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March 19, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Date: March 19, 2019

Pine Bush CSD Board of Education 

SPECIAL MEETING at Circleville Middle School


Members Present:

  • Gretchen Meier, Vice President
  • Kristin Graessle               
  • Dori Johnson
  • Kristi Kheiralla                                                                                                                 
  • Cara Robertson
  • Ross Tompkins                                 


Members Absent:

  • Lloyd Greer, President


Others Present:                               

  • Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools                                                                                 
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business                              
  • Deborah June, District Clerk
  • Approximately 15 residents/students/staff members


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:16 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Consideration of Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session at approximately 6:17 PM regarding Personnel Matter and Contractual Considerations

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson,  that the Board of Education adjourn from executive session and return to public session at approximately 7:08 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

The Board of Education resumed the meeting in regular session noting the time at approx. 7:14 PM.

Vice President Meier welcomed those in attendance and requested all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval of Minutes

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education approve the minutes of the March 5, 2019 special board meeting, as re-submitted by the District Clerk.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED  


Note for Record:

Vice President Meier stated that President Greer was out due to a medical procedure.


Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools


Capital Improvement Plan – Schools

Capital Improvement Plan – Athletics


Assistant Superintendent Michael Pacella, accompanied by Chris Ladanyi (from the Architecture Firm of Clark Patterson Lee) provided a presentation, which was modified per the request of the Board of Education, on behalf of the District’s Central Design Committee (Assistant Superintendent Mike Pacella, Jim Licardi, John Hicks Eric Winter, and Superintendent Tim Mains) for future consideration. Committee members were also in attendance. The presentations for two Capital Improvement Plans (Schools and Athletics) were reviewed.


Some of the highlights of the modified presentation included the following:

  • Original Proposal $76,700,000, Rejected 12/06/19,   603 for : 888 against
  • Base Scope $61,700,000
  • Athletic Scope $15,000,000
  • February 26th Proposal $63,799,300.  Deemed still too high by BOE.
  • Base Scope $51,961,700, 15.8% decrease.
  • Athletic Scope $11,817,600, 21.2% decease


Guidelines for New Proposal Base:  $45 – 48 mill.  Central Design Committee reworked proposal within these guidelines

  • Athletics:  $6 – 8 mill.
  • Total:   $51 – 56 mill.


March 19th Proposal $51,415,554

  • Base Scope $44,872,060 (27.3% decrease)
  • Athletic Scope $6,543,494 (56.3% decrease)


March 26th Proposal: To be determined

  • Base Scope  $??.??
  • Athletic Scope $??.??


DISTRICT-WIDE REVIEW (modified for consideration per board directive)

E. J. Russell Elementary School $5,786,574

Base Scope: $5,592,174

Athletic Scope: $194,400


Pakanasink Elementary School $5,521,795

Base Scope: $5,521,795

Athletic Scope: see Circleville MS


Pine Bush High School $17,092,277

Base Scope: $14,149,877

Athletic Scope: $2,942,400


Pine Bush Elementary School $3,544,545

Base Scope: $3,544,545

Athletic Scope: $0


Circleville Elementary School $3,896,566

Base Scope: $3,896,566

Athletic Scope: $0


Crispell Middle School $3,159,059

Base Scope: $3,144,659

Athletic Scope: $14,400


Circleville Middle School $12,414,738

Base Scope: $9,022,444

Athletic Scope: $3,392,294




Base Scope Total: $44,872,060




Athletic Scope Total: $6,543,494




Removed Scope Total: $25,284,097


The PowerPoint presentation continued with a complete review of each building illustrating the modified base scope and athletic scope, as well as REMOVED items from base scope and athletic scope. The complete presentation can be viewed on the district website.


At the conclusion of the presentation, a conversation ensued amongst the board members and administration.

The members of the committee were thanked for taking the time to cut down the costs as previously presented.  Some of the highlights of their in-depth conversation and comments at the conclusion of the presentation were pertaining to the following: 

  • Secure vestibules;
  • Base scope must pass;
  • Relocation of specific areas in the high school i.e. PE equip.;
  • Hot water heater at EJR.

It was reiterated by Assistant Supt. Pacella, that the items presently listed are items that need to be done. Supt Mains also provided an explanation as to the program advantages of keeping PE in the same  area. Conversation continued greatly specific to the tracks/fields, and consideration of  concession stand, bathroom. Also noted, EJR/mildew item will be handled in house by Operations and Maintenance.

In conclusion, the following direction was provided by the members of the Board of Education:


Athletic changes now to be included in the scope of work:

ADD a turf field at the main Stadium (current football field), noting this will NOT include refurbishment of bathrooms and concession stands. The back athletic field (behind high school) will remain unchanged.


Public Participation

Vice President opened the first public participation at approx. 8:10 PM requesting no personal references. No comments/questions/concerns were raised.


Decision Making / Adoption of Potential Capital Improvement Plans

Superintendent Mains reiterated the new changes per the direction of the Board of Education, specific to the athletic fields as noted above.  These changes will be reflected in the resolutions and propositions presented at the March 26th board meeting for approval/adoption.


Approval of Overnight Trip Request

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the overnight trip request:

Overnight trip request submitted by Lori Stapleton, Odyssey of the Mind Coordinator on behalf of five (5) Odyssey of the Mind teams to travel to SUNY Binghamton, Binghamton, NY / Vestal High School, Vestal, NY to participate in the Odyssey of the Mind State Final Tournament. Five (5) teams in district will participate: Two (2) PB high school teams, One (1) Crispell MS team, One (1) E.J. Russell Elementary team, and One (1) Pine Bush Elementary team. The trip is scheduled for Friday, March 22, 2019 through Saturday, March 23, 2019.  Thirty-five (35) students and nine (9) chaperones plan to participate, providing an approx. 1 to 4 student/chaperone.  The student cost is $142.00, noting these costs are paid by the district as this is a state competition.



O-U BOCES Board Candidates – Consideration of Nomination

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education nominate each of the following individuals to fill the three vacant seats on the Orange-Ulster Cooperative Board.

  • Joseph Byrne
  • William Boss
  • Edwin Estrada


Roll Call Vote:

K. Graessle          Yes

D. Johnson          Yes

C. Robertson      Yes

K. Kheiralla         Yes

R. Tompkins       Yes

G. Meier               Yes        


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Upcoming board meetings and events announced Tuesday evening:

The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Regular Board Meetings:

 Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School (recognition start time at 6:45 PM)

  • Student Recognition: Circleville MS Cast and Crew of Once On This Island, Jr.
  • Student Recognition: Scholar Athletes


Other Important Dates

  • Odyssey of the Mind – New State Tournament

                March 22, 2019 – Saturday, March 23, 2019, Binghamton, NY


  • Senior Citizens Dinner and Play Night

                Featuring: Newsies                                                         

                Wednesday, March 20, 2019

                Dinner begins at 5:30 PM / Play immediately following

                Please advise Debbie June or Jayna McAteer, if you plan to attend.


  • Pine Bush High School Spring Musical –Newsies

                 Fri., March 22, 2019, 7:00 PM, Sat., March 23, 2019,1:00 PM/7:00 PM


  • Prospective School Board Members Workshop

                Saturday, March 30, 2019 – 9:00 AM to Noon

                O-U BOCES Administrative Conference Rm /Admin. Bldg.

                Reservation form available at BOE meeting & District Office



  • Orange-Ulster  BOCES Budget Presentation and Dinner

                Wednesday, April 3, 2019 – 6:00 PM, Career & Technical Ed Center – Multipurpose Room

                RSVP to Debbie June or Jayna McAteer no later than March 20th, if you would like to attend/

                (Note: BOCES Reps will present their budget to Pine Bush CSD at our March 26, 2019 meeting)


Old or New Business/Updates:                

  • Petition packets are available at the District Office for anyone seeking School Board Candidacy.
  • Petition return date to the District Clerk is (no later than) Monday, April 22, 2019 at 5:00 PM.
  • Board member requested revisiting Tuition Policy for out of district students.
  • Board member commented the Empty Bowls event at high school was phenomenal.
  • Board member commented on the importance of relaying all information regarding the annual budget and capital improvement plan propositions to the community.
  • Board member requested consideration of a Facebook page (with no comments allowed). Superintendent responded, it was noted that an Acceptable Use policy would be presented to BOE for review likely in April, prior to consideration of launching a FB page.
  • Brief discussion of giveback days (leftover snow days), possibly one would be Friday before Memorial Day.


Public Participation

Vice President opened the second public participation at approx. 8:32 PM requesting no personal references. No comments/questions/concerns were raised.


Consideration of Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education adjourn regular session and return to executive session regarding board operations, noting the time at approx. 8:33 PM     

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Board Adjourns Executive Session and Returns to Regular Session

MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Johnson, that the Board of Education adjourn executive session and resume regular session, noting the time at approx. 9:56 PM           




MOVED by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting, noting the time at approx. 9:57 PM.

YES – 6     NO – 0    MOTION CARRIED


Note: BOARD MEETINGS are video recorded and  can be viewed at               

Deborah A. June, District Clerk

Pine Bush CSD

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
This website is maintained by Public Information Specialist Linda Smith. It is the goal of the Pine Bush Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. View our accessibility statement. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.