Students are using STEAM to help spread the word about our environment and endangered animals!
The sixth-grade students in Michael Sabini’s science class have come to the library to work with Lisa Metz and Education Technology Specialist Hope Schaumburg to research biomes and identify endangered animals in these biomes.
Research indicates animal habitats are increasingly threatened because of habitat loss and global climate change. Constructing a presentation board, using coding with SCRATCH, and a Makey Makey kit to take over their computer, students set out to alert everyone about the dangers and the mitigating strategies needed to save these animals, which included the snow leopard, orangutan, sea turtle, Javan rhinoceros and mountain gorilla.
They learned about the animal, created interactive displays that answer many questions about the animal’s habitat, the dangers they face and how to best protect them. They recorded their own voices to answer questions with just a push of a button, with photos to back-up the information.
Great project, combining science, technology and art for these very curious and capable students!