An amazing celebration of 100 days at PBE

PBE celebrates the 100th day of school in style! Students in grades kindergarten through 2 participate in so many activities all centered around the number 100.

One of the activities for students in kindergarten was bowling, knocking down 10 pins at a time and counting them each time a student bowled, with the goal of reaching 100!

A kindergarten student stands watching a ball roll through the hallway to 10 plastic bowling pins down a blue carpet.


First and second graders participated in a 100th day learning fair. Each teacher had a special activity in their classroom with many more activities in the hallways, monitored by parent volunteers.

An elementary age boy holds up links of a chain he put together to make 100.


Students searched for numbers that were placed throughout one classroom, marking them as they found them. Students in another class used Playdoh and candles to make a multi-level cake that stood up with the candles. Students had their photos taken and then used an app to show them what they’ll look like when they are 100 years old! Students made hats with 100 dots, 10 on each strip of paper that was then fastened to a band to make a hat. There was a poster on the wall that invited kids to write  something they love about PBE, making up 100 things they love about their school.

A boy with short light-colored hair, wearing a red and black plaid shirt, puts candles into a ball of Playdoh.


Students worked with word tiles to create 100 different words. They made chains with 100 links, stacked 100 cups and used 100 blocks to build!

Two elementary boys sit with squares that have letters on them. They are creating words from the squares and a woman bends in front of them writing the words on a large piece of paper.


Working in some community service, each class was challenged with bringing in 100 food items to donate to the food pantry at Pine Bush High School. It was a huge success!

Two elementary age girls stand infront of a big poster that says 100 reasons to love PBE


It was an amazing, fun-filled day with so much learning. It’s always a wonderful day for students and their teachers, as well as the many parent volunteers who make this day so special.

A girl makes a hat of paper - with 10 strips of paper with 10 dots on each.


A second-grade girl with long brown hair and glasses smiles with a paper hat on her head that says 100 days of second grade.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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