Newly-minted authors share their research with younger students

Let’s welcome our newest authors! Students in Lisa Quick and Jaclyn Nespoli’s fourth-grade class at Circleville Elementary School wrote and published informational books recently. They had an amazing afternoon celebrating their books, circling the classroom reading each other’s books and leaving star comments.

A round table with several fourth graders standing at as they read books they wrote.


An adult woman with dark, shoulder-length hair, leans onto a table with a group of fourth-grade students who are sitting at it. There is a boy on the right with short dark hair wearing a blue shirt, a girl with her hair pulled back in the center, and a girl with dark hair pulled back smiling, giving peace signs. She is wearing a pink shirt. On the table are books and post-it notes.


Then they headed to Denise Hansen’s kindergarten class to read their books to the class. Topics ranged from cheese to sound waves to Martin Luther King, Jr., to megalodons!  We are so proud of these students and the work they did to produce these books!


A fourth-grade student sits at a table reading a book to two kindergarten students. On the table is a white basket filled with green, red and yellow blocks.

A kindergarten student with long brown hair wearing a blue shirt sits looking at a fourth-grade student with shorter dark hair, wearing a brown shirt that says "Be Unique."  They are both sitting on the floor. The student is looking at a grown up sitting on a chair smiling. They are all smiling.


Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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