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School Board Petition Packets Available

8240: Instruction in Certain Subjects

2025                      8240



Generally, the Board has the authority to prescribe the course of study in the schools of the District. However, there are general curriculum areas and specific topics in which the District must prescribe instruction. All students in the District will receive instruction in accordance with any applicable laws
and regulations.

Driver Education

A driver education course may be offered under the conditions set forth by the New York State Education Department and Commissioner’s regulations.

Gifted and Talented Students

The Board will provide appropriate educational programs for students identified as gifted and talented.

Physical Education Class

All students, except those with medical excuses, will participate in physical education in accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations, which require that all students attend and participate in physical education as follows:

a) All students in grades K through 3 will participate in a daily program for a minimum of 120 minutes per week. All students in grades 4 through 6 will participate in a program three times per week for a minimum of 120 minutes per week. The minimum time devoted to these programs (K through 6) is exclusive of any time that may be required for dressing and showering.

b) Students in grades 5 through 6 that are in a middle school will participate in the physical education program a minimum of three periods per calendar week during one semester of each school year and two periods during the other semester, or a comparable time each semester if the school is organized in other patterns.

c) All secondary students (in grades 7 through 12) will have the opportunity for regular physical education, but not less than three times per week in one semester and two times per week in the other semester or for a comparable time each semester if the school is organized in other patterns. For students in grades 10 through 12 only, a comparable time each semester will be provided if students have demonstrated acceptable levels of physical fitness, physical skills, and knowledge of physical education activities in extra class programs or out-of-school activities approved by the physical education staff and the school administration.

d) For grades K through 12, a district may provide an equivalent program as approved by the Commissioner of Education.

An excuse from physical education class may be accepted from a licensed physician for medical reasons or a licensed chiropractor for conditions of the spine.

Any student who is temporarily or permanently unable to participate in the regular program of physical education will be provided with adaptive physical education that meets their particular needs in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Sudden Cardiac Arrest

For purposes of this policy, the following definition applies:

  1.  “Physical activities” means participation in physical education classes and recess or similar activities during the school day.

The District promotes safe physical activities and strives to prevent incidents of sudden cardiac arrest in students by:

  1. Immediately removing from physical activities any student who displays signs or symptoms of pending sudden cardiac arrest;
  2. Prohibiting any student from resuming physical activities until the student has been evaluated by and received written and signed authorization from a healthcare provider to resume physical activities;
  3. Requiring the healthcare provider’s written and signed authorization to be kept on file in the student’s permanent health record;
  4. Abiding by any limitations or restrictions concerning school attendance and physical activities issued by the student’s healthcare provider;
  5. Either posting on the District website information developed by the Commissioner of Health on the definition of sudden cardiac arrest and signs and symptoms of pending or increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest or providing a reference for how to obtain this information from the webpages of the New York State Education Department and the New York State
    Department of Health.

All staff will be required to receive training on the signs and symptoms of pending sudden cardiac arrest.


Health and Mental Health Education

The District’s health education program recognizes the multiple dimensions of health by including instruction related to:

  1. Mental health;
  2. The relation of physical and mental health;
  3. The misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and
  4. The prevention and detection of certain cancers.

This instruction will enhance student understanding, attitudes, and behaviors that promote health, well-being, and human dignity.

Health education programs provided by the District will be designed according to the needs and abilities of the students at successive grade levels in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


  • Education Law Article 90 and §§ 803, 804, 806-a, 923, 1709 and 3204
  • 8 NYCRR Part 142 and Sections 100.2(c), 107.2, 135.1, 135.3, 135.4, and 136.9

Adopted:  8/24/11
Revised:  9/22/20; 6/13/2023; 1/28/2025

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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