8280: Instruction for English Language Learners

2023                      8280




The Board recognizes its responsibility to ensure that students of foreign birth or ancestry who are identified as English Language Learners (ELLs) are provided with an appropriate bilingual education or English as a New Language (ENL) program.

The District has developed a comprehensive plan to meet the educational needs of ELLs. The plan will be kept on file in the District and submitted to the Commissioner of Education prior to the start of each school year. The plan includes:

a)      The District’s philosophy regarding the education of ELLs;

b)      The District’s administrative practices and procedures to screen, identify, and place ELLs in appropriate programs;

c)      The District’s plan to provide parents and other persons in parental relation with information about all bilingual education and ENL programs available in the District and notices regarding program placement and the rights of parents or persons in parental relation in the language or mode of communication they best understand;

d)      The District’s system to annually measure and track the academic progress and English language proficiency of ELLs and use of data to drive instruction;

e)      A description of the District’s curricular and extracurricular services provided to ELLs;

f)      The District’s administrative practices to annually evaluate ELLs;

g)      The District’s procedure to identify support services for ELLs;

h)      The District’s policies and procedures regarding ELLs who are students with disabilities;

i)       The District’s procedures to exit ELLs including those students with inconsistent/interrupted formal education;

j)       The District’s services to support former ELLs.

Additionally, the District will provide professional learning to all teachers, level III teaching assistants, and administrators that specifically addresses the needs of ELLs. For school business leaders, the District will provide professional learning related to the needs of ELLs and the federal, state, and local mandates for ELLs.

The Superintendent will ensure that all data, including plans, assurances, and reports as required by the Commissioner’s regulations, is submitted to the State Education Department in a timely manner.


  • Education Law § 3204
  • 8 NYCRR  Parts 117 and 154 and § 100.2(g)


Adopted:  8/24/11
Revised:  9/22/20; 6/27/2023

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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