2211: Citizens’ Advisory Committees

2020                      2211

Internal Operations




Advisory committees should be appointed by the Board only when there is a definite function to be performed, and this function should be indicated to the committee when it is appointed. The service of an advisory committee will not be longer than for a school year. Reappointment of any committee after the end of a school year will be at the discretion of the Board. The purpose of such a committee will be in an advisory capacity only, with all final decisions to be made by the Board. The following guidelines will apply to all advisory committees appointed by the Board:


  1. Advisory committees should be appointed primarily to advise the Board and school administration on matters of District concern. In general, members of such committees will not be required to perform specific services requested by an individual of the Board. Unique talents of members can best be utilized on a committee basis. The advisory committee will focus on the function for which it was formed and will not become involved with other District responsibilities.
  2. Advisory committees should advise on matters requiring decisions by the Board only after a thorough study has been made by the committee. Matters on which the Board has taken or intends to take action without the committee’s advice should not be placed before an advisory committee.
  3. The committee should be as truly representative of the community as possible and the membership should be drawn from different areas, economic levels and vocational pursuits. In essence, it should be a cross section of the school district. Individuals interested in being considered for selection on an advisory committee may submit resumes if they wish. The persons selected should be interested in the welfare of the school community to the extent that they will be willing to give time and effort to the study of vital issues. Selections should be made in terms of what members can and will do, rather than what organizations they represent.
  4. The Board may appoint members from a list submitted to them from other Board members and members of the administrative staff, and/or from submitted resumes. After a list of proposed members has been completed, the Board will send letters of invitation to individuals on the list. The letter should possibly include some of the following items: a statement of the problem facing the Board and the District, need for aid from citizens in solving the problem, time and place of the first meeting, and any other vital information as necessary.
  5. The Board or Superintendent will appoint a chairperson pro-tem to direct initial committee activities until such time as a permanent chairperson is elected by the committee.
  6. An advisory committee is prohibited from expending any District funds without prior approval and specific authorization from the Board.
  7. An advisory committee is prohibited from entering into any contractual agreements.
  8. Two Board members and members of the administrative staff will act as liaison between the advisory committee and the Board, and will try to assist the committee in fulfilling their function through information and needed resources.
  9. In accordance with the Open Meetings Law, in the case of any meetings scheduled at least one week ahead of time, public notice of the time and place will be given to the news media and will be conspicuously posted in one or more designated public locations at least 72 hours before such meeting. In the case of meetings scheduled less than one week in advance, public notice of the time and place will be given, to the extent practicable, to the news media and will be conspicuously posted in one or more designated public locations at a reasonable time prior to such meetings.
  10. Written minutes of all meetings will be sent to the Board within two weeks.
  11. When the committee is ready to submit their final report on the assigned topic, the Board will, on request, arrange a joint meeting for the purpose of receiving the report. A summary of this joint meeting and the report will then be prepared and submitted to the Board and the administrative staff for their study, consideration and final action by the Board.
  12. The Board will see that the public is made aware of the services rendered by such committees of citizens as it may appoint and will see that the public is informed of all the major conclusions and the recommendations made by such committees. All public announcements concerning the organization, membership, operations, recommendations, and the resolutions of such committees will be made at such time and in such manner as the Board may choose with all news releases channeled through the Superintendent.


The Board maintains certain legal powers and prerogatives that cannot be delegated or surrendered to a committee. Therefore, all recommendations of an advisory committee must be submitted to the Board for official action. The Board reserves the right to accept, reject, or modify all or parts of the committee’s recommendations.


On completion of its study, the advisory committee will be discharged from any further responsibility to the Board. The Board reserves the right to dissolve any of its advisory committees at any time during the life of any committee.




  • Public Officers Law Article 7



Adopted:  8/24/11

Revised: 9/22/20

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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