5693: Anthrax and Other Biological Terrorism: Prevention Protocols for Mail Handling

2011                      5693






    The District will assess and review their protocols for handling mail or packages. Common sense and care should be used in inspecting and opening mail or packages: Whenever feasible, the opening of mail should be limited to one individual staff member in an area that is separate from other accessible areas within the school building, including the Main Office.

  Additionally, precautions will be taken for those staff members responsible for handling letters or packages such as making available protective gloves to be worn when handling mail and providing appropriate training and protocols for the handling of mail and identifying suspicious envelopes or packages.

 The building administrator; should limit the area and persons exposed to the threat. Immediately after identifying the threat the building administrator/designee will notify the Superintendent/designee, dial 911 and/or the local law enforcement authorities according to the procedures identified in the applicable School Safety Plan (whether District-wide or Building-level plans.) The local FBI field office and the county health department will also be notified, if not otherwise provided for the in the applicable School Safety Plan.

 As far as possible, the school will attempt to limit the area and the persons exposed to the threat and will not allow anyone other than qualified emergency personnel to enter. Custodial, maintenance personnel and greeters will, follow established procedures for quickly shutting down the building(s) heating/air conditioning/and ventilation systems if possible and as may be deemed necessary.

 Furthermore, the building administrator/designee will, as soon as possible, make a list of all persons who have been identified as having actual contact with the powder or other suspicious element, such as anthrax, for investigating authorities.

 Administration will review and revise, as appropriate, their school safety plans; and provide information regarding applicable safety prevention and response procedures to all staff.

 All threats to school buildings and/or its occupants will be treated seriously. All threats will be treated as criminal actions and measures will be taken to preserve the evidence.

 Under no circumstances, will students be permitted to organize and/or handle District mail; nor will students be present in the room/area during that time that District mail is being opened by school staff.



Adopted:  8/24/11

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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