This student calendar for the 2025-2026 school year was adopted by the Pine Bush Board of Education on Feb. 25, 2025. A printed copy of the full school calendar is distributed to every student on the first day of school.
Click here for a PDF version of this calendar, or contact the main office of your district school.
Wednesday, Aug. 27: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)
Thursday, Aug. 28: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)
Monday, Sept. 1: Labor Day (No school)
Tuesday, Sept. 2: Opening Day for students
Tuesday, Sept. 23: Rosh Hashanah (No school)
Thursday, Oct. 2: Yom Kippur (No school)
Friday, Oct. 10: Early dismissal drill
Monday, Oct. 13: Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day (No school)
Tuesday, Nov. 4: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)
Tuesday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day (No school)
Wednesday, Nov. 26: Half day for students and staff
Thursday, Nov. 27, and Friday, Nov. 28: Thanksgiving Recess (No school)
Thursday, Dec. 4: Elementary School early dismissal
Friday, Dec. 5: Elementary School early dismissal
Wednesday, Dec. 24, through Wednesday, Dec. 31: Winter Recess (No school)
Thursday, Jan. 1, and Friday, Jan. 2: Winter Recess (No school)
Monday, Jan. 19: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No school)
Tuesday, Jan. 20 through Friday, Jan. 23: Regents Exams
Monday, Feb. 16, through Friday, Feb. 20: February Recess (No school)
Monday, Feb. 16: Presidents Day (No school)
Tuesday, Jan. 17: Lunar New Year (No school)
MARCH 2026
Friday, March 13: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)
Thursday, March 19: Elementary School early dismissal
Friday, March 20: Elementary School early dismissal
Monday, March 30, and Tuesday, March 31: Spring Recess (No school)
APRIL 2026
Wednesday, April 1, through Friday, April 3: Spring recess (No school)
MAY 2026
Tuesday, May 19: Budget Vote (School is in session)
Friday, May 22 and Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Weekend (No school)
JUNE 2026
Tuesday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 10: Regents Exams
Wednesday, June 17, Thursday, June 18, and Monday, June 22 through Thursday June 25: Regents Exams
Friday, June 19: Juneteenth (No school)
Friday, June 26: Rating Day, Last Day of School
JULY 2026
Friday, July 3: Independence Day (District closed)
Tuesday, Aug. 18, and Wednesday, Aug. 19: Regents Exams
Total Days:
184 Total Days
– 4 Snow Days
+ 4 Conference Days
184 Days
Instructional make-up days, if necessary, will begin with Feb. 20, Feb. 19 (if all snow days are used by Jan. 30), May 22, then remote days as needed.