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Crispell Middle School National Junior Honor Society

Seventh and eighth grade students at Crispell Middle School are eligible to become members of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), an organization that recognizes outstanding middle school students.

There are five requirements in order to be inducted into the NJHS: scholarship, service, citizenship, leadership and character.

  • Scholarship – students must achieve a 93 or above overall average for the first three quarters of the school year.
  • Service – students must participate in at least two school activities
  • Citizenship – students must participate in at least one community service activity.
  • Leadership – students must participate in an activity for which he/she is directly responsible.
  • Character – student must show good character.

In addition, students who want to be considered for membership in the National Junior Honor Society must:

  • Take criticism willingly and accept recommendations graciously;
  • Consistently exemplify desirable qualities of personality
  • Uphold principles of morality and ethics
  • Cooperate by complying with school regulations concerning property and programs.
  • Demonstrate the highest standards of honesty and reliability.
  • Show courtesy, concern and respect for others.
  • Manifest truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of others.

Service, citizenship and leadership activities

Want some ideas for service, citizenship and leadership activities? Here are a few, but this is not an all-inclusive list. To have an activity approved, the student should contact Mr. Charchan or Mrs. Meland.

Service activities: school athletic team, youth leadership, Environmental Club, Student Council representative, office runner, peer tutor/peer leadership, intramurals, chorus, band, yearbook, Multicultural Club, Drama Club, Interact Club, Media Club, Art Club.

Citizenship activities: Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, community volunteer, hospital volunteer, walk-a-thon participant, public library helper, nursing home volunteer, church volunteer, altar server, 4-H, Halloween Haunt, Little League umpire, marching band.

Leadership activities: All-County Band or Chorus, child care (regularly), athletic team captain, religious education assistant, elementary school volunteer, officer of an organization, youth leadership, peer helper, camp counselor, event chairperson, Bible school helper.

Students will be notified by their teachers at the end of the third academic quarter if they have met the scholarship requirements.

The National Junior Honor Society serves to honor students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of school, service, leadership, character and citizenship. It is a sister organization of the National Honor Society, which recognizes exemplary high school students.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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