Tuesday, May 11, 2021 at Pine Bush High School
Consideration of Executive Session 6:30 p.m.
Anticipate Reconvening to Regular Session 7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order 6:45 p.m.
Consideration of Executive Session 6:45 p.m.
Discussion re: Board Communications
Anticipate Reconvening Regular Session 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II. Budget Hearing
- Presentation: School Budget Hearing – Proposed 2021-2022 School District Budget
- Questions & Answers Period on Budget / Open to Public
- Introduction of Candidates /Personal Statements
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent
1. Consent Agenda
2. CSE/CPSE Placement Recommendation
3. Board Approval of Special Education Services Contract
4. Presentation: Gene Haas Innovation Center at Pine Bush High School
***** Public Participation ******
5. Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates
V. Business & Finance
1. Claims Auditor’s Reports
2. Health & Welfare Services Contract
3. Approval of SCAR Assessment Reduction Decisions
4. District Treasurer’s Report
***** Public Participation *****
VI. Consideration of Executive Session
VII. Adjournment
MEMORANDUM Accompanying Board Agenda – May 11, 2021
I. Call to Order 6:45 p.m.
Consideration of Executive Session 6:45 p.m.
Discussion re: Board Communications
Anticipate Reconvening Regular Session 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
II. School Budget Hearing (Proposed 2021-2022 Budget and Introduction of Candidates)
Presentation: School Budget Hearing – Proposed 2021-2022 School District Budget
Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Superintendent Tim Mains will provide a PowerPoint presentation for Tuesday’s School Budget Hearing. The Proposed 2021-2022 budget materials, will also be available for the public at the meeting. Additionally, in accordance with Education Law, the Line Item Budget (including the Property Tax Report Card, School Academic
Report Cards, District’s Fiscal Accountability Summary, Salary Disclosure Notice, and Exemption Report for Taxing Jurisdictions) is available at district office and at the main office of each school.
The Line Item Budget and Property Tax Report Card can also be viewed on the district website.
Questions & Answers Period on Budget – Public Participation
Following the budget presentation, the meeting will be open for public comments/questions on the proposed budget.
Introduction of Candidates /Personal Statements
Two (2) members to the Board of Education at large for three-year terms will be elected at the Annual Budget Vote and School Board Election held on May 18, 2021. The terms of office for the two (2) seats that will be available (due to the expiration of terms of office of Kristin Graessle and Ross Tompkins as of June 30, 2021) are for three years commencing July 1, 2021 and ending June
30, 2024.
Superintendent Tim Mains will introduce the school board candidates. Each candidate will be provided with approximately three (3) minutes to present their personal statement regarding their candidacy.
Introduction of Candidates
The candidates will be introduced in the order their names will appear on the May 18, 2021 ballot as determined by the drawing that was held on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, the day following the deadline for the submission of petitions:
- Tasha T. Butler
- Marie Brevil
- Ross Tompkins
(There will be no questions addressed to the candidates)
III. Approval of Minutes
The Board of Education will be asked to approve the minutes from the April 22, 2021 regular board meeting.
IV. Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools
1. Consent Agenda
Recommend the Board of Education approve the following revised Consent Agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools: ON WEBSITE
2. CSE and CPSE Placement Recommendation
Recommend the Board of Education approve all IEPs of the Committee on Special Education and the Committee on Preschool Special Education as submitted by the CSE and CPSE Chairperson and reviewed by Trustee Robertson.
3. Board Approval of Special Education Services Contract
Recommend the Board of Education approve the Special Education Services Contract with Hawthorne Cedar Knolls Union Free School District for the 2021-2022 school year and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to sign said agreement on behalf of the District.
4. Presentation: Gene Haas Innovation Center at Pine Bush High School
Principal Aaron Hopmayer will present a PowerPoint on the Gene Haas Innovation Center at Pine Bush High School.
******* Public Participation ********
5. Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates
Our upcoming board meetings and events to be announced Tuesday evening:
The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7PM unless otherwise noted. Any changes will be posted on our District Website.
Regular Board Meetings:
- Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 7PM at Circleville Middle School
- Tuesday, June 8, 2021, 7PM at Pine Bush High School
- Tuesday, June 22, 2021, 7PM at Circleville Middle School
Other Important Information
Annual Budget Vote and Election – Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Polling Sites:
ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 1: Walker Valley Fire House
(Residents of the Towns of Gardiner and Shawangunk)
(Address: 3679 NY—52, Walker Valley, NY 12588)
ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 2: Pine Bush Fire House (Station 1)
(Residents of the Towns of Crawford and Montgomery)
(Address: 2405 NY—52, Pine Bush, NY 12566)
ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 3: Circleville Evangelical Presbyterian Church
(Residents of the Towns of Mt. Hope and Wallkill)
(Address: 890 Goshen Turnpike, Circleville, NY 10919)
ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 4: Town of Mamakating Park in Bloomingburg
(Residents of the Town of Mamakating)
(Address: 27-29 Mamakating Rd. Bloomingburg, NY 12721)
Pine Bush High School Top Thirty Recognition and Senior Awards Ceremony
The Top 30 Recognition Ceremony will be held on May 20, 2021 at 5 p.m. in the High School Auditorium.
The Senior Awards will be a Virtual Awards Presentation that will be available on the district website on the evening of May 20, 2021.
Mid-Hudson School Study Council Awards
Pine Bush Central School District is honoring three award winners recognized this year.
Congratulations to the following winners:
- Kelly Cooke – Teaching Excellence Award (last year’s nominee)
- Holly Shader – Teaching Excellence Award
- Tim Mains – Golden Apple Award for 50 years of service to public education
Due to the Pandemic, the event was cancelled and no awards were handed out at the council’s annual meeting and awards dinner.
Orange County School Board Association (OSCBA)
Mandated Training for New School Board Members in School District Governance
- Part 1 –Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 5: 30 PM
- Part 2 –Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Scheduled In person with attendees being socially distanced and masks are required. Maria Wise will register any new board members who plan to attend.
New York State School Board Assocation (NYSSBA)
Mandated Training for New School Board Members in School District Governance
- Date: June 19, 2021
- Time: 9AM – 1PM (Live virtual event)
Maria Wise will register any new board members who plan to attend
New School Board Members Training: Fiscal Oversight Fundamentals
- Date: June 11 – 12, 2021
- Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Live virtual event)
(Attendance at both dates is required to complete the Fiscal Oversight Fundamentals)
Maria Wise will register any new board members who plan to attend
Old/New Business/Updates
V. Business & Finance
1. Claim Auditor’s Reports
Recommend the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:
Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0068 dated 04/22/2021 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 1,805,437.82
- Cafeteria Fund (3 checks 005578-005580) $ 2,260.06
- CVMS Activity Fund (1 check 001669) $385.00
- General Fund (42 checks 067401-067442)$ 1,802,771.76
- District Activity Fund (1 check 005702) $21.00
Total $ 1,805,437.82
Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0069 dated 4/23/21 payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 1,040,561.40
- Trust & Agency Acct. (13 checks 004347-004359) $ 1,040,561.40
Total $ 1,040,561.40
Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0070 dated 4/27/21 coaching checks authorizing payments in the amount of $ 49,077.59
- Trust & Agency Acct. (0 checks) $ 49,077.59
Total $ 49,077.59
Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0071 dated 04/29/2021 check run authorizing payments in the amount of $ 881,732.11
- Cafeteria Fund (1 check 005581) $ 100.00
- Crispell SAF (1 check 002352) $385.00
- HS Activity Fund (1 check 004340) $385.00
- Trust & Agency Acct. (1 check 004360) $7,874.24
- Capital Fund (1 check 001874) $3,257.58
- General Fund (34 checks 067443-067476) $869,622.29
- District Activity Fund (1 check 005703) $108.00
Total $ 881,732.11
2. Health & Welfare Services Contract
Recommend the Board of Education approve the Health & Welfare Services Contract for the 2020-2021 school year with the Newburgh Enlarged City School District at a per student cost of $ 860.35.
The contract covers 3 students who are Pine Bush residents attending a non-public school within the Newburgh Enlarged City School District for a total contract cost of $2,581.05 (3 students have been verified.)
FYI: For the 2019-2020 school year, the district’s contract with Newburgh covered 3 students, at a per student cost of $865.84
3. Approval of SCAR Assessment Reduction Decisions
Recommended the Board of Education approve the following property tax refund based upon Small Claim Assessment Review (SCAR) decision authorizing reductions of the assessment:
Town of Crawford – Owner: QTip Trust, Under the Will of A. Moriano, Pine Bush, N.Y.
School Year S-B-L Old Assessment New Assessment Refund Amt
2019-2020 2-1-27.22 – $225,000.00 – $110,625.00 -$6,936.58
2020-2021 2-1-27.22 – $225,000.00 – $103,634.00 – $7,469.84
2019-2020 2-1-25.4 – $76,900.00 – $69,375.00 – $456.37
2020-2021 2-1-25.4 – $76,900.00 – $64,991.00 – $732.98
2019-2020 2-1-25.32 – $136,400.00 – $116,250.00 – $1,222.05
2020-2021 2-1-25.32 – $136,400.00 – $108,903.00 – $1,692.39
4. District Treasurer’s Report
Recommend the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following District Treasurer’s Reports for the period April 1, 2021 through April 30, 2021.
General Fund Reports:
- Monthly Treasurer’s Reports / Transfers
- Budget Status
Monthly Treasurer’s Reports / Budget Status for:
- School Lunch Fund
- Capital Fund
- Federal Fund
Monthly Treasurer’s Reports for:
- Trust &Agency Fund
- District-wide Activity Fund
- Student Activity Funds for: Pine Bush High School,
- Circleville Middle School and Crispell Middle School
- Expendable Trust Fund (Scholarships)
- Academy of Finance
- Human Services Academy
- Debt Service
******* Public Participation ********
VI. Consideration of Executive Session
VII. Adjournment