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Arrival, Dismissal and Traffic Procedures


Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts!


Brian Breheny                                             Colleen Delles
         Principal                                                         Assistant Principal

Arrival, Dismissal and Traffic Procedures

The safety and security of your child is our priority. In order for our arrival and dismissal routines to be safe and orderly, we require parents to follow the procedures listed below.

Our “Kiss and GO” traffic area is designated along the sidewalk median within the parking lot. Our staff members will guide you through the process using “Stop” and “Go” signs.


Earliest Arrivals: 8:55 a.m.

For the safety of all students, parents must wait with their child in the Kiss and Go area and NOT cross the street to wait in front of the building. At 8:55 a.m. we have adequate supervision to escort children from the sidewalk median to their designated school entrance.

If you arrive after 9:05 a.m., you must escort your child to the main entrance. Please do not drive or park in front of Circleville Middle School or Pakanasink Elementary during the arrival or dismissal of our students.


Students will be dismissed at 3:05 p.m. for pick up. If your child is going to be picked up every day or on a consistent weekly schedule (1-2 days per week) you will need to fill out a PAK Daily Pickup form. A “number card” procedure has been established. Once identification is screened and verified, you will receive a card with your designated pick-up number. When you enter the “Kiss & Go” lane, have the card visibly posted inside the car’s windshield/dashboard. Staff will be checking cards, verifying names, and calling students to come outside for pickup. If you do not have a card or you have not notified the office of your intent to pick up prior to 2:30 p.m., you must PARK in the parking lot and wait for a staff member to assist you.

If you need to pick up your child prior to dismissal, send a note (or email) to your child’s teacher. All requests must be submitted in writing (email or note) no later than 2:30 p.m. Last-minute phone calls are not acceptable as they significantly disrupt and delay the dismissal process. The note must include your child’s name, grade, teacher, time at which your child will be picked up, and the name of the person picking up. Anyone picking up your child will need identification readily available (this includes any designated “Emergency Contact”).

If your child attends the Boys & Girls Club or Iron Dragon, you must fill out a bus change form. Please note that any time the Pine Bush School District cancels after-school activities OR there is an unscheduled early dismissal, the Boys & Girls Club program is canceled.  Iron Dragon will continue as usual. Please call or email the main office to explain your child’s alternate plan for dismissal if this situation arises.

It is important to keep the school informed of any changes in your child’s dismissal routine. Your cooperation in this matter will ensure that your child is safe and arrives at his/her appropriate destination each and every school day.


Kiss and Go Procedures 2024-2025

  • Vehicles enter “Kiss & Go” from Renton Road ONLY (NOT Route 302).
  • IMPORTANT: In order to line-up in the “Kiss & Go” lane, ALL students MUST be able to exit from the RIGHT side of the vehicle INDEPENDENTLY. Adults CAN NOT get out of the car to assist their child if they are lined-up in the “Kiss & Go” lane. This SIGNIFICANTLY stalls the arrival process and creates a significant safety hazard for cars exiting the lane.
  • If your child requires time and assistance to exit or enter the car, park your car in a lined parking space and escort your child to the sidewalk median using the crosswalk. Signal a staff member and do not walk down the sidewalk with your child.
  • Staff will supervise children as they walk down the sidewalk to their designated entrance. For the safety of all students, please do not crowd the median or attempt to walk your child to their assigned entry. We have assigned several staff members to assist all students.
  • Staff members will direct several cars to pull all the way up to the beginning
    of the sidewalk/median (facing Route 302). We can safely unload
    approximately 10-15 cars at a time if everyone follows these directions.
  • WAIT for the staff member to give a SIGNAL for your child to exit on the
    RIGHT side of the vehicle. A staff member will open the door for your child if
  • After the first line of 10-15 cars leaves, vehicles will be directed to pull all the
    way up to where the median begins, and repeat the same procedure.
  • Due to the high volume of traffic, please EXIT the parking lot SAFELY as soon as possible so the next set of cars can pull-up. Please do not linger in the parking lot.
  • At 9:05, “Kiss & Go” staff supervision officially ENDS and school officially
    BEGINS. If you arrive after 9:05, you MUST park your car and escort your child
    to the main entrance. There, you will sign him/her in at the greeter’s window,
    and your child will receive a pass to go to class.
Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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