Michelle Reiser, physical education teacher at Pine Bush Elementary School, received the New York State Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYSAHPERD) Catskill Zone Amazing Person Award last week at the NYSAHPERD State Conference. Ms. Reiser was honored for all of her hard work and dedication in the field of physical …
Family and friends gathered recently as three Pine Bush High School athletes signed their national letters of intent to play Division I athletics: Brady Fandl – Baseball – Fairleigh Dickinson University Kennedy Fisher – Gymnastics – Southeast Missouri State University Averie Klein – Track & Field – Binghamton University The athletes were surrounded by their …
NOTE: This story has been edited to reflect a new date for the vote and for when the board will adopt a proposition to present to the public. The Pine Bush Central School District Board of Education is considering a two-part capital improvement project to repair and replace vital infrastructure at all school buildings in …
The Pine Bush High School cafeteria was abuzz Wednesday night as the ENL International Potluck Dinner was taking place. Hosted by our English as a New Language Department (ENL), students and their families celebrated their various cultures with colorful dress from their native countries and plentiful homemade food to share. David …
Dear Pine Bush Families, Alarming reports have surfaced across the country regarding racist text messages that have been sent to Black students. These messages, which invoke disturbing references to slavery and other offensive language, have been sent anonymously to individuals in several states, including New York. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies are actively …
The Pine Bush Continuing Education Department is offering classes for kids and adults, ranging from swim lessons, to break breaking. Have a look at what is being offered.
Progress reports for all students in pre-K through grade 5 are available starting Nov. 1, only on SchoolTool, our parent portal. If you do not have a SchoolTool account, click here for a short video walking you through the process of signing up. If you already have a SchoolTool account, click here for video instructions …
On Monday, Oct. 28, at approximately 9 a.m., a bus carrying students to Edward J. Russell Elementary School was involved in an accident on Route 52. Nine students were transported to Garnet Medical Center in Middletown with minor injuries. All other students continued to EJR to be checked by the nurses and have been released …
The 2024-2025 school year brings with it a school counselor supporting each of the Pine Bush Central School District elementary schools. The four elementary school counselors are: Deana Lenz – Circleville Elementary School Andi Simmons – Edward J. Russell Elementary School Carina Saint Louis – Pakanasink Elementary School Maureen Corcoran – Pine Bush Elementary School …
The YESS class (Youth Empowerment Sustainability and Service) at Pine Bush High School brought attention to Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month last Wednesday, Oct. 16, by spreading the word and educating their fellow students on the prevalence of domestic violence and how to prevent it. On Wednesday, many students and staff throughout …