Elementary School Success Plan



  • •I will talk to my child about how going to school every day will help them do well in school and achieve their hopes and dreams
  •  I will keep an attendance chart at home. At the end of the week, I will recognize my child for attending school every day with _____________
     (i.e. a visit to the park, a new book, a break from doing chores, a special treat).
  •  I will make sure my child is in bed by ___ p.m. and the alarm clock is set for ___ a.m.
  • If my child complains of a stomachache or headache, and medical concerns have been ruled out, I will send him/her to school anyway and call so that he/she can check in with my child during the day.
  • If my child has a cold but no fever (less than 100 degrees), I will send him/her to school anyway. If I don’t have a thermometer, I will purchase or borrow one.
  • I will find a relative, friend or neighbor who can take my child to school if I can’t make it.
  • If my child is absent, I will contact his/her teacher to find out what he/she missed.
  • I will set up medical and dental appointments for weekdays after school.

• My child was present ___ days.

• My child was absent ___ days.
• My goal is to improve my child’s attendance. I will ensure my child misses no more than ___ days for the rest of the year. (9 or fewer absences = satisfactory attendance)

To improve my child’s attendance, I will commit to the following:




To learn more, please visit www.attendanceworks.org Adapted from materials created by Early Works at Earl Boyles Elementary School in Portland, Oregon (http://www.childinst.org/our-initiatives/early-works).



  1. My Family:  List who lives in your house.
  2. Everyday Helpers: Identify who you can call on to help drop your child off or who can pick him or her up when you cannot. These are people like friends, neighbors and relatives who can help regularly.
  3. Occasional Helpers: Identify people who probably cannot help every day, but can help in a pinch. Maybe it’s a godparent, a relative or a friend who lives outside your neighborhood but can be there for short stints.
  4. Potential Helpers: Identify people who are part of your school community, church or neighborhood who are able to help—if you ask.

1. My Family:

2. Everyday Helpers:

3. Occasional Helpers:

4. Potential Helpers:

If I need help getting my child to and from school, I will ask the following people to be our back-up:

Name:             Best Contact Number:

Name:             Best Contact Number:

Name:              Best Contact Number:


Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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