and;
  • Additional police presence in and around the school.

In an effort to ease the concern, anxiety and frustration that parents and students are feeling, I am sharing some details of the unfortunate incidents that occurred yesterday and today at the high school.

Yesterday a male student had a physical altercation with a female student outside the attendance office. The situation was investigated, families were contacted, and appropriate disciplinary consequences were administered.  Unfortunately, the conflict between these two students continued in the community and was escalated by other students getting involved on social media.

This situation significantly spiraled throughout the school day today and other physical altercations and fights broke out that were directly related to yesterday’s incident. Staff quickly intervened and de-escalated every separate incident and fortunately, nobody was injured.  However, the number of incidents were traumatic for our students because they did not feel safe.  

While we are all aware that social media is not the only cause of violence at the high school, it is absolutely a catalyst for escalating an already tense situation.  Specifically, students are plotting and posting threats and sharing videos of verbal and physical altercations. When incidents occur, students are flocking toward the altercations to capture it on video. This poses a safety hazard to everyone in the vicinity. Our clear message to students is that if they see something occurring, stay away from it.

Our other message to students and parents today is that this behavior will not be tolerated. We are putting everyone on notice that there will be significant disciplinary consequences for any physical aggression and/or insubordination.  We will also involve law enforcement to the extent that it is legally possible.  

We will continue to work hard to ensure that we are doing all we can to have a learning environment where every member of the school community at Pine Bush High School feels safe and is treated with respect. We will not let these recent incidents define us, and we will have clear expectations that are reflective of the behavior we expect from our students.

We are keenly aware that today was deeply upsetting for our students and staff and will do everything possible to support their social and emotional well-being so we can all get through the school year.

Thank you.

Donna Geidel, Interim Superintendent

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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