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Jan. 4, 2022 Agenda

Tuesday, January 4, 2022, Pine Bush High School

Consideration of Executive Session 6:30 p.m.

Anticipate Reconvening Regular Session 7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

Consideration of Executive Session 6:30 p.m.

Discussion re: Personnel Matters

Anticipate Reconvening Regular Session 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance


II. Approval of Minutes


III. Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

1. Consent Agenda

2. CSE and CPSE Placement Recommendations

3. Approval of Policy 3420, Policy 5676, Policy 6120, and Policy 6121 for Second Reading and Adoption

4. Designation/Disposition of Surplus Equipment

***** PUBLIC COMMENT *****

5. Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates


IV. Business & Finance

1. Claims Auditor’s Reports

2. District Treasurer’s Reports

3. Approval of 2021-2022 Health Service Rates

4. Approval / Establishment of Non-Resident Tuition Rates

5. Budget Transfer Report

6. Approval of Change Orders for 2019 Capital Improvement Project (Phase II)

7.  Approval of services from Orange Ulster BOCES to assist in Superintendent Search    


V. Consideration of Executive Session


VI. Adjournment


MEMORANDUM Accompanying Board Agenda – January 4, 2022


I. Call to Order 6:30 p.m.

Consideration of Executive Session 6:30 p.m.

Discussion re: 

  • Anticipate Reconvening Regular Session 7:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance


II. Approval of Minutes

The Board of Education will be asked to approve the minutes from the December 14, 2021 Regular Board Meeting/Public Hearing on Smart Schools and the December 31, 2021  minutes from Special Meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.


III. Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools

1. Consent Agenda

Recommend the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools: ON WEBSITE

2. CSE and CPSE Placement Recommendation

Recommend the Board of Education acknowledged receipt and acceptance of the Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education placement recommendations as submitted by the CSE & CPSE Chairpersons, and reviewed by Trustee Watkins.

3. Approval of Policy 3420, Policy 5676, Policy 6120, and Policy 6121 for Second Reading and Adoption

Recommend the Board of Education approve the below listed policies for second reading and adoption:

  • Policy 3420: Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District
  • Policy 5676: Privacy and Security for Student Data and Teacher and Principal Data
  • Policy 6120: Equal Opportunity
  • Policy 6121: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

4. Designation / Disposition of Surplus Equipment

  • Recommend the Board of Education designate and approve the disposition of the surplus equipment:
    Surplus Equipment as submitted at the request of James Licardi, Director of Facilities III, as outdated and/or unusable equipment in accordance with Policy #5250 SUBJECT: Disposition of Surplus Property, and authorizes the disposition of the equipment as submitted under the direction of Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business.
  • Recommend the Board of Education designate and approve the disposition of the surplus equipment:
    Surplus Equipment as submitted at the request of John Hicks, Director of Educational Technology, as outdated, not working and/or unusable equipment in accordance with Policy #5250 SUBJECT: Disposition of Surplus Property, and authorizes the disposition of the equipment as submitted under the direction of Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business.

***** Public Comment *****

5. Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Upcoming board meetings and events will be announced Tuesday evening:

The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Regular Board Meetings:

  • Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School
  • Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School
  • Tuesday, February 15, 2022, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School

Other Important Dates

  • Monday, January 17, 2022, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — School Closed


IV. Business & Finance

1. Claim Auditor’s Reports

Recommend the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # V034 , transactions created from Voided Checks

  • Trust & Agency Acct PR Transactions – 7,642.77

Total Voids $ – 7,642.77


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0037 dated 12/10/2021 Payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 835,888.64

  • PR Transactions (5checks 004457-004461) $ 835,888.64

Total $ 835,888.64


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0038 dated 12/10/2021 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 2,417,832.58

  • Cafeteria Fund (4 checks 005776-005779) $ 3,512.94
  • Crispell SAF (1 check 002360) 62.75
  • HS Activity Fund (1 check 004393) 186.00
  • Federal Fund Acct (4 checks 002670-002673) 19,227.60
  • General Fund (91 checks 070333-070423) 2,388,753.29
  • Custodial Account (1 check 005762) ___6,090.00

Total $ 2,417,832.58


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0039 dated 12/14/2021 medicare reimbursement authorizing payments in the amount of $ 209,931.78

  • General Fund (392 checks 070424-070815) $ 209,931.78

Total $ 209,931.78


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0040 dated 12/17/2021 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 508,034.29

  • Cafeteria Fund (10 checks 005780-005789) $ 71,307.57
  • HS Activity Fund (2 checks 004394-004395) 5,452.00
  • Federal Fund Acct (1 check 002674) 1,075.08
  • General Fund (54 checks 070822-070875) 430,163.05
  • Custodial Account (1 check 005763) 36.59

Total $ 508,034.29


2. District Treasurer’s Reports

Recommend the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following District Treasurer’s Reports for the period November 1, 2021 through November 30, 2021

General Fund Reports:

  • Monthly Treasurer’s Reports / Transfers
  • Budget Status


Monthly Treasurer’s Reports / Budget Status for:

  • School Lunch Fund
  • Capital Fund
  • Federal Fund

Monthly Treasurer’s Reports for:

  • Trust & Agency Fund
  • District-wide Activity Fund
  • Student Activity Funds for: Pine Bush High School,
  • Circleville Middle School and Crispell Middle School
  • Expendable Trust Fund (Scholarships)
  • Academy of Finance
  • Human Services Academy
  • Debt Service
  • Cash Flow


3. Approval of 2021-2022 Health Service Rates

Recommend the Board of Education approve the following resolution covering the 2021-2022 Health Services Rates to be billed for students attending Chapel Field.

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Pine Bush Central School District establish a rate of $1,113.08 per pupil for the 2021-2022 school year for health and welfare services provided for non-resident pupils attending non-public schools in the Pine Bush Central School District.


4. Approval / Establishment of Non-Resident Tuition Rates

Recommend Board of Education approve the following estimated rates for the 2021-2022 school year (the 2020-2021 and 2019-2020 actual rates are also noted for comparison):

                                             Estimated                     Actual                    Actual

                                            2021-2022               2020-2021               2019-2020

Regular Education
Grade K-6                       $10,322                        $9,858                       $7,182
Grade 7-12                      $ 9,136                         $8,943                       $6,223

Special Education

Grade K-6                         $33,498                      $29,138                     $24,777
Grade 7-12                        $32,312                       $28,223                     $23,818


5. Budget Transfers

Recommend the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the budget transfer report for the period of 7/1/2021 through 12/31/2021 as submitted, as per policy #5330.


6. Approval of Change Orders for 2019 Capital Improvement Project (Phase II)

Recommend the Board of Education approve the following change orders for the 2019 Capital Improvement Project- Phase II CPL and the Pike Company, the District’s Architect and Construction Manager for the above project, recommend the Board of Education to approve the following Change Orders. All to be financed through the Construction Contingency.

*Further information is attached to this memo

No.                    Description                             Contractor                              Increase Cost

Pine Bush High School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-007-027

Room 13          Pipe Insulation                     Plumbing                                 $ 1,638.63
Girls Locker Room Roof Drain                  Plumbing                                 $ 2,278.36
*Fitness Center/AD Office Layout Change General                           $ 13,099.26
*Locker Rooms 110/111 plumbing Demolition General                      $ 22,033.34
Team Room Entrance Ceiling                    General                                    $ 2,898.28
Boys & Girls Single Stall Bathroom Tile Removal General               $ 2,762.20
Girls Locker 111 Wall Furring                      General                                    $ 4,029.46
Shower 004A and Toilet 004B Ceilings General                                $ 5,378.01
Bathroom 001 Ceiling Demo/Drop Ceiling Add General                 $ 2,640.62
Locker Room 110 & 111 Soffits           General                               $ 2,051.37
Pool Pump Modification per DOH               HVAC                                    $ 8,731.95
Fitness Center –Additional Roof Duct Exterior Insulation HVAC  $ 7,016.97
Haas Center – New Air Drops                       HVAC                                      $ 5,891.38
Haas Center – Dust Collector System Work HVAC                              $ 6,570.99
Water Softener Rm Fixtures & IB -03 Re-Wiring Electrical $ 4,157.00
Haas Center – Metal & Wood Shop EPOs Electrical               $ 6,966.00
Building Total $ 98,143.82


Pakanasink Elementary School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-012-0015

*Locker Room Branch Circuits Re-Feed                  Electrical                  $ 10,934.00
Replace Leaking Ball Valve in Lobby                         HVAC                          $ 2,428.10

Building Total $ 13,362.10


Circleville Middle School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-014-015

Boiler Pump Wiring & 2”Conduit in Parking Lot Electrical              $ 1,416.00

Building Total $ 1,416.00


Circleville Elementary School SED No: 44-04-01-06-0-009-016

Oil Pump Controller Voltage Change                             Electrical                 $ 1,319.00
Add Switches at Entry and Replace Light Pole         Electrical                $ 1,822.00
Lobby Sheetrock and Painting of Existing Wall Tile General                 $ 3,665.05

Building Total $ 6,806.05

Total Change Orders covered by Construction Contingency $119,727.97


7.  Approval of services from Orange Ulster BOCES to assist in Superintendent Search                        

Recommend the Board of Education approve the following resolution:  

RESOLVED, that the District engages the services of William J. Hecht, Chief Operating Officer of Orange-Ulster BOCES, to provide assistance to the Pine Bush Central School District’s Board of Education in their search for a Superintendent of Schools at no cost to the District for such services.  The Pine Bush Central School District shall be responsible for expenses of the search, such as printing, postage, advertisements etc. The Pine Bush Central School District shall hold William J. Hecht and the Orange-Ulster Board of Cooperative Educational Services harmless for any actions, proceedings or other legal matters that might arise from the services provided to the District related to the search.


V. Consideration of Executive Session


VI. Adjournment

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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