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8340: Instructional Materials and Nonpublic School Students

2023                          8340





Upon written request, textbooks will be purchased and loaned free of charge to resident nonpublic school students in grades K through 12 in accordance with law and regulation. Students who reside outside of the District in which the nonpublic school they attend is located must have their textbooks provided by their district of residence.

Written requests for textbook loans may be presented directly to the Board, or with the Board’s consent, to an appropriate official of the nonpublic school the student attends. The loan request should include information necessary to identify the book, such as title, author, publisher, and copyright date, as well as the name and address of the child or parent requesting the loan and the nonpublic school attended.

Textbook purchase and loan requests must be received by the District by June 30 of the school year prior to which the textbooks are being requested. Notice of this date will be given to all nonpublic schools. For resident students not enrolled by June 1, requests may also be submitted within 30 days of enrollment in the nonpublic school. Additionally, in no event will a late request be denied where a reasonable explanation is given for the delay in making the request.

Any textbook purchased and loaned cannot be religious and must be approved by any school board in New York State. The District may request evidence that a requested textbook is used in one or more public school districts in the state. This evidence may include an authenticated list of public school districts using the textbook from the publisher.

All textbooks will be loaned to resident students enrolled in public and nonpublic schools on an equitable basis.

Textbooks loaned to resident nonpublic school students remain the property of the District. Like public school students, nonpublic school students may be required to pay for lost or excessively damaged textbooks. The District will provide notification of this at the time a textbook is loaned.

Instructional Computer Hardware

Upon written request, instructional computer hardware will be purchased and loaned free of charge to nonpublic school students in the District in grades K through 12 in accordance with law and regulation. The instructional computer hardware must be required for use as a learning aid in a particular class or program.

Written requests for a loan of instructional computer hardware may be presented directly to the Board, or with the Board’s consent, to an appropriate official of the nonpublic school the student attends. The loan request should include information necessary to identify the instructional computer

Instructional computer hardware purchase and loan requests must be received by the District by June 30 of the school year prior to which the instructional computer hardware is being requested. Notice of this date will be given to all nonpublic schools. For students not enrolled by June 1, requests
may also be submitted within 30 days of enrollment in the nonpublic school. Additionally, in no event will a late request be denied where a reasonable explanation is given for the delay in making the request.

Any instructional computer hardware containing software programs which are religious in nature or content will not be purchased or loaned by the District. Additionally, any instructional computer hardware purchased and loaned must be approved by any school board in New York State.

Instructional computer hardware will be loaned to students enrolled in nonpublic schools on an equitable basis.

Instructional computer hardware loaned to nonpublic school students remains the property of the District. Like public school students, nonpublic school students may be required to pay for lost or excessively damaged instructional computer hardware. The District will provide notification of this at the time instructional computer hardware is loaned.


Smart Schools Classroom Technology

Upon written request, Smart Schools classroom technology will be purchased and loaned free of charge to nonpublic school students in the District in grades K through 12 in accordance with requirements in law and regulation.

Written requests for a loan of Smart Schools classroom technology may be presented directly to the Board, or with the Board’s consent, to an appropriate official of the nonpublic school the student attends. The loan request should include information necessary to identify the Smart Schools classroom

Smart Schools classroom technology purchase and loan requests must be received by the District by June 30 of the school year prior to which the Smart Schools classroom technology is being requested. Notice of this date will be given to all nonpublic schools. For students not enrolled by June 1, requests may also be submitted within 30 days of enrollment in the nonpublic school. Additionally, in no event will a late request be denied where a reasonable explanation is given for the delay in making the request.

Any Smart Schools classroom technology purchased and loaned cannot contain religious content and must be approved by any school board in New York State.

Smart Schools classroom technology will be loaned to students enrolled in nonpublic schools on an equitable basis.

Computer Software

Upon written request, computer software programs will be loaned free of charge to nonpublic school students in the District in grades K through 12 in accordance with requirements in law and regulation.

Written requests for a loan of computer software programs may be presented directly to the Board, or with the Board’s consent, to an appropriate official of the nonpublic school the student attends. The loan request should include information necessary to identify the computer software program.

Any computer software which is religious in nature or content will not be purchased or loaned by the District.

Computer software will be loaned to students enrolled in public and nonpublic schools on an equitable basis.

Computer software loaned to nonpublic school students remain the property of the District. Like public school students, nonpublic school students may be required to pay for lost or excessively damaged computer software. The District will provide notification of this at the time computer software is loaned.

Library Materials

Upon written request, library materials will be loaned free of charge to nonpublic school students in the District in grades K through 12 in accordance with law and regulation. Library materials must be required for use as a learning aid in a particular class or program and will be loaned for individual
student use only.

Written requests for a loan of library materials may be presented directly to the Board, or with the Board’s consent, to an appropriate official of the nonpublic school the student attends. The loan request should include information necessary to identify the book, such as title, author, publisher, and
copyright date, as well as the name and address of the child or parent requesting the loan and the nonpublic school attended.

Library materials which are religious in nature or content will not be purchased or loaned by the District.

All library materials will be loaned to students enrolled in public and nonpublic schools on an equitable basis.

Library materials loaned to nonpublic school students remain the property of the District. Like public school students, nonpublic school students may be required to pay for lost or excessively damaged library materials. The District will provide notification of this at the time a library material is loaned.


  • Education Law §§ 701, 712, 752, 754, and 755
  • 8 NYCRR §§ 21.2, 21.3, and 21.4


Adopted:  2/22/00
Revised:  8/24/11; 9/22/20; 6/27/2023

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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