The Pine Bush community came together last Wednesday for the annual senior citizen dinner and show.
Senior citizens from throughout our community, 126 in all, came to Pine Bush High School for a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings and dessert.
Seventy-five volunteers from the district did the work, from prep and set-up, to assisting the guests to cooking, serving and clean-up. Students and staff alike chipped in their time for this much-anticipated event.
During dinner, the seniors were treated to music from Crispell and CVMS students who performed in their schools’ musicals, Alice in Wonderland, Jr. and Annie Jr. Our guests were amazed by these talented students.
Families Assisting Music Education (FAME) held a raffle of gift baskets, all of which were donated to the group. The money raised will go to scholarships for our high school seniors.
Following dinner and dessert, music and the raffle, our guests went into the auditorium to watch the incredible PBHS production of Little Shop of Horrors
Everything for the evening was donated – from the food to the service to the show tickets. Vendors donated the food and bus transportation, while district volunteers took care of the rest.
It was a wonderful community event, something the seniors, as well as our district volunteers, look forward to each year.