Box Tops contest ends with CES administrators getting slimed

The excitement at Circleville Elementary School was palpable on Tuesday, Covered in slime and silly string, the two administrators wave to everyoneOct. 2. All classes filed out of the school just after 2 p.m. to gather in the parking lot for a very special event – to cheer as their principal and assistant principal got slimed.

“This is the best day ever,” said one second grader on his way to the parking lot.

Why, you might ask, would Principal Amy Brockner and Assistant Principal Joe Prestianni get this slime treatment? It was the prize for a summer-long Box Tops Across America challenge posed by the CES PTA: gather Box Tops from each of the 50 states before the end of September and their administrators would have a date with some slime.

Challenge on!

Large group of children wait for the slime to be pouredStudents wrote to family and friends who live out of state to have them send in Box Tops to the school. In addition, many families mailed Box Tops while on vacation. 

Easy peasy. The PTA received Box Tops from all 50 states before the end of August! Students and parents kept up on what was needed on the CES PTA Facebook page. It was an interactive event as families commented which states they were working on. It was true collaboration as students and their families worked together to meet the challenge.

Students also got to silly string Ms. Brockner and Mr. Prestianni after the slime had been dumped.Standing on ladders, two jumpsuit-clad volunteers pour buckets of slime on two administrators

The goal of the contest was to bring awareness to the Box Tops for Education program, which donates thousands of dollars – 10 cents at a time – to schools across the country when families snip the Box Tops logo off participating products and send them in to their schools. The CES PTA uses Box Tops funds to offset expenses for field trips, family events and supplies, as well as for teacher mini-grants. The community is welcome to submit their Box Tops to help our schools too!

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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