2025-2026 Student Calendar (Approved Feb. 25, 2025)

This student calendar for the 2025-2026 school year was adopted by the Pine Bush Board of Education on Feb. 25, 2025.  A printed copy of the full school calendar is distributed to every student on the first day of school.


Click here for a PDF version of this calendar, or contact the main office of your district school.



Wednesday, Aug. 27: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)

Thursday, Aug. 28: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)




Monday, Sept. 1: Labor Day (No school)

Tuesday, Sept. 2: Opening Day for students

Tuesday, Sept. 23: Rosh Hashanah (No school)




Thursday, Oct. 2: Yom Kippur (No school)

Friday, Oct. 10: Early dismissal drill

Monday, Oct. 13: Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day (No school)




Tuesday, Nov. 4: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)

Tuesday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day  (No school)

Wednesday, Nov. 26: Half day for students and staff

Thursday, Nov. 27, and Friday, Nov. 28: Thanksgiving Recess (No school)




Thursday, Dec. 4: Elementary School early dismissal

Friday, Dec. 5: Elementary School early dismissal

Wednesday, Dec. 24, through Wednesday, Dec. 31: Winter Recess (No school)




Thursday, Jan. 1, and  Friday, Jan. 2: Winter Recess (No school)

Monday, Jan. 19: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No school)

Tuesday, Jan. 20 through Friday, Jan. 23: Regents Exams




Monday, Feb. 16, through Friday, Feb. 20: February Recess (No school)

Monday, Feb. 16: Presidents Day (No school)

Tuesday, Jan. 17: Lunar New Year (No school)



MARCH 2026

Friday, March 13: Superintendent’s Conference Day (No school for students)

Thursday, March 19: Elementary School early dismissal

Friday, March 20: Elementary School early dismissal

Monday, March 30, and Tuesday, March 31: Spring Recess (No school)



APRIL 2026

Wednesday, April 1, through Friday, April 3: Spring recess (No school)


MAY 2026

Tuesday, May 19: Budget Vote (School is in session)

Friday, May 22 and Monday, May 25: Memorial Day Weekend (No school)



JUNE 2026

Tuesday, June 9, and Wednesday, June 10: Regents Exams

Wednesday, June 17, Thursday, June 18, and Monday, June 22 through Thursday June 25: Regents Exams

Friday, June 19: Juneteenth  (No school)

Friday, June 26: Rating Day, Last Day of School


JULY 2026

Friday, July 3: Independence Day (District closed)



Tuesday, Aug. 18, and Wednesday, Aug. 19: Regents Exams



Total Days:

184 Total Days

–   4 Snow Days

+  4 Conference Days

184 Days

Instructional make-up days, if necessary, will begin with Feb. 20, Feb. 19 (if all snow days are used by Jan. 30), May 22, then remote days as needed. 

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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