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School Board Petition Packets Available

Crispell Return to Learn – Hybrid Edition

We are so excited to welcome our incoming sixth grade students and grades 6-8 selected classes to the building. As we prepare for this new journey, please take some time to review our procedures and protocols so we can all have a safe and enjoyable experience!



Our school nurse, Diane Tjornhom, will be available to assist any student needing attention as they arrive at school. Administration and selected staff will assist with conducting temperature checks and guiding students as they exit the bus and/or enter the building:

  • BUS TEAM 1 – Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Meland
  • BUS TEAM 2 – Mr. Mummery, Mrs. Mazzella
  • BUS TEAM 3 – Mr. VanPelt, Ms.Thompson
  • WALKER/DROP OFF TEAM 4: – Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Muniz



There will be four entry points for students to come into the building. Grab-and-go breakfast will be served at each entry. Signage will be posted to direct students approaching the building. Staff members will greet students and help to direct students to their classrooms.

  • Walkers/Drop-off enter through the doors located by
    the nurse’s office. Students will be guided to the nearest stairwell and
    directed to their period 1 classrooms.
  • 6 Blue students will enter through the left side doors located in the back of
    the building by the band room. Students will proceed to the stairwell in the 8
    Gold wing and travel to their period 1 classrooms.
  • 6 Gold students will enter through the right side doors located in the back of
    the building by the band room. Students will proceed to the stairwell located
    by the library and travel to their period 1 classrooms.
  • 7/8 SC students will enter through the cafeteria doors. They will proceed to
    their period 1 classrooms.



We will continue to follow the established bell schedule that has been effective since the start of the school year. For our hybrid students, we will utilize the 10 minute buffer between periods to coordinate student movement to their next classroom. Students must maintain a safe physical distance at all times. Please adhere to the following transition guidelines:

  1. GOLD TEAM first five minutes of transition time (i.e.period one students move between 8:05-8:10)
  2. BLUE TEAM second five minutes of transition time (i.e. period one students
    move between 8:10-8:15)



Bathroom use will be restricted to only one student at a time. In order to monitor this traffic, there will be a staff member assigned to the hallway outside of the bathroom entrances.



Desks have replaced cafeteria tables. Students will be assigned to a desk to eat their lunch. These desks will be sanitized after every use. Teams will have an allotted time to eat lunch, and will rotate to and from the cafeteria and outdoor recess area (weather permitting):

  1. GOLD TEAM 10:25-10:40 in cafeteria; 10:45-11:05 outdoor recess area
  2. BLUE TEAM 10:25-10:40 outdoor recess area; 10:45-11:05 in cafeteria
  3. 7th Grade Group 11:15-11:35 in cafeteria; 11:35-11:50 outdoor recess area
  4. 8th Grade Group 12:00-12:20 in cafeteria; 12:20-12:40 outdoor recess area



Our departure protocol will be to dismiss students in a controlled, systematic manner. Departure will begin at 2:05 promptly in this order:

  1. ALL Walkers/Parent pick-up
  2. Staggered dismissal by team called over the PA.



Students may bring their school issued Chromebooks to and from school each day that they attend. There will also be spare Chromebooks in the building and available daily. Students requiring a Chromebook to be issued to them can be given the paperwork/contract to take home and complete. These are available in the main office. Once parent signatures are obtained, they will be able to travel with their school issued Chromebook.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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