The Pine Bush Central School District is looking for volunteers to distribute meals and instructional materials, Monday through Friday, from 10:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Circleville Middle School and Pine Bush High School. Please call or email Judi Vanduzer at 845-744-2031 ext. 2809 or Volunteers will be given gloves and will distribute all …
Many of our families are experiencing food shortages at this time and school meals may have been their children’s only meals of their day. The School Nutrition Department will continue to provide for all children in our community by ensuring that they continue to have access to balanced meals and the ability to maintain their …
The Pine Bush Central School District employs a variety of ways for teachers to share content with students online and to provide learning experiences through online platforms. Our school teams worked to plan for online opportunities, as well as how to ensure effective, efficient communication with families during our school closure. We are excited to …
Dear Pine Bush Parents, Here’s some important information about meals and instructional activities: The district will be providing meals to students (ages 18 and younger) at 3 different sites: PBHS, CVMS and the Family Church at 510 M&M Road, Middletown, NY Starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. …
Good evening, There have been several shifts in our current state of emergency that you should know about. The Governor has issued his own Executive Order that calls for all schools in New York State to be closed beginning tomorrow, March 18, and continuing until April 1. The executive order from Orange County ended on …
Dear PB Colleagues, For everyone Donna Geidel sent an email this morning at 7:57 a.m . Anyone who plans to come to school tomorrow MUST read that email. It links to a document with specific times that staff can access the buildings on Tuesday to pick up their personal belongings, teacher Chromebooks and other lesson …
Good evening, There have been more changes since my last message to you on Friday concerning the Pine Bush response to the state of emergency driven by the novel coronavirus. A clarification from the governor’s office this morning makes it clear that in order to have forgiveness for emergency days off related to the current …
The Pine Bush Central School District has chosen to use computer-based testing to administer the New York State assessments for grades 3 through 8 this month. Click here to learn more about the assessments from Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Donna Geidel and a guide from New York State on what parents need to know before …