Pine Bush High School will offer the following Summer Enrichment Academies in 2025:
- Aviation Academy
- Fine Art Academy
- Leadership and Law Academy
- College Level Leadership and Law Academy
- Medical Academy
The Summer Enrichment Academies are offered to students in grades 9 through 11 to provide a focused, in-depth study of a particular subject.
Please note that these academies are funded through grants, donations, and student tuition fees.
All 2025 academies start on Monday, June 30. There are no sessions on Thursday, July 4.
- The Aviation Academy and Fine Art Academy run through Thursday, July 17.
- The Medical Academy runs through Tuesday, July 15.
- The Leadership and Law Academy and College Leadership and Law Academy run through Friday, July 18.
The academies run from 7:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. each day.
For more information or if you wish to attend but are having financial difficulties, contact Principal Aaron Hopmayer at 744-2031, ext. 3601, so that payment arrangements can be made.
Applications for all academies are available in the Pine Bush High School principal’s office and the counseling office.
Leadership and Law Academy
This is a program centered on government, economics, and the criminal justice system. It is taught by social studies teachers, Town of Crawford police officers, and members of the United States Army. This academy will satisfy
your Government and Economics credit.
This program will run from June 30 through July 18
Tuition: $275
$150 due with application
$125 due by May 2
Applications are available in the principal’s office and the counseling office.
College Level Leadership and Law Academy
(For students who have completed 10th and 11th grade)
This program runs 14 days, for approximately 105 hours of instruction. Upon successful completion, students earn one credit in Government and Economics. This program is taught by certified social studies teachers, Town of Crawford police officers, and members of the United States Army. Guest speakers provide enrichment in their specific area of expertise.
By taking the college level course, you will earn three credits in Criminal Justice 101 through SUNY Sullivan.
This academy will run from June 30 through July 18.
- Tuition: $275
$150 due with application
$125 due by May 2 - SUNY Sullivan Tuition due the first week of the academy: $237
Applications are available in the principal’s office and the counseling office.
Aviation Academy
In collaboration with Pratt & Whitney, the Civil Air Patrol and Dutchess Community College, the Aviation Academy provides students with a basic knowledge of the equipment and operation of aircraft.
Students will learn the fundamentals of aviation including:
- operation of airplanes
- instrumentation
- airplane systems
- communications
- meteorology
Students also engage in a flight simulation and a flight lesson. This program is taught by a certified flight instructor, a certified math teacher, and an array of aviation guest speakers. This course not only provides enrichment, but prepares students for a range of job opportunities in the aviation field. Students earn one elective math credit.
This academy will run from June 30 through July 17.
Tuition: $250
$125 due with application
$125 due by May 2
Applications are available in the principal’s office and the counseling office.
Fine Art Academy
The Fine Art Academy affords high school students the opportunity to earn one elective art credit over a three-week period during the summer.
In this project-based course, students will explore various art-making techniques that are not possible during the regular school year due to time constraints. A variety of materials and concepts will be explored.
The curriculum changes yearly so students may repeat it for credit.
This academy will run from June 30 through July 17.
Tuition: $250
$125 due with application
$125 due by May 2
Applications are available in the principal’s office and the counseling office.
Medical Academy
The Medical Academy is designed to provide students with an introduction to the various fields of medicine. Physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physicians assistants, nurses and EMTs from Garnet Health Medical Center, Crystal Run Healthcare and other facilities will provide students with first-hand knowledge of these fields and the opportunities that each presents.
Optional college credit is available for students who have completed 10th and 11th grades. There will be an emphasis on musculoskeletal medicine, first aid and first response
This academy will run from June 30 through July 15.
- Tuition: $450
$200 due with application
$200 due by May 2
$50 medical supplies and CPR, AED certifications due by May 2 - Dominical College Tuition: $195 due the first week of the academy
- Field Trip to Mutter Museum and Franklin Institute, Philadelphia (included in academy fee, includes bus, food, entrance to the museums; parents may also attend for the $125 cost)
Applications are available in the principal’s office and the counseling office.
If you are interested in taking this course for college credit, tuition is due the first week of the academy. Tuition is Non-Refundable. (This is in addition to the academy fee and optional for students who have completed 10th or 11th grade.)