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Sept. 14, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Pine Bush CSD- Board of Education
Minutes Regular Meeting
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 – Pine Bush High School

Members Present:

  • Gretchen Meier
  • Matthew Watkins
  • Dori Johnson
  • Kristi Kheiralla
  • Cara Robertson
  • Ross Tompkins

Members Absent:

Others Present:

  • Tim Mains, Superintendent of Schools
  • Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business
  • John Hicks, Director of Educational Technology
  • Angela Wise-Landman, Executive Director or Human Resources, Data and School Counseling
  • Alex Tremper, Director of Security
  • Maria Wise, District Clerk
  • Approximately 65 staff and community members


Call to Order

MOVED by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:06 PM



Adjourn Regular Session to Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Kheiralla, second by Trustee Johnson that the Board of Education adjourn regular session to executive session at approximately 6:07 PM.



Adjourn from Executive Session

MOVED by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Tompkins, that the Board of Education adjourn from executive session at approximately 6:48 PM.



Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Gretchen Meier with the following motion offered:

MOVED by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education open the regular meeting at approximately 6:56 PM



Pledge of Allegiance

Board President Meier requested that all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 6:57PM.


Student Recognition

The Board of Education recognized the following students for achieving a score of 5 on their AP Exams during the 2020-2021 school year:  

2020-2021 Grade 10, AP European History

  • Colby Zupetz


2020-2021 Grade 11, AP US History

  • Madeleine Cerone
  • Amanda Eagan
  • Sara Ippolito
  • Samantha Rezza
  • Aryn Simmons


2020-2021 Grade 12 (Graduate), AP US Government and Politics

  • Josiah Cruz


2020-2021 Grade 11, AP English Language and Composition

  • Abraheim Ahmed
  • Madeleine Cerone
  • Linsey Itak
  • Alicia Kretschmer
  • Samantha Rezza


2020-2021 Grade 11, AP Physics 1

  • Julian Lazaro


Spring Scholar Athletes

The Board of Education recognized our spring student athletes for their outstanding accomplishment of maintaining a grade point average of 90 and above during spring athletic season. Superintendent Tim Mains will introduce Michael Gillespie, Director of Physical Education, Health, and Athletics to read the names of the spring sport athletes being recognized. List will be attached to the minutes.


Approval of Minutes

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education approve the minutes from the August 24, 2021, Regular Meeting as submitted by the District Clerk.



Addition to the Consent Agenda

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson, that the Board of Education approved to add an Addition to the Agenda and an addition to the Consent Agenda*



Reports, Recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools Consent Agenda

Moved by Trustee Watkins, second by Trustee Robertson that the Board of Education approve the following consent agenda and the addition* to the consent agenda as submitted by the Superintendent of Schools:

Tonight’s consent agenda includes the appointment of the following new personnel:

  • Rosanna Sanders – Teaching Assistant
  • Beth Folwell – Teaching Assistant
  • Lisa Poquette – Teacher
  • Briana Martinez– Teaching Assistant
  • Alexandra Rich – Food Service Helper
  • William Valk – Food Service Helper
  • Joshua O’Connell – Groundskeeper
  • Alexandrea Cuebas – School Monitor
  • Michael McGovern– Teacher Aide
  • Addition to the Consent Agenda: Stephanie Miller* – School Monitor




Recommend the Board of Education authorize the abolishment of the following position for the 2021-2022
school year:

  • (1) 1.0 FTE, 12 month Assistant Principal, High School/Secondary position, effective August 30, 2021.




Recommend the Board of Education authorize the creation of the following position for the 2021-2022 school year:

  • (3) Three 6.5 hour/day Teacher Aide positions (need at Circleville Middle School and Pine Bush Elementary (Castle Program))


Non Instructional

Recommend the Board of Education authorize the creation of the following position for the 2021-2022 school year:

  • (1) One full time, 12 month Custodial Worker, salary as per contract




Maryanne Manion, resignation, for the purpose of retirement, from her position as a 7.0 hr/day Teaching Assistant effective at the close of business September 30, 2021.



  • Laura Ryan, amend the resignation, for the purpose of retirement from her position as a 1.00 FTE Guidance Asst-10 Month, effective at the close of business December 1, 2021.
  • Maria Luna, resignation from her position as a 1.00 FTE Custodial Worker effective at the close of business September 10, 2021.
  • Joshua O’Connell, resignation from his position as a 1.0 FTE Custodial Worker effective at the close of business September 14, 2021.
  • Justine Arlotta –Ayala, resignation from her position as a 3.5 hr/day School Monitor effective at the close of business September 3, 2021.


Leave of Absence


  • Ann Marie Crouch, unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 5.0 hours/day Teaching Assistant effective August 30, 2021 through June 25, 2022.
  • Amanda Lopez unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 1.00 FTE Teacher-Reading effective November 15, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
  • Michelle A. Jollie, unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 6.75 hours/day Teaching Assistant effective August 30, 2021 through June 30, 2022.


Non Instructional

  • Denise Coen, unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 6.5 hours/day Teacher Aide, effective August 30, 2021 through October 31, 2021.
  • Brittany Bulson, unpaid leave of absence from her position as a 5 hours/day School Monitor, effective August 30, 2021 through February 28, 2022.




  • Rosanna Sanders, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 4.0 hr/day Teaching Assistant effective September 8, 2021, salary as per contract.
  • RESCIND the appointment of Selena Petrilli, who holds a Emergency Covid Childhood Education 1-6 certificate, on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 6.0 hrs/day Teaching Assistant effective August 30, 2021, salary as per contract.
  • Beth Folwell, who holds a Teaching Assistant Continuing certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 6.5 Hour/Day Teaching Assistant effective August 30, 2021, salary as per as per contract.
  • Lisa Poquette who holds an Initial certificate in Visual Arts, be appointed to the probationary position of a 1.0 FTE Teacher- Elem 4-6 in the tenure area of Art for a four year probationary period commencing August 30, 2021 and ending August 29, 2025. Salary level MA, Step 1 of the salary schedule.
    Be it further resolved that, to the extent applicable under Education Law Section 3012-d and the accompanying Commissioner’s Regulations, in order to be considered for tenure, Lisa Poquette must have received an APPR rating of effective or highly effective in three of the four probationary years and must not receive an ineffective in the fourth year.
  • Briana Martinez, who holds a Teaching Assistant Level I certificate, be appointed on probation as a part-time, non-tenure bearing, 6.5 Hour/Day Teaching Assistant, effective August 31, 2021 as per contract.



  • Alexandra Rich, probationary appointment to a 3.0 hours/day position of Food Service Helper effective September 20, 2021 salary as per contract (pro-rated).
  • William Valk, probationary appointment to a 3.0 hours/day position of Food Service Helper effective September 15, 2021 salary as per contract (pro-rated).
  • Joshua O’Connell, probationary appointment as a full time, 12 month per year Groundskeeper, effective September 15, 2021, at an annual salary as per contract (pro-rated), noting he is certified for such appointment through the Orange County Department of Human Resources.
  • Alexandrea Cuebas, probationary appointment to a 3.5 hours/day position of School Monitor effective September 13, 2021 salary as per contract (pro-rated).
  • Michael McGovern, probationary appointment to a 6.5 hours/day position of Teacher Aide, effective September 13, 2021, salary as per contract (pro-rated).
    Non- Instructional Recommend the Board of Education approve the probationary appointment of Stephanie Miller* to a 3.5 hours/day position of School Monitor effective September 15, 2021 salary as per contract (pro-rated).



Sixth-Period Assignment (.5)

Pine Bush High School

Board approval to amend the following instructional staff member teaching a .5/ sixth period/additional assignment to reflect the 2021-2022 school year (or as noted)*at an annual contractual stipend (.5) of $5,500:  

  • Kevin Blackwell, Social Studies
  • Daniel Conley, Social Studies
  • Shannon Countryman, Special Education
  • Erin Crispell, Special Education
  • Jessica Grasso, Social Studies
  • John Petrofsky, Science
  • Michael Raucci, Science
  • Michelle Robinson, Science
  • Randall Wright, Science


Circleville Middle School

Board approval to amend the following co-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate co-curricular stipends:

  • Gina Lallathin, Grade 6 Team Leader, Level II, Step 7 (7)



Sixth-Period Assignment

Circleville Middle School

Recommend the Board of Education approve the following instructional staff members teaching a sixth period/additional assignment for the 2021-2022 school year at an annual contractual stipend of $5,500: 

  • David Kellish
  • Julie Facciolla


Sixth Period Duty

Circleville Middle School

Recommend the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following instructional staff member assigned a duty as an extra sixth period assignment for the 2021-2022 school year at the annual contractual stipend as per contract:

  • David Kellish
  • Deanna Feuerbach



Sixth-Period Assignment

Pine Bush High School

Board approval of the following instructional staff members teaching a sixth period/additional assignment for the 2021-2022 school year at an annual contractual stipend of $5,500:  

  • Neil Lisberg, STEAM- Polaris
  • Christine Guarino – Science



Circleville Middle School

Board of Education approval of the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate extra-curricular stipend:

  • Richard Atkins – Multicultural/Diversity Club, Level V, Step 1 (1)



Pine Bush High School

Board of Education approval to RESCIND the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year:

  • Neil Lisberg, Polaris University Advisor, Level IV, Step 3 (3)

Board of Education approval to RESCIND the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate extra-curricular stipend:

  • Ashley Michelitch – Odyssey of the Mind Co-Coach, Level III, Step 1(2)



Pine Bush High School

Board of Education approval to AMEND the following extra-curricular appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate extra-curricular stipend:

  • Dan Aktas – Odyssey of the Mind Coach, Level III, Step 3(3)


Per Diem Substitutes

Board approval for the appointment of the following individuals as per diem substitutes (or tutor) effective August 30, 2021, or as noted, at board approved per diem substitute rates:

  • Caroline Belofski
  • Gianni Carillo
  • Denise Coen
  • Ann Henry
  • Gabriela Soto
  • Lisa Perez (effective 9/1/21)
  • Alyssa Miller
  • Lisa Murray
  • Amanda Long
  • Kathleen Farah (effective 9/3/21)
  • Jaclyn Mann
  • Russell Gulamerian
  • Jeanne Skye (effective 9/1/21)
  • Tisha Foddrill**

**Such appointment is conditioned upon the District’s receipt of clearance for employment from the N.Y. State Education Department relating to the fingerprinting and criminal history record check of the prospective school
employees. The emergency conditional segments of the appointments shall commence as of September 15, 2021 and shall not exceed twenty (20) business days.



Board approval of the following Interscholastic Fall Season coaching appointments for the 2021-2022 school year at the appropriate interscholastic stipend:

Boys Soccer

  • Anthony DiMarco, Modified Boys, Level III, Step 1 (1)


Board approval of the following appointment of the following school personnel for supervision duties in connection with Fall, Winter, and Spring sporting events during the 2021-2022 school year at the rate of $20/hour:

  • Kimberly Craft
  • Patricia Hoehmann


Continuing Education

All positions are for instructors, assistants, counselors or lifeguards for continuing education courses for the 2021/2022 school year.  All classes and salaries are contingent upon enrollment.

INSTRUCTOR NAME             CLASS/POSITION                                    PAY

John Petrofsky                                       Wrestling                                         $48/Student



Approval of CSE & CPSE Placement Recommendations

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla, that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education placement recommendations as submitted by the CSE & CPSE Chairpersons, and reviewed by Trustee Robertson.



Approval of Participation in The Innovative Districts Empowering All Learners (IDEAL) Cohort

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Watkins, that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

RESOLVED, that the Pine Bush Central School District affirms its continued participation for the 2021-2022 school year in the National Cohort of Schools committed to implementing personalized learning, and be it further resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to affirm our commitment.
Dated: September 14, 2021



Presentation: 2021-2022 Staffing Report

The 2021-2022 Staffing Report, was presented by Angela Wise-Landman, Executive Director of Human Resources, Data, and School Counseling.
Some highlights from the presentation were:

Vacancies Update – Instructional


  • Filled 52 full time tenure track Teaching positions this summer 2021 
  • Filled 3 per diem leaves
  • Zero Unfilled 


  • Filled 40 full time positions this summer 2021 
  • Unfilled as of 9/13/21 – 6 School Monitor positions, 23 Teaching Assistants, 1 Behavioral Aide, and 7 one to one Aides. Total of 37 unfilled SRP positions as of today. 

Vacancies Update – Non-Instructional

Non Instructional – filled a total of 22 positions this summer 2021 

  • 11 filled – Operations & Maintenance 
  • 7 filled – Food Service 
  • 2 filled – Clerical 
  • 1 filled – Confidential Managerial 
  • 1 filled – Adult Ed Coordinator 

Non Instructional – unfilled as of 9/13/21 – 13 positions 

  • 1 Assistant Director of Facilities 
  • 5 clerical = 1 PBHS Main Office, 1 PBHS Counseling, 1 Athletics, 1 CVMS Main Office, and 1 PAK Main Office
  • 4 Food Service 
  • 1 Security 
  • 1 Physical Therapy Assistant 
  • 1 Confidential Managerial 

COVID – What we learned…. Putting the Human first in HR!

Recruitment Then & Now!

We had to get creative in 2021 in the middle of a pandemic! Say goodbye to the boring pamphlets and ugly table! 

PBCSD was the ONLY district in the Mid-Hudson and Lower Hudson region to take our recruitment efforts VIRTUAL this past spring! Making it accessible to everyone, everywhere. 

First ever – PBCSD Virtual Recruitment Fair. 

  • Over 50 plus colleges invited, 14 of which were HBCU’s. 
  • 200 potential job seekers attended – 63 of those in attendance were of a minority background 
  • 162 of those who attended, ended up applying for PBCSD vacancies 


& The Survey Shows …. 90 attendees completed the optional survey

On a scale of 1 to 5, how beneficial was today’s PBCSD job fair in your current job search? 

  • 12% rated a 4 – beneficial 
  • 88% rated a 5 – extremely beneficial 

How likely are you to accept a position at PBCSD based on the information you heard today?

  • 3% rated a 4 – Likely 
  • 97% rated a 5 – Highly Likely 


New Staff Orientation – Wednesday 8/25/21

  • 50 New Staff Invited – 44 attended! 
  • Opportunity for new staff to be welcomed, receive tech help, complete payroll and new hire paperwork, meet with union leadership, and learn about the PBCSD Code of Conduct, Strategic Plan, COVID reopening guidelines, and overall expectations. 


All aboard! Bus Tour is back! 

  • Visited each building (outdoors), to conclude the day
  • Admins and dept directors introduced themselves and gave the new crew a full welcome

Angela Wise-Landman was thanked for her presentation.


Presentation: Middle School Summer School Report 2021

Circleville Middle School and Crispell Middle School

Seth Seigel and Chris Mummery, Assistant Principals presented a report on the Middle School Summer Program. Some highlights from the presentation were:

  • July 6th  – August 5th   (MS Summer program was extended ONE week from previous years)  8:00AM – 11:00AM at Crispell MS
  • Students completed one hour each of Math, ELA and a SEL/PBL component.
  • A Social Studies “push in” was incorporated across all grade levels.
  • ELA and Math instruction: Focus was placed on skill building and remediation to prepare students to meet with success in the upcoming year.
  • SEL/PBL – Students were able to complete a variety of activities that encouraged teamwork and hands on learning.

A look at the numbers…

Students were required to attend if they failed two or more of their core academic subjects.

Total Enrollment – 91 students

  • 6th – 30
  • 7th – 28
  • 8th – 33
  • Crispell MS – 57
  • Circleville MS – 34


STAR Testing

Students utilized the Renaissance Program to complete the STAR Reading and STAR Math tests at the end of the program.

  • Instructional planning reports were provided to all staff members at the start of the program. 
  • Scaled score data was shared with all summer teachers at the start of the program to assist in planning, differentiation of activities and creating student groups.
  • Tests scores and data can be reviewed by teachers during the current year.


Community Partnerships

On Thursday of each week, representatives from ADAC, Tri-County Youth Partnership, and the Pine Bush Fire Department came to share important information with students.  Topics included…

  • Stress reduction          
  • DWI prevention
  • Alcohol/Marijuana/Tobacco/Vaping
  • Managing emotions
  • Healthy relationships 
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
  1. For many of our students, this was their first time learning and interacting with other students and teachers in person in over a year.
  2. Lessons were created to emphasize the importance of mental health and highlight the connection between emotional wellness and academic success.
  3. Activities were aligned with the content of “The Positivity Project,” a structured program that will be utilized by both middle school during the upcoming year.
  4. The 2021 Middle School Summer Program was a success with 95% of students meeting the requirements to be promoted to the next grade level.

Seth Siegel and Christopher Mummery were thanked for their presentation.


Presentation: Elementary School Summer School Report – 2021

Circleville Elementary, Pakanasink Elementary, EJ Russell Elementary and Pine Bush Elementary Colleen Delles, Joseph Prestianni, Jennifer Fitzgerald and Anthony Muia will present on the Elementary Summer School Program.

Some highlights of the presentation were:

Transportation – Breakfast – Lunch

Breakfasts —        1,738
Lunches —        3,778


Grade Sections Teachers EJR & PBE CES & PAK
Post-K, ICT 5 Shannon Kennedy, Danielle Morton, Megan Nason, Brenda Stack, Katie Sternemann, Isabel Laufer (SPED) 21 19
Post 1, ICT 5 Lindsay Brooks, Kimberly Godduhn, Ashey Hickey, Shannon Peterson, Alyssa Rosanelli, Jaclyn Mann (SPED) 26 13
Post 2 3 Amy Green, Kim White, Jessica Difrenza 21 9
Post 3, ICT 2 Michele Galvin, Emily Byrne, Brendan Mitchell (SPED) 10 8
Post 4, ICT 3 Kaylin Bourke, Madison Laspisa, Jesus Morales 17 11
Post 5, ICT 3 Donna Brocco, Jillian Lankau, Dave Miele, Kimalona Garcia (SPED) 12 14
Total 107 74
Total Enrollment    181

Colleen Delles, Jennifer Fitzgerald and Anthony Muia were thanked for presenting and Joseph Prestianni along with these assistant principals were thanked for the presentation.


Approval of Policy 5640 and Policy 8250 for Second Reading and Adoption

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Watkins that the Board of Education approve Policies 5640 and 8250, as amended from first reading, for second reading and adoption.



Acknowledge Receipt and Acceptance of Donations

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Kheiralla that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of all three donations.

  • The Board of Education acknowledged receipt and acceptance of a donation from United Way. The donation includes school supplies, hygiene items, and clothing.
  • The Board of Education acknowledged receipt and acceptance of a donation from Mountain View United Methodist Church. The donation includes school supplies.
  • The Board of Education acknowledged receipt and acceptance of a donation from Hannaford Supermarket in Pine Bush, New York. The donation includes Hannaford gift cards.



Public Participation

The public participation segment was opened at approx. 7:55PM. The following are the questions/comments/concerns that were raised. For complete conversation of this public participation refer to the online video at (Watch Board Meetings).First public participation concluded at approximately 8:23pm.

  • Comments and questions about Birnie Bus Company and the current bus situation with runs not covered and double runs for buildings.
  • Comments and concerns about the mask mandates.
  • Comments and concerns about weekly testing for Covid 19 and why vaccinated people don’t have to get tested when they can spread the disease.
  • Comment that school materials lists should be available sooner for families.
  • Concern raised by family that a 5 year old was placed on the wrong bus and is new to Pine Bush Central School District.
  • Comments about not enough supervision on bus.
  • Comment and concern over science not supporting masks and vaccines.
  • Comment and questions about who is holding the bus company accountable, what penalties are given against them, will the district be voiding their contract for non-compliance?
  • Comments about other bus companies paying drivers more money and giving them benefits.
  • Statement that Birnie Bus needs to be more competitive to get drivers.


Upcoming Board Meetings, Events / Old, New Business / Updates

Our upcoming board meetings and events should be announced Tuesday evening. The start time for the regular sessions of our board meetings – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted.

Regular Board Meetings:

  • Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School
  • Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 7:00 PM at Pine Bush High School
  • Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 7:00 PM at Circleville Middle School


Other District Meetings:

  • Audit Committee Mtg.
    Monday, October 4, 2021, 5:00 PM at District Office
  • Orange County School Boards Association (OCSBA)
    Delegate Meeting: Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 7:00PM
    Either in person or virtual – more information to follow.
  • NYSSBA Annual Education Convention 2021
    October 24-26, 2021 NYC


Old/New Business/Updates

  • The Early Dismissal Drill scheduled for tomorrow, September 15, 2021 has been cancelled.
  • Schools will be closed on Thursday, September 16, 2021 in observance of Yom Kippur.
  • The Open Houses scheduled in our schools in the next two weeks and the High School Counseling Fair scheduled on September 30, 2021 will be held virtually.
  • Pine Bush High School National Honor Society Induction Ceremony has been moved from September 23, 2021 to September 30, 2021.


Superintendent Mains addressed some of the questions and concerns brought up during the first public participation. He began by explaining the mask mandate decision process and guidelines for quarantining. He
clarified that masks will be required for children and adults in schools and on buses but not outdoors.

Additionally Mr. Mains made it clear that we now have a New York mandate and this is a New York State Department of Health regulation and subjects the district to a $1000 fine per day for violating the regulation.

Mr. Mains explained the bus situation and indicated that Birnie Bus is not alone in facing the bus driver shortage; it is a nationwide problem. He explained the events that led up to the closure of school. The bus company did not provide a solution so the district staff created a solution. He informed everyone about the staff initiatives created: staff to get commercial licenses, Facebook pages to set-up car pools, NY state to accelerate help, school will issue notice that compensatory damages can be served, we can do an emergency 30-day contract with another provider. He continued to say that once buses are staffed we can go back to the regular schedule, we have to live within the constraints of employee contracts, and we encouraged the bus company to raise the wages and sign-on bonuses. He also proceeded to inform that there was a bidding process for the bus contract with the district.


Business & Finance

Claims Auditor’s Reports

Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Watkins that the Board of Education acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the following Claims Auditor’s Reports as submitted:

Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant # 0012 dated 8/25/2021 payroll authorizing payments in the amount of $ 208,530.50

  • PR Transactions (3 checks (004402-004404) $ 208,530.50

Total $ 208,530.50


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0013 dated 8/26/21 check run, authorizing payments in the amount of $ 1,107,576.75

  • Cafeteria Fund (7 checks 005678-005684) $ 5,435.57
  • Federal Fund Acct.(9 checks 002605-002613) 133,260.14
  • Capital Fund (2 checks 001895-01896) 351.84
  • General Fund (75 checks 068866-068940) 968,529.20

Total $ 1,107,576.75


Claims Auditor’s Report covering Warrant #0014 dated 9/2/21 check run, authorizing payments in the amount of $ 382,762.87

  • Cafeteria Fund (3 checks 005685-005687) $ 186.65
  • Federal Fund Acct.(5 checks 002614-002618) 2,171.13
  • General Fund (80 checks 068941-069020) 379,505.09
  • District Activity AC (1 check 005752) __ _ 900.00

Total $ 382,762.87




Designation / Disposition of Equipment

Moved by Trustee Johnson, second by Trustee Robertson that the Board of Education designate and approve the disposition of the following equipment:

Equipment for disposition as submitted at the request of of Lyn Prestia, Director of School Nutrition Services, as outdated and/or in poor condition beyond repair, therefore, unusable in accordance with Policy #5250 SUBJECT: Disposition of Surplus Property, and authorizes the disposition of the following equipment as submitted under the direction of Michael Pacella, Assistant Superintendent for Business.



Public Participation

The second public participation segment was opened at approx. 9:00PM by President Meier. The following were the questions/comments/concerns raised and for complete conversation of this public participation refer to the online video at (watch board meetings).The second public participation ended at approximately 9:29PM.

  • Comment supporting mask wearing
  • Question about how the bus company got brought into the bid process?
  • Question about long term plan?
  • Comments and concerns over a special education student not being picked up and placed on big bus which violates her IEP, and now she doesn’t want to get on a bus.
  • Comments about the government extending benefits to individuals collecting money and they do not want to work.
  • Comment about being concerned that the district is violating their rights
  • Comments about other states not requiring masks and they do not have larger COVID numbers, isn’t masking our kids child abuse, shed the masks and get fined and we will stand behind you
  • Question about getting sports kids bus transportation?
  • Comment about the closing of school when only 15% were affected by bus issue.
  • Student comment that there are 3 to a seat on HS buses and students sitting on the floor.

Superintendent Mains answered questions that were posed in the second public participation.

In regards to how Birnie Bus got the contract, Mr. Mains and Asst. Superintendent for Business, Mr. Pacella explained the RFP, Request for Proposal process and informed the public that at the bidding meeting there
were 10 to 12 companies in attendance and that 4 companies put in proposals for the bus contract. There were 7 people that graded the proposals that were submitted. Superintendent Mains informed that the long term plan begins with the 30-day emergency contract and before that contract ends the district will have the RFP process set up.

With regards to getting bussing back for sports, Mr. Mains explained the challenge of getting sports players from both sides of the district to the practice sites. The goal is to get back to full bus staff and once regular bus runs are running we can resume our shuttle for sports. President Meier also addressed students driving other students, she stated that students on junior licenses shouldn’t be giving rides to other students. Superintendent Mains made the statement that the Board is charged with making sure the school
system is run correctly with policies and funding. He continued by saying the Board’s primary function is to make sure we are giving kids the best education.


Consideration of Executive Session

Hearing no matters for executive session, President Meier asked for a motion to adjourn.



Moved by Trustee Robertson, second by Trustee Tompkins that the Board of Education adjourn the regular meeting noting the time at approximately 9:44 PM.


Note: BOARD MEETINGS are live streamed and video recorded with closed captioning available and can be viewed at


Maria Wise (electronically signed/mw)
 Maria Wise, District Clerk Pine Bush CSD

(Disclosure: Minutes will be printed on numbered minute paper and placed in the district minute books).

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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