Board of Education Agenda and Consent Agenda – June 26, 2018



Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Circleville Middle School


Tim 0.Mains, Superintendent of Schools

Donna Geidel, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction

Michael Pacella,  Assistant Superintendent for Business

Board of Education

Peter Agro, President

Dori Johnson, Vice President

Lloyd Greer, Jr.

Kristi Kheiralla

Gretchen Meier

Cara Robertson

Roseanne Sullivan

PUBLIC NOTICE: Trustee Lloyd Greer, Jr. will be attending this meeting via video conferencing from 110 Indian Walk, Lowell, NC 28098. The public has the right to attend the board meeting from either location.

Vision Statement

We empower students to dream big, think globally, value diversity and achieve personal success.

Mission Statement

The Pine Bush Central School District will provide real world, state-of-the-art, innovative educational strategies that prepare our students for higher education and career pathways. Each student will be prepared to become a contributing member in an ever-changing world.

Consideration of Executive Session 6:15 p.m.

Recognition/Regular Session 6:45/7 p.m.


I.  Call to Order

Consideration of Executive Session 6:15 p.m.

Discussion re: Particular Personnel Matter

Anticipate Reconvening • Recognition / Regular Session 6:45/7 p.m.

II.   Student Recognition

Ill.      Approval of Minutes

IV.    Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

I.     Consent Agenda

2.       Approval of Settlement Agreements

3.       CSE & CPSE Placement Recommendations

4.        Donation: Acknowledge Receipt and Acceptance

Public Participation

5.     Appointment of Impartial Hearing Officer (IHO}

6.     Designation & Disposition of Library  Books / Equipment

7.     Approval of Overnight Trip Requests

8.      Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business I Update

V.       Business & Finance

I.       Claim Auditor’s Reports

2.       Approval·2018-2019 School Food Service Budget

3.       Annual Approval of Audit Committee Charter

4.       Acknowledge Receipt and Acceptance of the Internal Auditors’ 2017 2018 Internal Audit Risk Assessment Report and District Response

5.    Board Approval of Community Member for Audit Committee

6.    Approval of Bid Awards Cafeteria

7.    Health & Welfare Services Contract

Public Participation

Vl  Consideration of Executive Session

VII.     Adjournment




      Consent Agenda


      Tim 0.Mains, Superintendent of Schools

      Donna Geidel, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction

      Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business

      Vision Statement

      We empower students to dream big, think globally, value diversity and achieve personal success.

      Mission Statement

      The Pine Bush Central School District will provide real world, state-of.the-art, innovative educational strategies that prepare our students for higher education and career pathways. Each student will be prepared to become a contributing member in an ever-changing world.

      Board of Education

      Peter Agro, President

      Dori Johnson, Vice President

      Lloyd Greer, Jr.

      Kristi Kheiralla

      Gretchen Meier

      Cara Robertson

      Roseanne Sullivan


      Consent Agenda

      Recommend the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:



      Board approval authorizing the creation of the following positions:

      • (2) Two  SADD Advisors  (Students Against  Destructive  Decisions)  effective  June 27, 2018,  Salary  Level 5 (appendix D), as per contract.
      • (1) Library Media Specialist Team Leader effective June 27, 2018, Salary Level 2 (appendix E),as per contract.
      • (1)  AIS Team Leader effective June 27, 2018, Salary Level 2 (appendix E), as per contract.


      Judith Peterson, resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 1.0 FTE Senior Payroll Clerk, effective at the close of business, June 28, 2019.

      Leaves of Absence

      • Mariann Bott, request for an unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 1.0 FTE Teacher (Elementary 1-3), effective  for the  period  9/4/2018 through  6/30/2019.
      • Trupti Sprowls, request for an unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 1 .0 FTE Teacher (Reading), effective for the period 9/4/2018 through 6/30/2019.


      Trupti Sprowls, be designated as a Literacy Elementary Coach, Teacher on Special Assignment, effective 9/4/2018, Salary MA, Step 15.

      Mariann Bott, be designated as an Elementary STEAM Coach, Teacher on Special Assignment, effective 9/4/2018, Salary at  MA, Step 26.

      Brian Heller, who holds a Professional certificate in Students with Disabilities, be appointed to the position as a 1.0 FTE Permanent Substitute in the Special Education tenure area for the period of 9/4/2018 and ending 6/30/2019, Salary at MA, Step 2.

      Kaitlyn Sternemann who holds a Pending certificate in Early Childhood Birth-2, be appointed to the probationary position as a 1.0 FTE Pre-K Teacher in the Elementary tenure area, for a/our year probationary period commencing September 4, 2018 and ending September 3, 2022. Salary at BA, Step 2 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Kaitlyn Sternemann must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.

      Lisa Quick who holds a Permanent certificate in Pre-K, K, Gr. 1-6,Gr. 1-6, be appointed to the probationary position as a 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher in the Elementary tenure area, for a three-year probationary period commencing September 4, 2018 and ending September 3, 2021. Her assignment for the 201 8-19 school year will be as a District Literacy Coach. Salary at MA, Step 12. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered/or tenure, Lisa Quick must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in two of the three probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the third year/receiving Jarema Credit.

      Melissa Bertuccio who holds a Provisional certificate in School Psychologist, be appointed on probation to the position of School Psychologist  in the tenure area of School Psychologist for a four-year probationary  period commencing September 4, 2018 and ending September 3, 2022, salary for the 2018-2019 school year will be MA30, Step I.

      Sarah Garrison who holds a Professional certificate in Childhood Education 1-6, be appointed to the probationary position as a 1.0 FTE Elementary Teacher in the Elementary tenure area, for a four-year probationary period commencing September 4, 2018 and ending September 3, 2022. Salary at MA, Step l of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order lo be considered/or tenure, Sarah Garrison must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective  in the fourth  year.

      David Miele who holds a Pending certificate in ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages), be appointed to the probationary position as a t .0 FTE ESOL Teacher in the English as a Second Language tenure area, for a four-year probationary period commencing September 4, 2018 and ending September 3, 2022. Salary at MA, Step 1 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, lo the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, David Miele must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.

      Courtney Lucek, who holds an Initial certificate in ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages),be appointed to the probationary position as a 1.0 FTE ESOLTeacher in the English as a Second Language tenure area, for a four-year probationary period commencing September 4, 2018 and end ing September 3, 2022. Salary at MA, Step I of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Courtney Lucek must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective  in the fourth year.


      Jennifer  Byrne,   probationary  appointment  as a full-time  12 month/year Typist, effective July 2, 2018 under the Terms and Conditions of the Civil  Service Employees/Central  Administration,  salary  for the  2018-2019 school year at $33,900, noting she is certified for such appointment through the Orange County Department of Human  Resources.

      Per  Diem Substitutes

      Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes effective September 4, 20 I 8 (or as indicated) at board approved per diem substitutes rates:

      Gabriella Amelio

      Kathryn Bull (effective June 27, 2018)

      Pam lrber

      Debra Murphy

      Karen Pass

      Alyssa Rosanelli

      Shari Sysol-Alongi

      Dolores Trivolis


      Extended School Year Services / Special Education

      Board approval for the additional temporary appointment of the following individuals as per diem, hourly instructional and non-instructional staff members for the 201 8 Extended School Year Services effective for the period July 2, 2018 through August 9, 2018 (Monday through Thursday) at contract hourly wages as follows, noting appointments are contingent upon student enrollment:

      Substitute Teaching Assistants

      Tammy Weeden – up to 15 hours/week

      Elizabeth Dingee – up to 15 hours/week

      Beverley Brownsell – up to 15 hours/week

      Arlene Cooper – up to 15 hours/week

      Lisa Heckman – up to 15 hours/week

      Linda Westerfield – up to 15 hours/week

      Elementary – Summer School Program

      Board approval for the temporary appointment of the following instructional staff members as tutors for the Elementary School Summer School Program, effective for the July 2, 2018 through July 26, 2018, Monday through Thursday, at the rate of $35/hour for a maximum of 3 hours per day, 4 days/week:

      Darcy Kocis  –  Instructional Technologist

      Middle – Summer School Program

      Board approval for the temporary appointment of the following instructional staff members as tutors for the Middle School Summer School Program, effective for the July 2, 2018 through July 26, 2018, Monday through Thursday, at the rate of $35/hour for a maximum of 3 hours per day, 4 days/week:

      Alexis Grable  –  Math 8

      Special Education – 2018 Summer CSE/CPSE meetings

      Board approval for the temporary appointment of the following individuals as per diem, hourly instructional staff members for the 2018 Summer CSE/CPSE meetings (on an as needed basis), effective for the period July 1, 2018 through August 31, 2018 (Mondays through Thursdays) at contract hourly wages as follows:

      Special   Education Teachers

      Melissa Boniface

      Laura Bronson

      Mike Caro

      Lauren Casamento

      Jennifer Gray

      Colleen Hasbrouck

      Charna Jordan

      Tara Klink

      Laura Lisberg

      Alison Montaperto

      Nicole Porter

      Daniele Raccio

      Arlene Santaniello

      Stephanie Singleton

      Janice Sweet

      Kelly Thomas

      General   Education Teachers

      Lisa Andryshak

      Alexa Balkissoon

      Donna Boncek

      Mariann Bott

      Stacey Brown

      Joanie Chichon

      Susan Corcoran

      Helen Fitzgibbons

      Derrick Frost

      Bethany Ganley

      Keri Giuliano

      Kim Godduhn

      Guerita Harlow

      Dina Kania

      Claire Licata

      Holly Shader

      Diane Trad

      Tara Tuttle

      Patricia VanLeuven

      Kim White

      School Psychologists

      Terri Hatfield

      Paul Hutter

      Sandra Mullarkey

      Katie Viola

      Erica Walentin

      Speech Therapists:

      Pat Fairchild

      Nicole Santillo

       Remedial After School Program – Regents Boot Camp

      Board approval for the temporary appointment of the following instructional staff for 2.0 hours/day, Monday – Thursday (9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a..m), for Regents Boot Camp at Pine Bush

      High School during the August 2018 summer session, effective August 6, 2018 through August 15, 2018, salary at the rate of $35/hour:

      Pine Bush High School

      Judie Flint – English

      Neil Lisberg – US History

      Patricia Hoehmann – Common Core Algebra

      Bill Smith – Global Studies

      Allison Chastain – Earth Science

      Erin Toomey/Karen Wright – Geometry (Alternate: Michael Ciarelli)

      Night Tutorial Program

      Board approval for the appointment of the following instructional staff members as tutors for the Night Tutorial Program at the Pine Bush High School for the 2018-2019 school year, Monday through Thursday, at the rate of $35/hour: Following staff assigned  lo work as needed:

      Mandi Beaver

      Renae Bray

      Judith Flint

      Julie  Medina

      Lee Ann Noonan

      Julie Palinkas

      Robert Pawson

      Erin Toomey

      Summer Middle School Human Rights Academy

      Board approval for the temporary appointment of the following individual as a Leader for the Summer Middle School Human Rights Academy, effective for the period effective July 16, 2018 through July 19, 2018, salary at $1,500.

      John Tobin

      Board approval for the temporary appointment  of the following individuals as teachers for the Summer Middle Sc/100/ Human Rights Academy, effective for the period effective July 16, 2018 through July 19, 2018 at a rate of $35.00/hour, maximum of 34 hours:

      Shawn Powell, CVMS

      Alexa  Balkissoon,  CVMS

      Heather Hennessey, Crispell

      Kathryn Green, Crispell

      Co-Curricular Elementary

      Board approval to amend the following co-curricular appointments for the 2018-2019 school year at the appropriate co-curricular stipends (note: this change is due to the new teachers contract reflecting a change in levels):

      Pakanasink Elementary School 

      Lisa Andryshak  – Grade Level  Leader (Kindergarten) @ Level Va, Step 1 (2)
      Suzanne Newton  – Grade Level  Leader (First Grade)  @ Level Va, Step 7 (7) 
      Kimberly White   – Grade Level Leader (Second Grade) @ Level Va, Step 7 (8)
      Barbara Bergin  – Grade Level Leader (Third Grade) @ Level Va, Step 7 (7) 
      Lisa Grainger  – Grade Level Leader (Fourth Grade) @ Level Va, Step 3 (4)
      Kerri Dec  – Grade Level  Leader (Grade 5) @ Level Va, Step 1 (2)
      Jennifer Fitzgerald – Special Education Team Leader @ Level II, Step 10 (17)

      Pine Bush Elementary School                                                           

      Susan Johnson – Grade Level Leader (Kindergarten) @ Level Va, Step 1 (1)
      Teresa Salvato  –  Grade Level Leader (First Grade) @ Level Va,  Step 5 (5)
      Amy Green – Grade Level Leader (Second Grade) @ Level Va,  Step 7 (9)
      Jacqueline Giebler – Grade Level Leader (Third Grade) @ Level Va,  Step 5 (6)
      Bryan Hyland  – Grade Level Leader (Fourth Grade) @ Level Va,  Step 3 (3)
      Shani Luccketti  – Grade Level Leader (Fifth Grade) @ Level Va,  Step 5 (6)
      Lynda Rogers-Seeley – Special Education Team Leader @ Level II, Step 10 (10)

      E. J. Russell Elementary School:    

      Laura McGrail  – Grade Level  Leader (Kindergarten) @ Level Va, Step 5 (6)
      Stacey Brown  – Grade Level  Leader (First Grade) @ Level Va, Step 10 (10)
      Kim Godduhn  – Grade Level  Leader (Second Grade) @ Level Va, Step 5 (6) 
      Sarah Levato  – Grade Level Leader (Third Grade) @ Level Va, Step 1 (1)
      Patricia VanLeuven  – Grade Level Leader (Fourth Grade) @ Level Va, Step 7 (9)
      Cheryl Riccardi  – Grade Level Leader (Fifth Grade) @ Level Va, Step 5 (6)
      Sheryl  Mamenko – Special Education Team Leader @ Level II, Step 10 (25)

      Circleville  Elementary School:     

      Denise Hansen – Grade Level  Leader (Kindergarten) @ Level Va, Step 10  (10)
      Beverly Ann Feuerstack – Grade Level  Leader (First Grade) @ Level Va, Step 3 (3)
      Karen Negron – Grade Level  Leader (Second Grade) @ Level Va, Step 3 (3)
      Rosemarie Lindsay – Grade Level Leader (Third Grade) @ Level Va, Step 5(5)
      Margaret Przybocki  – Grade Level Leader (Fourth Grade) @ Level Va, Step 7 (7)
      Andrea Urmston – Grade Level Leader (Fifth Grade) @ Level Va, Step 7 (8)
      Heather Walmers  – Special Education Co-Team Leader @ Level II, Step 5 (5)
      Jaclyn Nespoli  – Special Education Co-Team Leader @ Level II, Step 5 (6)


      Catherine Aller – English as a New Language (ENL) Team Leader @ Level 5A, Step 3 (4)

      Chris Lawla – Speech Co-Team Leader @ Level II, Step 7(7)

      Allison Webster – Speech Co-Team Leader @ Level II, Step 7(7)

      Board approval of the following co-curricular appointments for the 2018-2019 school year at the appropriate co-curricular stipends:

      Lisa Metz –   Library Media Specialist Co-Team  Leader @ Level II, Step 1(1)

      Lisa Ruyack   –  Library  Medin  Specialist Co-Team Lender @ Level II,Step 1 (1)

      Kathy Genco – AIS Team Leader @ Level II,Step 1 (1)


      Board approval of the following co-curricular appointment for the 2018-2019 school year at the appropriate extra-curricular  stipend:

      Coordinator for Odyssey of the Mind for the 2018-19 school year, stipend as per contract :
      Lori Stapleton –  Odyssey of the Mind


      Board approval of the following school personnel for supervision duties in connection with fall, winter, and spring sporting events during the 2018-2019 school year, salary as per contract:

      Derrick Frost

      Bernadette Tymczszyn


      Board approval of the following interscholastic fall coaching appointments for the 2018-2019 school year at the appropriate interscholastic stipends:


      Michael Reineke**  – Assistant Varsity Coach @ Level II,Step 1 (2)

      ••Pending completion of coaching requirements/coaching  license.

      Pine Bush Central School District
      State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
      Phone: (845) 744-2031
      Fax: (845) 744-6189
      Amy Brockner
      Interim Superintendent of Schools
      This website is maintained by Public Information Specialist Linda Smith. It is the goal of the Pine Bush Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. View our accessibility statement. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.