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CVMS students can identify minerals based on their properties – and enjoy doing it!

Stacie Blaut’s sixth-grade science class has been studying minerals. Their goal – to identify minerals based on their properties.

Ms. Blaut gave each group of students eight minerals and a key containing each mineral’s description. The students looked at each mineral for its color, luster, texture, streak and hardness, making notes about each.

A group of three sixth-grade students, all wearing goggles, writing on paper after doing an experiment. There is a pink egg carton on the table with eight minerals  in it.


To test the streak, which is the color left behind when the mineral is rubbed on a streak plate, students rubbed each mineral and made note of the color.

To test the hardness, they used objects such as a penny, fingernail and glass to determine the answer They had a table of hardness to help them determine the  correct answer. 


A girl with long dark hair, wearing safety goggles, writes her findings on a piece of paper.



A girl with long dark hair, wearing safety goggles, smiles as the  mineral she is testing sticks to a magnet.


They determined if the minerals were smooth or rough, bumpy or sharp. They noted their color. They also tested to see if the minerals were magnetic or glowed with a fluorescent light.


A boy with blonde hair and wearing safety goggles uses a fluorescent light to see properties on small minerals.


On their worksheets, they recorded all of the physical properties, then determined which mineral was which: Calcite, galena, graphite, quartz, obsidian, hematite, magnetite and talc.


A pink egg carton with eight minerals in eight different compartments.

Best of all, they dove into this project with such enthusiasm!

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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