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Meal distribution begins Sept. 8; Sign up via FamilyID

September 5, 2020

I have exciting news that our children’s free meal distribution will be starting up again next week.

When schools suddenly shifted to virtual learning last March, we were able to distribute free meals to children under an emergency USDA waiver.  This waiver has now been extended through December, which will again allow us to provide nutritious meals to children in our area who are 18 years of age or younger, regardless of family income, location, or school attended.  

While you may be familiar with our previous meal distribution program, several things will be different when we start back up next week. 

We will only have two sites, not three. Those sites are Pine Bush High School and Circleville Middle School. At those drive-through locations, meals will continue to be loaded into your vehicle by our staff, and your children do not have to be with you when picking up meals.  

While you will have multiple options, you will only need to come for meal pickups once each week, because now packages will contain 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches for each child.  

You will have three choices of pick up days and times. You can go to either location on Tuesdays or Fridays between the hours 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. or on Wednesday afternoons between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and  4:30 p.m.

The biggest change is that families will now be required to reserve their weekly meal package in advance, using Family ID, to select a day and time slot.  Our District has used Family ID for several years for athletics and continuing education, and many families are already set up. However, if you are using Family ID for the first time, you’ll have to set up an account for your family.

Afterwards, you will simply log into Family ID to schedule your pick-ups.
Reserving weekly meal packages for the children in your family allows the school nutrition department to better plan their weekly food preparation and to have the meals you need ready for you when you arrive.  Any allergy information should be entered upon registration.  

All meals for your children are free of charge and the first day for distribution will be next Tuesday, Sept. 8 . Click here for all the information you will need for Family ID and the weekly food distribution. If you have any questions or need assistance contact the School Nutrition Office at (845) 744-2031 x 2809. 

One of our highest priorities is supporting the “whole child” by ensuring they have access to nutritious meals. That makes for better student health and improved student learning.   So, if this information might be valuable to a neighbor, friend or relative, please pass it on!

Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!  

Tim O. Mains, Pine Bush School Superintendent

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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