1630: Legal Qualifications of Voters at District Meetings

2020                      1630





A person will be entitled to register and vote at any school meeting for election of members of the Board, and upon all matters which may be brought before such meeting, who is:

  1. A citizen of the United States;
  2. Eighteen years of age or older;
  3. A resident within the District for a period of 30 days preceding the next meeting at which he or she offers to vote.


Any person who would not be qualified to register or vote under the provisions of Election Law Sections 5-100 and 5-106 will not have the right to register for or vote in an election.


Personal Registration of Voters

Personal registration of voters in the District has been provided. The Board will authorize registration of voters on dates to be determined at its discretion. The registration must include all persons registering personally for the referendum or election in question. The register will also include:


  1. All persons who previously have registered for any annual budget referendum, special meeting, or election held or conducted during the four calendar years prior to the year in which the register is being prepared.
  2. Any person who is registered to vote under the provisions of Election Law Section 5-612(2) and its amendments.


The last day of registration will not be less than five days nor more than 14 days preceding the annual budget referendum or election. Registration must be open for at least four consecutive hours between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

The Board reserves the right to revoke the provisions for personal registration in this District. However, once revoked they cannot be reinstated unless authorized by the voters at a District election.




  • Education Law §§ 2012, 2014, 2025, and 2603
  • Election Law Article 5



Adopted:  8/24/11

Revised: 9/22/20

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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