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Have a taste of our delicious, homemade lunch!

Have a taste! Our school nutrition department was at PBE Thursday to give students a taste of that day’s hot lunch – it was homemade nachos. Yes, homemade, with fresh New York State beef, cooked and seasoned here in our kitchens from scratch. Whole grain corn chips, real shredded cheddar cheese, brown rice and black beans, also from New York State, round out the entrée. Students also get a side of fresh fruit and milk.

Two women with dark hair hand samples of food to an elementary kid sitting down at a table in a cafeteria.



Director of School Nutrition Caitlyn Lazarski and one of PBE’s finest, Leticia, went around the cafeteria giving samples of the nachos to all the students who either brought lunch from home or chose a different option from the cafeteria.


A girl with long blonde hair eats from a little sample cup.


After their taste, students who liked it got a card to bring home in their lunchbox!


A girl with long blonde hair smiles and holds up a card that says Caught Loving Lunch!



A reminder to all parents and guardians, breakfasts and lunches are free to all students in the district. Our school nutrition staff is working hard every day to create delicious and nutritious meals for our students. We hope your students will give them a try and get “Caught Loving Lunch” here at school.

For more information about our school meals, click here.

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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