2020 7223
The Board has granted permission for the high school to acknowledge the course work taken by students who travel overseas during the summer and who also carryon an organized program of study during such travel.
The following criteria have been established for granting credit:
a) A Carnegie unit of credit will be granted where classroom instruction equals 7200 minutes in time. A pro-rated partial credit will be granted where the time of classroom instruction is less than 7200 minutes.
b) Because of the difference in European and American evaluation of students, no qualitative mark will be assigned to the credit.
c) Students wishing to acquire the elective credit should prepare a 600 word written evaluation of their experience and should bring this evaluation to the High School Principal upon their return to school. The High School Principal may also, at his or her option, require an oral report of the trip.
d) The students requesting the elective credit should have in writing the chaperones’ recommendation and a copy of the transcript of completion of work done.
Adopted: 8/24/11
Revised: 9/22/20