A message from your principal

August 23, 2024

Dear Circleville Middle School Families~

Welcome back! We hope that everyone had a wonderful summer filled with lasting memories of fun and good times.

At Circleville Middle School, we foster learning environments that are conducive to each student reaching their fullest potential, finding something at which each student can be an expert, and valuing each student for their unique individuality. We pride ourselves on forging relationships with students, faculty, staff, parents, family members, community members, administration, and our Board of Education, as we work collaboratively to ensure success for everyone.

We believe that one of the biggest factors in the overall success of our students at CVMS has always been our ability to work in partnership with our families and the community. We hope that you feel welcome in our school and that you will become involved in the many activities that take place on a regular basis. Whether this is your family’s first year at CVMS or you are returning this fall, we hope that you are as excited as us for a year filled with learning, friends and fun!

We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of our students on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. We understand how many parents want to bring their children to school on the first day but believe our students will be better prepared by taking the bus. In this way, students will know the correct trip number of the bus they need to ride home. Please make sure your child knows their correct street address. You would be surprised how many incoming sixth graders do not remember their home address.

On the first day of school your child will be given various important papers to bring home. Please review these materials and provide your signature when required. In addition, please review our Family and Student handbooks already sent to you, check your child’s school email address, and access our Parent Portal in School Tool which will open on Friday, August 23, 2024 after 8 a.m., to view your child’s advisory class and school schedule. Bus information was already sent to families from our Transportation Department via a Parent Square message.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at 744-2031, extension 5600. In addition, please feel free to contact me to share your concerns, ask questions, or just to say, “hello.” Your involvement in our community of learners is most assuredly welcomed and valued.
We look forward to building a brighter future for our students with all of you.


Lisa A. Hankinson

Principal, Circleville Middle School

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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