Our community food pantry at Pine Bush High School has been a busy place. Coordinated by Katie Carson-Decker, a social worker at the high school, it has served our entire district community since November, 2022.
Ms. Carson-Decker was busy packing bags of food recently as part of something new at the pantry – the backpack program. Every week, she and volunteers from the Interact Club, YESS class and business classes pack bags of food that are distributed to kids in each of our elementary and middle schools. The food for these packages is from the food bank and provided through a grant. Volunteers from the Wallkill East Rotary Club kindly pick up the food and deliver it to the high school. The district was approved for 63 bags, based on need.
Last week’s package included crackers, tuna, cereal, oatmeal, canned chicken breast, spaghetti and sauce, peas, granola bars and canned fruit. The combination is different each time.
Volunteers from the Pine Bush Knights of Columbus and the Pine Bush Lions Club pick up the bags and deliver them to each of the school buildings where they are distributed by the school social worker.
Any community member who would like to sponsor a child for the backpack program for a year may do so by donating $273. Community members in need are welcome to food from the pantry. Contact Ms. Carson-Decker at kathryn.carson-decker@pinebushschools.org in either case.
Taking care of each other is part of what makes Pine Bush such a special place to be. We are Pine Bush Proud!