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Fourth-graders learn about New York tribes on Native American Day

Jennifer Laubach, Catherine Stevens and Jessica Fobert[‘s fourth-grade students at PBE celebrated Native American Day on Nov. 21. The students learned about the Native American tribes from New York through making crafts and playing games. They made wampum belts of their own design and learned that these belts were used as a sign of good will between people.


A fourth-grade girl sits at a desk with a happily surprised look on her face. She is putting blue and white beads on white plastic strings.


The students learned that the Native Americans had clans named after animals. They chose animals to represent them when they were crafting their very own totem poles. For example, bears are a sign of strength and teaching. Doves are symbols of love and kindness. Frogs represent new life and communication. The owl is for wisdom and the wolf stands for intelligence and leadership.


A fourth-grade boy with short brown hair smiles as he holds up a cutout brown totem pole.


The students had fun decorating sticks before playing a stick game to sharpen their math skills. They read the book “Gratitude is My Super Power,” a book about giving thanks and practicing positivity. They painted their very own gratitude stones to put in the garden in front of the building.


White plates with painted rocks on them.


Finally, they celebrated at the end of the day with a “grateful” long table, sharing a snack and reading their very own grateful poems.


Long tables with orange tablecloths. Kids are sitting at them with snacks.


Long tables with yellow tablecloths. Kids are sitting at them with snacks.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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