4310: Superintendent of Schools

2020                      4310




The Superintendent is the chief executive officer of the District. He or she is responsible for carrying out Board policy and for keeping it informed of matters which should be weighed by the Board in reaching decisions. He or she is responsible to the Board in his or her stewardship of the entire District.

The Superintendent will have the specific powers and duties discussed below and will be directly responsible to the Board for their proper exercise. As chief executive officer of the District, he or she will:


  1. Attend all regular, special, and work meetings of the Board except that the Superintendent may be excluded when his or her employment contract or performance is discussed in executive session;
  2. Administer all policies and enforce all rules and regulations of the Board;
  3. Review the local school situation and recommend to the Board areas in which new policies seem to be needed;
  4. Organize, administer, evaluate, and supervise the programs and personnel of all school departments, instructional and non-instructional;
  5. Recommend to the Board the appointment of all instructional and support personnel;
  6. Prepare and recommend to the Board the annual District budget in accordance with the format and development plan specified by the Board;
  7. Advise the public about the activities and needs of the schools through his or her written and spoken statements, and will be responsible for all news eases emanating from the local schools;
  8. Create all salary scales and administer the salary plan approved by the Board. Some of these salary scales will be developed within staff contracts negotiated under the provisions of the Taylor Law;
  9. Determine the need and make plans for plant expansion and renovation;
  10. Recommend for hire, evaluate, promote, and dismiss all professional and non-professional staff personnel;
  11. Prepare or supervise the preparation of the teacher’s handbook, staff bulletins, and all other District-wide staff materials;
  12. Plan and coordinate the recruitment of teachers and other staff to assure the District of the best available personnel;
  13. Plan and conduct a program of supervision of teaching staff that will have as its goal the improvement of instruction, and, at the same time, will assure that only the teachers found to have a high degree of competence will be recommended for tenure;
  14. Distinguish for all concerned between the areas of policy decisions appropriate to the Board and management decisions appropriate to the District’s administrative personnel;
  15. Transfer personnel when necessary and/or desirable to promote optimal effectiveness. Any personnel transfers will be made pursuant to appropriate guidelines established by state laws, District policies, and negotiated contracts; and
  16. Submit data from the School Report Card or other reports of student or District performance as prescribed by and in accordance with requirements of the Commissioner of Education.




  • Education Law §§ 1711, 2508, and 3003
  • 8 NYCRR § 100.2(m)




Adopted:  8/24/11

Revised:  9/22/20

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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