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Aug. 18, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Regular Board Agenda (Town Hall Segment) – August 18, 2020 

Call to Order /Consideration of Executive Session – Board Retreat 4:00 PM
RE: Board Operations, Facilitated by James Langlois  

Regular Session Reconvened at approx.        7:00 PM 

Meeting televised Live Streamed remotely with attendance via Google Meet Hangouts as well as in person attendance. Video and Minutes Posted to Website with Closed Caption.


Members Present

  • Gretchen Meier, President
  • Cara Robertson, Vice President
  • Kristin Graessle  (via Google meet)
  • Dori Johnson
  • Kristi Kheiralla 
  • Ross Tompkins 
  • Matthew Watkins                                                                                          


Members Absent:

  • None – Note: Superintendent Mains absent due to a family emergency.


Others Present

  • Amy Brockner, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction                                             
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business              
  • James Langlois, Executive Session Facilitator
  • Angela Wise, Executive Director for Personnel, Data, and Counseling
  • Linda Smith, District Communications Representative
  • John Hicks, Director of Educational Technology
  • Terrilyn Cohn, Director of Special Programs
  • Deborah June, District Clerk (via Google Meet)
  • Alex Tremper, Director of Security
  • Approximately 15 residents/students/staff members (in person and virtual)


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Gretchen Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Tompkins, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 4:15 PM, and adjourn to executive session for the “Board Retreat – Board Operations.”

YES –6           NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  (C. Robertson arrived at approx.. 4:32 PM)


MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn executive session and resume the regular meeting at approximately 6:59 PM.

YES –7            NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  (K.Kheiralla attended beginning exec.session virtual then in person at 6:30  PM)


President Gretchen Meier welcomed all to the regular meeting, and requested all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the July 28, 2020 regular board meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.

YES – 7        NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

Consent Agenda

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve the following

revised consent agenda and addition to the as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:     

Tonight’s consent agenda includes the appointment of the following new personnel:

Danielle DeLeon-Occupational Therapist, Tara Robinson-Occupational Therapist, Joshua O’Connell-Custodial Worker, Alissa Bracero-School Secretary, Sonia Orlando-Spec.Ed.Teacher.



Wilma Vellenga, resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 5.0 hours/day Teaching

Assistant, effective at the close of business on August 18, 2020. 



Beth Duffy, resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 1.0 FTE Occupational Therapy

Assistant, effective at the close of business August 31, 2020.  


Paige Fox, resignation, from her position as a 3.75 hours/day Food Service Helper, effective at the close of

business August 7, 2020.  


Madeline Metcalfe, resignation, from her position as a 3.5 hours/day Food Service Helper, effective at the

close of business September 1, 2020




Danielle DeLeon, who holds a Registration Certificate as Licensed Occupational Therapist, be appointed to the probationary position of a full-time, 10 month 1.0 FTE Occupational Therapist, effective September 1, 2020.  Salary at MA, Step 1 of the salary schedule, noting that this probationary appointment is certified through the Orange County Department of Human Resources. *Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of August 19, 2020 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.


Tara Robinson, who holds a Registration Certificate as Licensed Occupational Therapist, be appointed to the

probationary position of a full-time, 10 month 1.0 FTE Occupational Therapist, effective September 8,

2020*. Salary at MA, Step 2 of the salary schedule, noting that this probationary appointment is certified

through the Orange County Department of Human Resources.  


Sonia Orlando, who holds a Professional certificate in Students with Disabilities (Grades 1-6), be

appointed to the position of 1.0 FTE Permanent Substitute Teacher in the Special Education

(General) tenure area for the period of September 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021.  Salary level MA

Step 6 of the salary schedule. 


Joshua O’Connell, probationary appointment as a full-time 12 month Custodial Worker, effective August

19, 2020 at an annual salary as per contract (pro-rated), noting he is certified for such appointment through

the Orange County Department of Human Resources.


Alissa Bracero, probationary appointment as a full-time School Secretary -12 Month, effective August 26,

2020 at an annual salary as per contract (pro-rated), noting she is certified for such appointment through

the Orange County Department of Human Resources.



Pakanasink Elementary School

Team Leader Positions

Board approval to rescind the following co-curricular position for the 2020-2021 school year:

Jennifer Fitzgerald, Special Education Team Leader


Board approval of the following co-curricular position for the 2020-2021 school year, at the appropriate co

curricular stipend:

Lisa Donohue, Special Education Team Leader @ Level II, Step 1 (1)


Circleville Middle School:

Team Leader Positions

Board approval of the following staff members to the following co-curricular appointments for the 2020-21 school year, at the appropriate co-curricular stipends:

Jennifer Wagner, Unified Arts Team Leader, Level II,Step 10 (11)

Tara Klink, Special Education Team Leader, Level II, Step 10 (11)                               

Stacie Blaut-Gilielmi, Grade 6 Team Leader, Level II, Step 3 (3) 

Nancy Paone, Grade 6 Team Leader, Level II, Step 7 (7)                                

Keri Giuliano, Grade 7 Team Leader, Level II, Step 3 (4)

Holly Shader, Grade 7/8 Team Leader, Level II, Step 10 (10)                                                                                        

Romulo Gabriel, Grade 8 Team Leader, Level II, Step 1 (2)


Consultant Agreement

Board approval of following consultant agreement as part of the consent agenda:

•        Board approval of the  one-year Consultant Agreement for Catherine Johnson, MSN, SNT,CNM, FNP-C (Family Nurse Practitioner), effective from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 at the annual maximum amount of $46,480, as per contract, and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to sign all applicable documents.

Date: August 18, 2020


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes effective August 19,

2020 (or as noted*) at board approved per diem substitute rates:

                Rodolfo Delgado*/**

                Megan Gillman
Madeline Metcalfe
Samantha Nichols
Breanna Thompson

**Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of August 19, 2020 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Designation of 2020-2021 CSE & CPSE Committee Members

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education approve the designation of the following individuals as members of the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) for the 2020-2021 school year.  (The special education teacher members of the CSE also serve as the special education teacher members of the CSE Subcommittee in their respective buildings.  The school psychologists will continue to serve as Subcommittee Chairpersons in their respective buildings).

Committee on Special Education Members:


Terrilyn Cohn                           

Rosemary Maninno

Katie Hennessey

Jessica Cirigliano

Teresa Hatfield

Shannon Hughes

Paul Hutter

Karen Lisa

Sandra Mullarkey


School Psychologists/Subcommittee Chairpersons:

Melissa Bertuccio

Jessica Cirigliano

Shannon Hughes

Teresa Hatfield

Paul Hutter

              Karen Lis

Sandra Mullarkey

Shannon Renner


Nicole Smirnoff

Breanna Thompson


Additional Committee on Special Education and Sub-committee members:  All relevant district employed Related Service Providers, Special Education Teachers and Regular Education Teachers.

CSE & CPSE Parent Members:

Heidi Camacho

Colleen Hasbrouck

Wendy Landolina

Lisa Nathan


Committee on Preschool Special Education Members:


Terrilyn Cohn

Rosemary Mannino

Katie Hennessey

Teresa Hatfield

Karen Lisa


CPSE Special Education Teachers:  

District Employed Elementary School Teachers

Lynda Seeley


CPSE General Education Teacher:   

Ernie Martin

Karyn Schoeber

Lynda Seeley


Additional CPSE Members:

1) a professional who participated in the evaluation of the child;

2) a certified or licensed professional designated by the agency charged

     with  the  responsibility of the child in the birth-to-two system, if any;

3) the county may appoint a certified or licensed professional to be a

     member  of the Committee on Preschool Special Education.


Special programs will continue to keep the Board of Education informed as to any additions and/or deletions which may alter the above committees.

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Approval of CSE & CPSE Placement Recommendations

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and

acceptance of the Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education placement

recommendations as submitted by the CSE & CPSE Chairpersons, and reviewed by Trustee Watkins.

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


District’s Bi-Annual Special Education Summary

Terrilyn Cohn, Director of Special Programs, was in attendance Tuesday evening to present a bi-annual summary

report of the CSE & CPSE placements and program numbers, as well as 504 update.


Dignity for All Coordinator and Lead Evaluator Designation- 2020-2021 School Year

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve the following

Dignity for All Coordinator and Lead Evaluator Designation- 2020- 2021 School Year:

*Board approval to amend the appointment of the DASA Coordinator for Pine Bush Elementary School for the 2020

2021: Jennifer Fitzgerald as the Dignity for All Building Coordinator at Pine Bush Elementary School effective, August

10, 2020.

*Board approval recognizing the following administrator having completed the professional development associated

with supervision as prescribed by the APPR regulation and, as such, be designated as Lead Evaluators,

effective September 1, 2020: Jennifer Fitzgerald

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Town Hall Presentation: 2020-2021 Return to Learn Plan

Assistant Superintendent for Business Michael Pacella provided an overview of the 2020-2021 Return to Learn Plan,

to date. At the conclusion of the presentation, comments – questions were offered from the community. Amy

Brockner, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction assisted in fielding questions and concerns. Mr. Pacella began

Extending the apology of of Superintendent Mains, noting he was unable to be in attendance due to a family

emergency.  Mr. Pacella thanked all for attending the meeting in person or via live stream. He stated the town hall

sessions were directed by the State to assist with the Return to Learn plan, also noting the district continually

receives state and local updates.


At previous meetings, the plans were outlined per the surveys previously submitted. Meetings are available for

viewing on the district website, illustrating the plans and what has been discussed. It should also be noted the

 due to restrictions of a 50 person crowd capacity, we had to limit the amount of members on a first come first serve basis until we reached the capacity to include social distancing guidelines and everyone is expected to keep their

masks on.


The district’s “return to learn plan’ that was submitted to the state education department as well as the state’s

department of health. This plan outlines many of the questions and concerns that have already been raised.  


Mr. Pacella continued providing a summary, noting many of the main issues brought to the forefront have been

addressed. The district’s ultimate plan to return to learn will be done in the best interest of all children.  Highlights

of the summary included the following: Review of the classrooms (including social distancing, masks, no physical

barriers, desk sanitizing, and no shared spaces, noting PPE supplies in each classroom).


Breakfast/Lunch – Breakfast will be delivered to each classroom daily. With regards to lunch, the current plan is for

students to go to the cafeteria to a Maximum of 50 as per crowd guidance from dept. of health. Since this is well

below the regular lunch participation (inclusive of social distancing). Additional details provided.



Buses – Review of preliminary in person counts, bus drivers (not taking temperatures), masks will be provided for

those needing one, seating, cleaning and sanitizing.  Additional details provided.


Daily screening – Can be found on our Return to learn plan and aligns to the guidance given by the department of

health. Temperatures of every student will not be taken prior to entering the building. Only the students whose

parents have not completed the screening questionnaire that we are developing, will be temperature screened prior

to entry.


Facilities –

Ventilation – all sites are currently under review by hired engineers to assess our current filtration and ventilation

systems and the possible need for improvement throughout the buildings.


Cleaning and sanitizing – All head custodians at each site have been given a draft manual (not to be distributed or

shared as it includes specific safety and security standards protected by law) by the Director of facilities that outlines

the protocols for cleaning and disinfecting classrooms, hallways, floors, high touched areas (door knobs, hand

railings, light switches, toilets, etc). Also included, directives for garbage and recycling, washing and cleaning flooring

and windows as well as the cafeterias and kitchen areas.


Barriers – Will be installed where 6 feet distancing cannot be attained.


Child Care – While this is not the full responsibility of the district, the district is working closely with organizations

That offer this service to see if we can help.


Grades 7 & 8 – Collectively with the building principals, it was decided to begin the year all virtual.


At the conclusion of the review, Mr. Pacella was thanked for his review and update. Community members in

attendance were invited to share their comments, following by Mrs. Brockner reading the questions/comments

from the website submission.


Town Hall – Public Participation

The town hall public participation segment was open at approx. 6:10 PM requesting no personal references. Those

commenting must provide their name. Some of the following comments/questions/concerns were raised

(addressed as able by administration, for complete conversation of this public participation, refer to the online video

at (watch board meetings): Resident requested information regarding the reserve funds

and their balances; Resident inquired as the what criteria needs to be met to return to school, as well as questions

regarding new materials and how to receive them; Resident expressed thanks and spoke of challenges, asking to

please open school; Request for details of typical hs student day, and will AP  and college level classes be held;

Comment-provide of the communication provide to the parents-kept well informed; Is there any way to have an

ass’t ride the bust for temperature taking (no temp taking on bus); Question – can teachers use Zoom (district does

not use Zoom); Questions regarding how to obtain links, available on home page, Question regarding k student

meeting teacher w/parent; Resident offered thanks for information and asked how pre-k instruction is formatted;

Question regarding 7-8th grade virtual timeline; Question regarding special education placement (5 day??),noting

all 504 and IEPs will be met; Questions regarding changes to the day; Question regarding enforcing of mask wearing

on buses; Comment – New system plan will not work, takes away benefits; Question regarding schedule availability

and 9th grade orientation, as well as parent portal; comment- most other schools are going to be all virtual; Question

when will final plan be on website and when will child’s teacher be assigned; Question – When will bus schedules

be finalized (addressed by Mr.Pacella), noting the process is complicated; Comment – Most districts decided virtual

until Oct 5, this is a hardship for working parents; Questions-what resources are available for working parents;

Question regarding school supplies (available on website); Question regarding FERPA pertaining to student choices

(virtual vs. in person, noting the Code of Conduct applies to virtual and hybrid); Question – when will notification be

received regarding group A or B??; Comment – Thank you for your hardwork; Question – regarding transportation,

will bus drivers and local community members input be included in plans?; Comment – concerns regarding concern

of student on bus with temperature; Questions regarding plan for students attending C-Tech; Question/comments

regarding who teaches virtual and how it will change upon return to school (including C-Tech).


This concluded the public participation of Town Meeting segment. Mr.Pacella stated central administration has put

in countless hours in the Return to Learn plan, noting the task has never been done. This is new and does not come

easy for any of us. Comments and concerns are helpful to know as we navigate the process and move forward.

A few more last questions/comments came up as follows: Thanks were offered to administration and Mr. Mains;

Board president offered thanks and appreciation; Question – how many students per class; Comment-parents must

complete questionnaire; Comment – Just because someone does not have fever, does not mean they do not have

coronavirus; Comment – one chromebook per student; Comment regarding providing students with breakfast and

lunches (even if virtual); Comment from board member – meeting recorded and will be on  website.


Acknowledge Receipt and Acceptance of Donation

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and

acceptance of 1,000 protective masks on behalf of resident, Mao-Long Chen, for the students and staff of Pine Bush


YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Our upcoming board meetings and events should be announced Tuesday evening.

The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings –   7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.     

It is anticipated that upcoming board meeting will be “in person” with a limit of 50 people in attendance. Any changes will be posted to the district website.

                Regular Board Meetings:

                ☐           Tuesday, September 8, 2020, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School


                ☐           Tuesday, September 23, 2020, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School


                Other Meetings:                             

                ☐           Wednesday, September 2, 2020, 7:00 PM

                                OCSBA Delegates’ Meeting at Online Meeting


                ☐           October 5, 2020, 5:30 PM at District Office Audit Committee Mtg.


                Upcoming Events:

☐           Pine Bush HS Freshmen Orientation (Virtual) available on August 20, 2020 at 6:30 PM, visit


☐           New Teacher Orientation, Wednesday, August 26, 2020, beginning approx. 8:00 AM-3:00 PM

                Pine Bush High School Auditorium


☐    Building Walk Through, Wednesday, August 26, 2020, meet at 8:30 AM at Pine Bush HS (Tentative)


                ☐    Tuesday, September 1, 2020, First Day of School for Staff


                ☐           Friday, September 4, 2020, Opening Convocation for Staff (Tentative)

                                8:00 AM, Opening Convocation – Location TBD

                                Board members are invited to attend, if available to do so.         

                ☐    Monday, September 7, 2020, Labor Day – School Closed


                ☐    Tuesday, September 8, 2020, First Day of School for All Students (Includes Pre-K)

☐       NYSSBA Annual Education Convention 2020 – Virtual Two Week Event

The virtual convention will be held over a two-week period, October 20-22 and October 27-29, 2020. The Annual Business Meeting will be held on October 31, 2020. Please advise Debbie June or Jayna McAteer (asap) if you plan to attend. Informational materials are included in your packet and can also be found on

Old/New Business:

Discussion ensued amongst board to include the following: How long will PPE supplies last (masks, hand sanitizer, wipes etc., district has been stock piling for many months); What services for virtual students can we provide?? (therapy – school psychologist/counselors); Substitute teachers – how many willing to help?? (Reaching out to local colleges for additional subs, including SUNY New Paltz); Comment – we all need to be there to help each other; Comment – all are affected, social and emotional well being is affected.


Legislative liaison Dori Johnson mentioned at an upcoming meeting the board will need to review NYSSBA issues and provide support.


Comment from Superintendent read by Board President:

President Meier expressed the following comment from Superintendent Mains noting the district has tripled its band width to deal with the pandemic. This is to improve the ability to deliver instruction in real time in a synchronized learning situation to support working to achieve that infrastructure to support live streaming from every classroom, if need be.


Business & Finance

Claims Auditor’s Reports

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and

acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

☐       Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0006 dated 07/23/20, payroll, authorizing payments in

            the amount of $ 233,346.75

            Trust & Agency Acct (4 checks 004190-004193)                                    $                  233,346.75


                                                                                                                            Total       $                 233,346.75


☐           Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0007 dated 7/23/20 check run, authorizing

          payments in the amount of $ 596,094.94

               Cafeteria Fund (108 checks 005219-005326)                                      $                       6,528.70         

               HS Activity Fund (3 checks 004315-004317)                                                                     250.00

                Trust & Agency Acct. (0 checks)                                                                                      2,564.77

               General Fund (27 checks 064283-064309)                                                                586,751.47


                                                                                                                            Total        $             596,094.94


☐           Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0008 dated 7/30/20 check run, authorizing

          payments in the amount of $ 1,182,612.84

               Cafeteria Fund (41 checks 005327-005367)                                          $                      1,693.88

              Federal Fund Acct.(2 checks 002529-002530)                                                            43,352.00

               Capital Fund (1 check 001820)                                                                                           9,046.00

               General Fund (75 checks 064310-064384)                                                            1,128,520.96

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total            $        1,182,612.84


☐           Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0009 dated 8/05/20 check run, authorizing

          payments in the amount of $233,788.19

               Cafeteria Fund (1 checks 005368)                                                               $                       113.28

                Trust & Agency Acct. (0 checks)                                                                                    11,226.33

              Federal Fund Acct. (1 check 002531)                                                                                   225.00                         

               General Fund (57 checks 064386-064442)                                                                222,223.58

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total                $        233,788.19

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Approval of 2020-2021 Tax Warrant 

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education approve the adoption the

following resolution, authorizing the 2020-2021 School Tax Warrant:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pine Bush Central School District Board of Education authorize the 2020-2021 School Tax Warrant in the amount of $ 61,604,219 and, further, that the Warrant be attached to the tax list. The 2020-2021 School Tax Warrant shall be issued for the period September 1, 2020 through November 3, 2020.

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call

C.Robertson       Yes         R. Tompkins       Yes

K. Kheiralla         Yes         M. Watkins         Yes

K Graessle           Yes         G. Meier               Yes

D. Johnson          Yes


Approval of Bid Award                 

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education award the bid for a

new modular, self-contained Walk In Cooler/Freezer to the following bidder, noting bids were opened on August

3, 2020:

Mountain Restaurant Supply                     $59,473.75

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Public Participation

The second public participation segment was open at approx. 8:34 PM requesting no personal references. No

 comments/questions/concerns were raised


Consideration of Executive Session

Hearing no matters for executive session, President Meier asked for a motion to adjourn.



MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting, noting the time at approx. 8:35 PM.

YES – 7     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


   Note: BOARD MEETINGS are video live recorded and                  Deborah A June (electronically signed/daj)

   can be viewed at                                  Deborah A. June, District Clerk Pine Bush CSD

(Disclosure: Minutes with be printed on numbered minute paper and placed in the district minute books).


Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
This website is maintained by Public Information Specialist Linda Smith. It is the goal of the Pine Bush Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. View our accessibility statement. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2025. All rights reserved.