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July 30, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Pine Bush Board of Education – July 30, 2019


District Office                                  


Members Present

  • Gretchen Meier, President
  • Cara Robertson, Vice President
  • Kristin Graessle       
  • Dori Johnson
  • Kristi Kheiralla                                                                                 
  • Ross Tompkins
  • Matthew Watkins (in attendance for first executive session only)


Members Absent:

  • Matthew Watkins (regular session/second executive session absent)


Others Present

  • Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools 
  • Donna Geidel, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction                                                              
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business              
  • Deborah June, District Clerk
  • Approximately 26 residents/students/staff members


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Gretchen Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Graessle, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 4:15 PM

YES – 6           NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED (M.Watkins joined after motion)


Consideration of Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session at approximately 4:16 PM regarding Superintendent’s Evaluation.

YES – 6           NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Adjourn Executive Session and Return to Regular session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn from executive session and return to public session at approximately 5:12 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED (M.Watkins left exec.session prior to motion)


Public Session Resumes

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education resume public session at approximately 5:13 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

President Gretchen Meier welcomed those in attendance and requested all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, following continuation of the regular meeting, noting the time at approx. 5:13 PM.


Board Authorizes Revision to Agenda

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education authorize a revision to the agenda under Business and Finance to include the following- Board Resolution Type II NYS Environmental Quality Review Act and Sale and Disposal of Personal Property.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Approval of Minutes

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the July 11, 2019 meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent

Consent Agenda

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approve the following Consent Agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:

The consent agenda included the appointment of the following new personnel:

  • Kimberly Canaperi – Special Education Teacher
  • Robin Renahan – Library Media Specialist
  • Kelly Nober – Behavioral Specialist
  • Leanna Ponsolle – Special Education Teacher
  • Anthony DiMarco – Physical Education
  • Brandon Johanson – Physical Education Teacher
  • Lauren Toper – Special Education Teacher
  • Deanna Feuerbach – Music Teacher
  • Ashley Michelitch – English Teacher
  • Taylor Mann – Physical Education Teacher
  • Erin Poole – Social Worker
  • Karen Lisa – School Psychologist


Creations /Abolishments

Board authorization for abolishment of the following position:


  • (1) One 7.0 hours/day Food Service Worker, effective 7/31/2019.


Board authorization for creation of the following positions:


  • (1) One Full-time, 12 month, 1.0 FTE Assistant Director of Facilities III position, effective July 31, 2019, salary as per contract.



  • (2) Two 6.75 hours/day Teaching Assistant positions, effective September 3, 2019, salary as per contract (K-2 Castle program).



  •  (3) Three 6.5 hours/day School Monitor positions, effective September 3, 2019, salary as per contract (Current need at CVMS (2) and CES)
  • (1) One 6.0 hours/day School Monitor position, effective September 3, 2019, salary as per contract (Current need at CVMS).
  • (1) One 7.0 hours/day Assistant Cook position, effective September 3, 2019, salary as per contract.




  • Erin Bradley-Petersen, resignation from her position as a 1.00 FTE Social Worker, effective at the close of business on July 16, 2019.



  • Jocelyn Siegel, resignation from her position as a 1.0 FTE Typist-12 Month, effective at the close of business August 15, 2019.
  • Donna Stuber resignation from her position as a  3.0 hours/day School Monitor, effective at the close of business July 18, 2019.


Leave of Absence

  • Jessica  Herb, request for unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 1.0 FTE  Teacher- Elementary 4 6, effective September 3, 2019 through June 30, 2020, to be designated as Teacher on Special Assignment – Elementary Educational Technology Specialist 



  • Jessica Herb, be designated as a Teacher on Special Assignment, Elementary Educational Technology Specialist, effective September 3, 2019.  Salary for the 2019-2020 school year will be MA Step 12 of the salary schedule.
  • Kimberly Canaperi who holds a Pending certificate in Students with Disabilities 7 -12 Generalist, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher- Secondary in the tenure area of Special Education (General) for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary at BA, step 4 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Kimberly Canaperi must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Robin Renahan who holds an Initial certificate in Library Media Specialist, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE School Library Media Specialist in the tenure area of School Media Specialist (Library) for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary MA, Step 3 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Robin Renahan must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Anthony DiMarco who holds an Initial Time Extension certificate in Physical Education, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Elementary in the tenure area of Physical Education and Recreation, for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary MA, Step 3 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Anthony DiMarco must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Leanna Ponsolle who holds a Professional certificate in Students with Disabilities 1-6, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Special Education in the tenure area of Special Education (General), for a three year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and  ending September 2, 2022.  Salary at MA30, Step 6 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Leanna Ponsolle must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in two of the three probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the third year/Receiving Jarema Credit for prior service.
  • Brandon Johanson, who holds an Initial certificate in Physical Education , be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher- Secondary in the tenure area of Physical Education and Recreation at  the Pine Bush High School for a four year probationary period commencing September 03, 2019 and ending September 02, 2023.  Salary MA, Step3 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Brandon Johanson must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Lauren Toper, who holds an Initial Time Extension certificate in Students with Disabilities B-2 and Students with Disabilities Gr. 1-6, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Special Education in the tenure area of Special Education (General), for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary MA, Step 3 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Lauren Toper must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Deanna Feuerbach, who holds a Pending certificate in Music, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Secondary in the tenure area of Music, for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary at BA, Step 1 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Deanna Feuerbach must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Ashley Michelitch, who holds an Initial certificate in English 7-12, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher-Secondary in the tenure area of English, for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary at MA, Step 2 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Ashley Michelitch must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Taylor Mann, who holds a Pending certificate in Physical Education, be appointed to the position of 1.0 FTE Permanent Substitute in the Physical Education and Recreation tenure area, for the period of September 3, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020.  Salary Level BA, Step 1 of the salary schedule.   
  • Erin Poole, who holds a Provisional Certificate in Social Worker, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Social Worker in the tenure area of School Social Worker, for a four year probationary period commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary at MA30, Step 7 of the salary schedule. Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Erin Poole, must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Karen Lisa, who holds a Permanent Certificate in School Psychologist, be appointed to the position of 1.0 FTE Permanent Substitute in the School Psychologist tenure area, for the period of September 3, 2019 and ending June 30, 2020.  Salary Level MA30, Step 5 of the salary schedule.     
  • Kelly Nober, who holds a NYSED Registration Certificate Licensed Behavioral Analyst, be appointed provisionally as a full-time, 10 month Behavioral Analyst, commencing September 3, 2019 and ending September 2, 2023.  Salary at MA, Step 7 of the salary schedule, noting that this provisional appointment is certified through the Orange County Department of Human Resources.



Board approval of the following appointments for the 2019-2020 school year, effective September 3, 2019 at the appropriate extra-curricular stipend:

Pine Bush HS

  • Andrea Saylor, Mock Trial Advisor, Level IV, Step 1 (1)


Pakanasink Elementary

  • Terri Hatfield, Engineering Adventures Co-Advisor, Level V, Step 3(3)
  • Rebecca Patel, Engineering Adventures Co-Advisor, Level V, Step 3(3)  
  • Jessica Torres, Art Club Advisor, Level V, Step 1 (1)



Board approval of the following co-curricular appointments for the 2019-2020 school year, effective September 3, 2019 at the appropriate co-curricular stipend:

Team Leaders Position

  • Megan Fitzgerald, School Counseling Team Leader 9-12 @ Level 1, Step 1 (1)


Department Chairperson

Board approval to amend the appointment of the following individual as a Department Co-Chairperson for  the 2019- 2020 school year, at the appropriate co-curricular stipend, noting correction of first name:

  • Patrick Reiser, Technology/Home& Careers Co-Chairperson @ Level I, Step 1 (1)



Board approval of the following interscholastic fall coaching appointments for the 2019-2020 school year at the appropriate interscholastic stipends:


  • Brandon Johanson,* Junior Varsity Coach @ Level II, Step 1 (1)
  • Andrew Rogan,* Junior Varsity Coach @ Level II, Step 1 (1)

Boys Soccer:

  • Taylor Mann,* Modified Coach @ Level III, Step 1 (1)

* Pending completion of coaching requirements/coaching license.          


Consultant Agreements

Board of Education approval of following consultant agreements as part of the consent agenda:

Board approval of the one-year Consultant Agreement for Linda LaRocco, Family Nurse Practitioner, PLLC, effective from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020 at the annual maximum amount of $26,000 as per contract, and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to sign all applicable documents.

Date: July 30, 2019


Board approval of the  one-year Consultant Agreement for Catherine Johnson, MSN, SNT,CNM, FNP-C (Family Nurse Practitioner), effective from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 at the annual maximum amount of $45,425, as per contract, and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to sign all applicable documents.

Date: July 30, 2019


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes effective September 3, 2019 at board approved per diem substitute rates:

  • Nicole Semerano

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Approval of Revised Code of Conduct

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education approve the Revised Code of Conduct as submitted, per the recommendations at the Public Hearing on July 11, 2019.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call

K. Graessle         Yes         R. Tompkins       Yes

D. Johnson          Yes         C. Robertson      Yes        

K. Kheiralla          Yes         G. Meier              Yes


Approval of CSE & CPSE Placement Recommendations

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve all IEPs of the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education as submitted by the CSE and CPSE Chairperson and reviewed by Trustee Graessle.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Board of Education Fails to Endorse Amended BOCES Resolution

Consideration of Resolution: Support of Salary for BOCES District Superintendent    (Motion Failed to Pass)

MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution endorsing the amended BOCES  resolution as submitted:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the New York State School Board Association support legislation to raise the BOCES District Superintendent’s salary cap to 98% of the current Commissioner of Education’s salary without specified increment, allowing the salary to be competitive with regional component Superintendent’s salaries.  

Date:  July 30, 2019

Yes – 3      No – 3     MOTION FAILED

Roll Call

K. Graessle         No          C. Robertson      Yes

D. Johnson          Yes         R. Tompkins       No

K. Kheiralla          Yes         G. Meier              No


Public Participation

President Meier opened the first public participation at approx. 5:31 PM requesting no personal references. No comments/questions/concerns were raised.

Approval of Student Athletic Participation/ Inter-municipal Agreement Monticello CSD

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Graessle, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution for adoption:

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby approves the Inter-Municipal Agreement with the Monticello Central School District (“Agreement”) related to a student’s (#073019)participation with the Girls Swim/Diving Team for the Fall 2019 season. 

Dated: June 30, 2019

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Approval of Standard Work Day and Reporting of Appointed Official – Internal Claims Auditor

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pine Bush CSD (Location Code 73307) hereby establishes the following as standard work days for the Internal Claims Auditor and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees Retirement System based on the time keeping system records or the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body: Internal Claims Auditor – Standard Work Day at 8 hours, (1.02 days per month*). As such, the Board approves the Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution Form attached to the minutes. 

Date: July 30, 2019

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Upcoming Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Board Meetings:


  • Tuesday, August 20, 2019, Regular Board Meeting, District Office 7:00 PM



  • Tuesday, September 10, 2019, Regular Board Meeting, Pine Bush HS, 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday, September 24, 2019, Regular Board Meeting, Circleville MS, 7:00 PM


 Other Important Dates:

Summer School Graduation:

  • August 15, 2019 at 11:00 AM in the High School Library


Mid-Hudson School Study Council (MHSSC)

Annual School Law Conference

  • August 2, 2019, 7:45 AM to 3:00 PM at Mount Saint Mary College


Other Old New Business:

  • Current Opening on OU BOCES Cooperative ;
  • District provided mass mailing regarding 2019-2020 bus routes/stops, noting changes per Transfinder route reduction, noting mailing alerts provided changes or no change (discussion ensued);
  • High Graduation and Elementary and Middle School Summer events reviewed;
  • Supt. announced NYS School Board Association honored Kristi Kheiralla and Kristen Graessle for their hours of professional development.
  • FYI provided by Superintendent, it was passed through NYS legislation authorizing the Division of Human Right as a venue where a student can file a complaint about the District and/or those in the district.


Public Participation

President Meier opened the second public participation at approx. 5:46 PM requesting no personal references. No comments/questions/concerns were raised.


Business and Finance

Authorization/Withdrawal from Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education authorize a withdrawal from the Pine Bush Central School District Tax Certiorari Reserve Fund in order to resolve the Stipulation and Order Settlement received for the following property. The settlement is for the school tax years listed below and is based on the lowering of the property assessment for each year.

Town of Wallkill

Name   School Year    S-B-L   Old Assessment    New Assessment       Refund Amt

Karan Garewal    2015-2016    3-1-104.21      $75,900   $68,900    $768.92

6 Brentwood Ct   2016-2017   3-1-104.21      $75,900  $68,900    $762.25

Mt. Kisco, NY        2017-2018   3-1-104.21      $75,900    $68,900    $783.19

10549                       2018-2019   3-1-104.21      $75,900  $68,900    $781.86

                          Total Refund       $3,096.22

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Board Approval to Substitute Revised Resolution to Amend the Energy Performance Contract

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education authorize the substitution of a revised resolution for consideration presented at the meeting on July 30, 2019 (replacing resolution on the agenda) to amend the Energy Performance Contract.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Board Approval to Amend the Energy Performance Contract /Amendment by Substitution:

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution (substituted) as submitted:


WHEREAS, subject to the approval of the New York State Education Department (“SED”), the Board of Education (“Board”) of the Pine Bush Central School District (“School District”) approved an energy performance contract/energy services agreement (“EPC” or “ESA”) between the School District and Ameresco that includes the installation of energy performance measures and energy conservation services in District Facilities (“Project”); and

WHEREAS, subsequent to the execution of the EPC, SED issued an approval of the Project which included a reduction in the amount of energy savings projected to be earned from the Project; and

WHEREAS, Ameresco has also reduced the construction costs for the Project; and

WHEREAS, the current EPC must be amended to reflect the change in the expected energy savings, the reduction in the constructions costs and other areas; and

WHEREAS, any amendment to the current EPC is also subject to the approval of the NYS Commissioner of Education.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that subject to both the approval of the Commissioner of Education, and the approval of the District’s legal counsel, the Board of Education hereby approves the Amendment to the energy performance contract (“EPC”) between the School District and Ameresco; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Assistant Superintendent for Business to execute the approved Amendment once it has been approved by the District’s legal counsel.

Date: July 30, 2019

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call

K. Graessle         Yes         R. Tompkins       Yes

D. Johnson          Yes         C. Robertson      Yes        

K. Kheiralla          Yes         G. Meier              Yes

(Explanation provided by Assistant Superintendent M.Pacella)


Board Approval of Resolution—Type II NYS Environmental Quality Review Act and Sale and Disposal of Personal Property

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of approve the following resolution (per BOE approval to add to agenda) as submitted:


Pine Bush Central School District Board Resolution

TYPE II NYS Environmental Quality Review Act and

Sale and Disposal of Personal Property

WHEREAS, the Board of Education (“Board”) of the Pine Bush Central School District (“District”) has determined and declared that the 14 year old STAR modular building, identified as a 52’ x 66’ building, 6,600 square feet hereinafter identified as “Building” and which is located at 77 Maple Avenue, Pine Bush, NY 12566, is no longer needed for school purposes, and is surplus personal property; and


                WHEREAS, the Board has authorized the disposal and/or sale of the building; and


                WHEREAS, due to the age of the building, and its limited usefulness, the District deemed it appropriate to sell and or otherwise dispose of the building in “AS IS” condition in a timely manner; and


                WHEREAS, the sale and removal of the building is a Type II action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act requiring no further action by the Board.


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education does hereby authorize the sale of the building to Mosdos Satmar of Bloomingburg, (“Buyer”) 132 Main Street, Bloomingburg NY 12721 for the nonrefundable amount of $40,000 in “AS IS” condition with no warranties and at Buyer’s sole cost to remove and transport the building; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the pursuant to the legal review and approval of a Contract of Sale of the building in “AS IS” condition, the Superintendent is authorized to execute the Contract of Sale and prepare and provide a Bill of Sale to the Buyer once the building is removed from the District property, the District property is cleaned of any associated debris and repairs are made, if any is necessary.

Date: July 30, 2019

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED

Roll Call

K. Graessle         Yes         R. Tompkins       Yes

D. Johnson          Yes         C. Robertson      Yes        

K. Kheiralla          Yes         G. Meier              Yes


Consideration of Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Graessle, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education adjourn public session to executive session / board retreat noting the time at approx. 6:00 PM.

YES – 6      NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Adjourn Executive Session and Return to Regular session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn executive session and return to regular session, noting the time at approx. 10:02 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED



MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting, noting the time at approx. 10:03 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Note: BOARD MEETINGS are video recorded and can be viewed at             

Deborah A. June, District Clerk

Pine Bush CSD

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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