7132 – Non-Resident Students

2023                      7132




Non-resident families who wish to enroll students in the District must submit a request in writing to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will review these requests and make recommendations regarding non-resident student admission to the Board. The Board has final authority to approve or deny these requests.

Non-resident student enrollment requests will only be considered where:

  1. There is sufficient space to accommodate the non-resident student;
  2. No increase in the size of faculty or staff will be necessary; and
  3. Admittance will not result in the establishment of a new class or section.

In making determinations regarding the admittance of non-resident students, the District will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or other legally protected category.

In the event a non-resident student is permitted to attend the District’s schools, his or her attendance will be subject to the following conditions:

  1. Parents or guardians must work out transfer conditions with the home school district or provide their own transportation;
  2. All rules and regulations in effect for District students will be applicable to non-District students; and
  3. Tuition may be charged to families of non-resident students in accordance with formulas approved by the State Education Department.

Future Students

Students whose families have signed a contract to buy or build a residence in the District may be enrolled for the semester in which they expect to become residents. Non-resident tuition will be charged, payable in advance, with an adjustment to be made when the family becomes a resident in the District.

Former Residents

Students who are not District residents will be permitted to attend the District’s schools without payment of tuition in the following limited circumstances:

  1. Students of any grade who move from the District during the school year may be given permission to finish the semester in which the move occurs.
  2. Students who move from the District after completion of the first semester of the year preceding their anticipated graduation year may be given permission to remain in the District until graduation.
  3. Parents/guardians must provide their own transportation.

Foreign Exchange Students

Foreign students participating in a recognized Student Exchange Program on a J-1 visa may attend the District’s high school without payment of tuition. The Board, however, retains the sole discretion to grant admission to any student wishing to attend the District’s high school on a J-1 visa.

J-1 Visa Status

The Board sets forth the following requirements:

1. Foreign exchange students will be admitted to the District’s high school for a
maximum of one-academic year.
2. The District recognizes only those organizations designated as “Exchange-Visitor Programs” by the United States Department of State, pursuant to federal regulations, as sponsoring organizations for the exchange of students.
3. No foreign exchange student shall be admitted to the District’s high school unless s/he has been accepted, in writing, as a student by the Superintendent or their designee.
4. Foreign exchange students will be permitted to attend the District’s high school without the payment of tuition and will also be provided with bus transportation to and from the student’s residence within the District, free of charge.
5. The number of foreign exchange students accepted each year shall not exceed two.
6. No foreign exchange student shall be enrolled in the District’s high school unless they demonstrate compliance with all New York State immunization requirements. The student must also submit their academic transcript, prior medical history and disciplinary records.

The District will consider the student’s sponsor to be acting as the person in parental relations for purposes of communication regarding the student.


Foreign exchange students shall be subject to the District’s Code of Conduct and all applicable District policies and regulations. The Board reserves the right, at any time, to terminate the approval of a foreign exchange program, and/or terminate the approval of a foreign exchange student when it is deemed to be in the best interests of the District to do so without the need for
due process.

The District assumes no responsibility and/or liability concerning the visa status of any foreign exchange student.

Other Foreign Students

The District does not accept foreign students living with District residents, including, but not limited to, students on F-1 Visas. Foreign students will only be admitted if they meet the residency requirements under the Commissioner’s regulations.

Reservation of Claims

Should a material misstatement of fact be made and relied upon by any administrator or the Board in admitting a non-resident student without tuition, the Board will be entitled to recover the cost of instruction for the time the student was not authorized to attend a school in the District from the person who made the misstatement or from the student’s parent or person in parental relation.

Tuition Fees

Where applicable, tuition fees are computed according to a formula established by the Commissioner of Education.

Tuition of individual non-resident students will be computed in advance at the time of enrollment. Methods of payment (e.g., monthly) may be arranged in the District Office and approved by the Superintendent. Non-resident student status is contingent upon timely payment of tuition fees as established by the Board.

Legal Residence

Parents who maintain more than one residence, but whose legal residence for the purposes of voting or filing income tax is within the District, are eligible to send their children to District schools. However, school tax payments of non-residents who own assessable property in the District will be deducted from any tuition charges levied against the non-resident.


  • Education Law §§ 1709(13) and 3202
  • 8 NYCRR § 174.2

NOTE:      Refer also to Policies

  • #7130 — Entitlement to Attend — Age and Residency
  • #7131 — Education of Students in Temporary Housing

Adopted:  8/24/11

Revised:  8/18/15; 6/25/19; 9/22/20; 1/24/23

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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