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Circleville Middle School Student Handbook

Circleville Middle School
100% for our students, 100% of the time


Your middle school years mark an important milestone of change in your learning experiences. Every change represents a new beginning and the possibility to make our world a better place. As a middle school student you will have many opportunities to bring your ideas, hopes, dreams and energy into a different place. 

Whether it’s the friends you choose, the courses you select, the clubs or sports you join or the dedication you put into your academic endeavors, these choices will help shape the adult you become. 

CVMS is invested in your success. Please know that you can always turn to the staff at CVMS along with your families for support and guidance.


Bell Schedule

Teachers sign in at 7:25 a.m.

Period                                                      Time

  • Students enter building                  7:26 A.M.
  • Academic Advisory Period            7:30 – 7:39 a.m.
  • 1st                                                       7:42 – 8:23 a.m.
  • 2nd                                                     8:26 – 9:07 a.m.
  • 3rd                                                       9:10 – 9:51 a.m.
  • 4th                                                      9:54 – 10:35 a.m.
  • 5th (6th Grade Lunch)                    10:38 – 11:19 a.m.
  • 6th (7th Grade Lunch)                     11:22 a.m. – 12:03 p.m.
  • 7th (8th Grade Lunch)                     12:06 – 12:47 p.m.
  • 8th                                                       12:50 – 1:31 p.m.
  • 9th                                                       1:34 – 2:15 p.m.
  • Dismissal                                            2:15 p.m.


Academic Advisory

Starts at 7:30 a.m. Academic Advisory period is essential for the Pledge of Allegiance, attendance, announcements, and other housekeeping matters. You should use this time to prepare yourself for the school day by checking your schedule, making sure you have the necessary materials including charged Chromebooks, pens, pencils, and related books and reviewing some of the class work from the previous day. This is also the time and place to eat your breakfast if you obtained a “grab and go” bagged breakfast upon entry to our school.


At CVMS, students are assigned to an academy. An academy encompasses the same group of students sharing the same teachers. Teachers in academies are given the freedom to set aside a shared time for common planning time, parent-teacher conferences, student-teacher meetings, interdisciplinary projects and for planning field trips. All academies in grades six through eight foster learning environments that are 21st century-based and embrace the 5 Cs: collaboration, citizenship, communication, creativity and innovation, and critical thinking and problem-solving.


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Join as many activities as you possibly can. It is a great way to develop interests, have fun and make friends. An active student is usually a very successful student.  Pay close attention to the daily announcements, teacher Google Classroom pages, web site, and bulletin boards for the different clubs and activities available this year. Our clubs and organizations include: Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, Yearbook Club, S.T.E.A.M. Club, Multi-Cultural Diversity Club, Activities Club, Art Club, Drama Club, Interact Club, Media Club, World Languages Club, Code Warriors, 8th Grade Planning Committee, an Odyssey of the Mind team and a new Culinary Club addition for this year.


Make achieving perfect attendance a goal. To be successful, regular school attendance is important. One day’s absence is usually equivalent to the loss of two days of instruction. Legal reasons for being absent include the following: personal illness or death in the family, recognized religious holidays, quarantine, remedial health treatment, court attendance, and impassable roads. Trips with parents, and vacations, etc., will be classified as illegal absences.

Academic Advisory begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. Students enter school when the bell rings at 7:26 a.m. and the LATE bell rings at 7:30 a.m. Students who are late to school need to sign in at the greeter’s desk and present a parent note of excuse. Excessive lateness to school may result in a disciplinary consequence.


The day you return from an absence, you should bring a written excuse signed by your parent or guardian stating the date, duration, and reason for the absence. If a written legal excuse is not presented within one week, you may be credited with an illegal absence (truancy). Students who are absent during the day may not attend any school function that afternoon or evening. Please expect an automated messages to your home when your child is absent from school.

Early Dismissal of Students

If you need to be excused from part of the day’s session, bring a written request from home, signed by your parent or guardian, stating the exact time to be excused and the reason. Such excuses from school should be used only in cases of emergency and extreme necessity.  

Please bring this note to the office before the first period. Authorized adults picking up students must present photo identification before students are released. A saved photo in your cell phone of your photo i.d. will also suffice.

Other than this procedure, once you arrive at school, you are to remain on school grounds at all times.  Leaving school grounds without permission will be handled according to our District Code of Conduct. 


Make a point of being prompt! Get to school and class on time.  Excessive lateness to school and to class may result in disciplinary action.

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Academies recognize the accomplishments of their students in behavior, effort and academic performance. Celebrations occur as necessary within each academy regularly throughout the year.


Each of you will have books and other resources loaned to you during the year. You are responsible for paying for these books if they are lost or damaged. Know where your books are at all times and do not lend them to others unless you are willing to assume responsibility if they are lost or damaged. Report all lost books to your teacher immediately.

Bookbags/String Bookbags/Backpacks

Students are permitted to carry their books and belongings to and from school using any one of these items. However, due to health and safety concerns, students are not permitted to bring a book bag, string book bag, or backpack into any of their classes. Students are given enough opportunities throughout the day to use their lockers and plan accordingly.

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Bus Procedures

Bus transportation is a privilege. Under no circumstances will we compromise safety for inappropriate behavior. Unsafe bus behavior may result in bus riding privileges being suspended. If you are assigned school bus transportation, you may ride only your assigned bus. You will be picked up and dropped off at the same stop each day. Students will not be permitted to ride home on a different bus. If a change needs to be made for childcare, parents can fill out a form found on our website:

After-school Bus at 3:30 p.m.—Dismissal time is 2:15 p.m. The School District provides buses at 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for those of you who have permission to stay for extra help, are kept for after-school detention, and/or wish to participate in a club or activity. Please note that the late bus stops are “batched” and your child may not be dropped off at his or her regular bus stop. The bus company determines the late bus stops based on the students on the bus, and where they live, and amends as necessary.



The cafeteria is a setting where students eat their lunch and enjoy the opportunity to socialize with classmates. To maintain this environment, it is necessary that the following procedures occur:

  • Students will enter the cafeteria during their assigned lunch period and sit down at a lunch table. The number of students at a table will be limited to eight on each side.
  • Students will immediately stop talking and give full attention to the adult on the microphone when announcements are being made. 
  • Students will be dismissed from their table by an adult to line up at the serving line door. 
  • Students will appropriately wait in line and enter and exit the serving area. 
  • Wandering from table to table is not permitted. Students may socialize with  peers at their lunch table.
  • Students are to be mindful of being respectful and adhering to the school rule of keeping one’s hands to themselves.
  • The table and floor areas should be cleared of debris before being dismissed.
  • Food waste and garbage should be placed in trash containers.
  • If weather permits, students will be dismissed to recess by table. Students will exit the cafeteria through the ramp door to the blacktop area. 
  • All food and drink must remain in the cafeteria. 
  • At the end of recess, students will re-enter the building through the main entrance doors.
  • Students are not permitted to enter our building or walk through our halls carrying any type of hot beverage regardless of its container.
  • Soda and energy drinks are not permitted in the building.
  • Glass containers are not permitted in the building.

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Cell Phones 

 Cell phones are not allowed to be used at Circleville Middle School. They are disruptive to classes and shift student focus away from academics. Circleville Middle School does not assume liability if such devices are damaged, lost or stolen. If your child brings a cell phone to school, he/she assumes such risk and is responsible for its security at all times. This also applies to all wearable technology devices such as Apple watches. Cell phones are to remain out of sight throughout the entire school day. Students may only use a cell phone in the classroom when directed by a teacher at a designated time to record assignments, add notes to a calendar etc. Cell phones should not be kept on student’s desks, chairs or on the classroom floor. Cell phones should not be visible or in use during passing time in the hallway. Cell phone use is not permitted during lunch or recess time. Students may not use their phones or any other devices to make personal phone calls, text or take pictures/videos at any time during the school day. If a student needs to contact a family member, they should notify a teacher and if given permission, should come to the main office to use the office phone. Students who do not adhere to the CVMS cell phone practices will face the following consequences:

First offense – WARNING

Second offense – Cell phone is confiscated and kept in the main office and will be returned to the student at the end of the school day.

Third offense – Cell phone is confiscated and will only be returned to a parent/guardian.

Computer Games and Other Technology Devices

Are a distraction and are not allowed in school during the school day. Should your child ignore our policy, and bring these items to school, it is their responsibility to secure these items in their locker during the school day, after the school day, and if they attend any after-school or evening activities at CVMS. Students bringing these items to school do so at their own risk. Circleville Middle School does not assume liability if such devices are damaged, lost or stolen. If your child brings any of these devices to school, he/she assumes such risk and is responsible for its security.



All students will have access to a Chromebook throughout the day. Students must use Chromebooks for academic purposes only for activities including but not limited to the following:

  • Accessing assignments and resources on Google Classroom
  • Completing assignments and projects
  • Doing class-related research
  • Any academic activities as directed by the teacher

Students should not use Chromebooks to access unauthorized websites, gaming sites, social media apps, etc. Students are not to use their Pine Bush email accounts or other shared documents to socialize during or after the school day. Students may not download any programs or use any external devices such as flash drives, hard drives or other computer hardware.

All student accounts are regularly monitored by teachers and administrators for acceptable use. Students who do not follow the PBCSD acceptable use policy may face consequences such as the loss of Chromebook privileges.


Dances and Evening Fundraising Events

These events are open to CVMS students ONLY. To participate, you are to be in classes the day of the event and not: absent, in In-School Suspension or on Out-of-School Suspension. Students that have accumulated multiple referrals leading up to these events may be excluded from participating. All events are supervised, and you are expected to follow school guidelines, or you will be directed to call your parents and leave the event. Once you arrive, you should plan on staying. If you leave early, you will not be able to return. Students are responsible for informing their parents of the time that the dance or event will end. Each student is expected to be picked up at the conclusion in a timely manner. Being picked up late may jeopardize attending future events. Students must secure all valuables in their lockers. We are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items of any kind.

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Dress Code

Student dress is very important to create and maintain an environment conducive to learning. Head gear such as hats, bonnets, silk wraps, bandanas, etc. may be worn as long as ears are visible at all times. Wearing of hoods is not permitted inside CVMS. Halter and/or tube tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps or straps less than three fingers width, wide openings under the arms, half shirts, or anything that shows a bare midriff or bare back, is unacceptable for school. Shorts and skirts are acceptable as long as they are reasonable in length. However, any shorts, skirts, or jeans with holes that bring undue attention and disrupt the learning environment will be deemed inappropriate.This includes shorts that do not meet our dress code policy even if worn over Spandex, tights or leggings. Pajama pants are inappropriate for school unless we announce a “Pajama Day.” Tee-shirts and other clothing with messages about drugs, tobacco, cigarettes, sex, alcohol, or violence are unacceptable. In addition, students may wear winter jackets, coats, and other heavy garments to school but are not permitted to wear these items in classes. They must be stored in his or her locker until dismissal. More specifics for our dress code may be found in the PBCSD District Code of Conduct as well as in our Family Edition Handbook.

We want our students to be successful. One way to be successful is to “dress for success.” In the event of non-compliance, identified students will be given the option of changing into an acceptable alternate outfit, or a parent may be called to rectify the situation. Therefore, it is recommended that students have an appropriate “back-up” outfit to minimize an inconvenience to parents.



Students are permitted to bring in these items. However, due to health and safety concerns, students are not permitted to have these items in their ears and or in use when walking throughout our building. These items must be out of sight and not in use during the school day. They may only be used in a classroom with specific permission given by a teacher to utilize academic resources such as videos on a Chromebook, audio recordings, etc. We have disposable earbuds that we provide to our students if need be.

Hall Passes and Conduct

You are expected to be in your assigned room on time. Running in the halls is a safety hazard and is not permitted. If you leave a room, you must have a paper pass signed by your teacher, counselor, nurse, principal etc. Every student must have their own individual pass. Students may not be in the halls during class periods without a pass. Pre-signed passes are necessary during lunch periods for extra help sessions, teacher detentions etc. If you need to see the nurse, a pass may be issued by your teacher. Students who abuse pass privileges will have such privileges limited via the consequence of “Pass Restriction” for a discretionary period of time. 

Public displays of affection are not acceptable in our school. We realize socialization is a part of growing up; however, personal pride and integrity are to be maintained.  Students who insist on making public displays of affection can expect their parents to be notified and may receive a disciplinary consequence.  

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Health Office

The school nurse is on duty during the school day and has facilities available for first aid only. Students are required to report to the Health Office regarding: any injury that occurs in school, outside on school grounds, or on a school bus, illness during the day, Physical Education excuses, hearing and vision examinations, etc. All injuries occurring in a classroom, on school grounds or on a school bus should be reported immediately to the teacher or adult in charge. If you receive an injury of any type during the school day, you are to report it, and receive a pass to the nurse. Even if you do not feel that you are seriously injured, you must report the injury to the nurse immediately.



Students are issued a hall locker and a combination lock. This is to protect your possessions from theft.  Under no circumstances should you give another student your combination, or share your locker with others. These items are on “loan” to you for your use.  Each year you will be assigned a new locker and with it a new lock. You are not permitted to bring a lock from home. You may decorate the inside of your locker, but only with removable stickers that leave no damage. Permanent pen, magic marker, glue or anything else that is not easily removed are not to be used. Damage to lockers will result in a fine. Should you lose your lock, you must purchase a school issued lock to replace the one that was given to you. Students must use their personal lockers and not carry all of their belongings with them throughout the day. Students are also not allowed to store their book bags in teachers’ classrooms. Circleville Middle School does not assume liability if personal belongings are damaged, lost or stolen.

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You are responsible for your own items. You must have your name on everything that is not attached to you. If you do not have your items labeled, we will not know who to return them to. A lost and found area is set aside in the CVMS cafeteria. Money, eyeglasses, and jewelry should be turned into the main office. Check in the main office if you are missing these types of items. Do not bring valuable items to school or lend these possessions, including books, to friends. Circleville Middle School does not assume liability if personal belongings are damaged, lost or stolen.


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Students are not allowed to be pulled from class for phone calls unless it is an emergency. The office staff will do its best to give messages to students during the day. We strongly discourage your child from frequenting our main office to use our phones to call home for non-essential reasons.


The safety of the members of our school community is our highest priority.  No admittance to our building will occur without photo identification.   Please ring the bell for entry into the building.  You will then be asked to show a photo ID to the camera when prompted by a staff member or a photo of your photo i.d. stored on your cell phone.  Once admitted into the building, visitors are required to sign in with the Greeter, show identification, and pick up a Visitor’s Pass.  In the event a student is being picked up early, please be advised that our students are only released to persons we have documented as being authorized to do so. In addition, student visits from high school students are not allowed without prior building administration approval.

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Our character education program is designed to empower students to build positive relationships and become their best selves. All students will complete monthly activities which focus on a character strength that will be highlighted each month. Character strengths include kindness, fairness, leadership, integrity and many more. CVMS was once again recognized as a “Gold Star No Place for Hate (NPFH) School” for the eighth year in a row! As a Gold Star NPFH School, we have pledged our commitment to eradicate bullying and discriminatory acts towards members of the CVMS community. Each individual is encouraged to be an “upstander” rather than a “bystander.” If one sees, or is personally aware of any acts of unkindness mentioned above, this information should be reported to a teacher, administrator or other trusted adult immediately.  Reporting your concerns to an adult at CVMS is a small, yet powerful way of helping others. As a result, we can ensure that everyone has a positive middle school experience.

At CVMS, we expect our students to be kind and respectful to everyone. This includes fellow students in all areas of the building including classrooms, hallways, cafeteria recess, buses etc. Respect and kindness are also expected to be demonstrated to all adults including teachers, school related professionals, cafeteria workers and all other staff members. 

To be successful at CVMS, we expect students to…

  • Be kind and respectful to all individuals they encounter throughout the day.
  • Arrive to class on time and prepared with all materials.
  • Complete all assignments on time.
  • Follow all expectations set forth by your teachers.
  • Adhere to all rules set forth within our building as well as the District’s Code of Conduct.


    • Attendance – To be successful, regular school attendance is important. One day’s absence is usually equivalent to the loss of two days (the work for that day and the work assigned for the next day).
    • Homework – Good homework practices will help you meet with success. Homework provides practice in needed skills and enriches your classroom experiences. Homework is a daily requirement. Please set aside time each day after school to complete homework. If there is no specific homework indicated for a given day, then time should be spent reviewing and studying the day’s class work and/or reading.

    Student Accountability and Responsibility

    We at CVMS are committed to ensuring that every student receives the best that public education has to offer. Our teachers, related staff members, and building level administrators have gone to great lengths to provide skills and strategies for students to succeed at CVMS. If your child is struggling with academic and/or behavior issues, support and strategies will be provided to be implemented at CVMS and at home.  Students are responsible for using these skills and strategies to help them get back on track, and experience success in all of their endeavors. We believe that it is important to hold our young adolescents accountable to ensure that they are fulfilling our academic and behavioral expectations during their time with us.  We encourage our students to check their teachers’ Google Classroom Pages on a daily basis to help meet this end.


    Extra Help 

    There will be times when you feel the need for additional help from one of your teachers.  Please check with your teachers for when you can receive extra support with classwork or homework and plan accordingly.  Student tutors are sometimes available to help other students in particular subjects. This type of extra help is arranged through the Counseling Office. 


    Tips for Doing Your Homework Successfully

    • Find a quiet location in which to work.
    • Establish a convenient, consistent time for work to be done.
    • Talk with your parents or other family members about what topics were discussed in classes each day. This would be helpful rather than saying, “I don’t have any homework or I didn’t learn or do anything in school today.”
    • Parents should ask to see your child’s planner daily. It will keep you informed of your child’s homework, projects and test schedule if your child records the information. Call or email your child’s team of teachers if the assignment planner is not being used regularly. Even if there is no homework indicated, please encourage your child to read each and every day.

    Making Up Missed Assignments 

    You are responsible for making up all work missed during absences. Students are encouraged to regularly check their own Google Classroom pages and SchoolTool to monitor any missing or incomplete assignments. If you know you are going to be absent for two or more days, contact the office for school work.  Work will be provided as long as your absence is considered legal.  After returning to school, you should check with each of your teachers to arrange for making up assignments and tests which you may have missed. Your teacher will monitor your progress and assist you whenever appropriate.

    Marking System 

    There are four quarters in the school year and it is important to know how your grade is determined by each of your teachers. Grades are issued every ten weeks. A five-week interim report is sent home to let you know how you are doing halfway through each quarter. You can also access this information with our teacher’s online grading system.

    Meeting with Academy Teachers 

    You are a member of an academy, and your academy teachers are there to assist you in their courses. Teachers may ask you or your parents to attend an academy meeting to ensure that you are successful in all of your endeavors.

    Academic Eligibility

    Circleville Middle School is committed to academic success for all students. Students should remain in good standing academically to be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, field trips, field day, dances and other events held during and after school. Students at risk academically (failing multiple subjects including Unified Arts) may not be allowed to participate in any of the above activities.

    It is the responsibility of students to determine their eligibility. If ineligible, students should make arrangements to correct the situation. Teachers and school counselors are available to assist students. The involvement of teachers, students and parents in developing intervention plans is important for academic success. We believe that all of our students are capable of attaining academic success. We also hope that they will take advantage of all the extracurricular opportunities that middle school has to offer to ensure that they become well-rounded students.


    Behavioral Ineligibility

    Students assigned to In-School or Out-of-School suspension may, at the discretion of the building administrator, be excluded from attendance at school-related activities such as dances, field trips, field day, and other such functions held during or after school. Such exclusion will be dependent upon the circumstances associated with the suspensions, including the nature of the infraction(s), subsequent improvement of behavior, and meeting with the academy teachers and support staff.


    School Counseling, Social Work and Psychological Services

    How can your school counselor, school social worker or school psychologist be of help to you? You can expect that the counselors and school psychologist will be interested in your questions and will try to understand your thoughts and feelings.They will try to see any problems as you see them. They will accept you and your ideas although they may not agree with your actions or deeds. The counselors, social worker, and psychologist do not assign consequences. However, they will try to understand your choices and help you to interpret the possible consequences. Whenever something is bothering you and you are unable to do the quality of schoolwork expected of you, you should pay a visit to one of these members of our support staff.


    How to visit the counselors (including the School Social Workers and School Psychologist):

    • Get a pass from our counseling secretary, Mrs. Garry, before the first period. In an emergency situation, ask your classroom teacher for a pass to the counseling office.
    • The counselors, psychologist, and social worker expect that the majority of you can solve most of your problems. They stand ready to help you at any time with those problems you think you cannot solve. Counseling is for all students. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, when help is sought and available services are used.
    Pine Bush Central School District
    State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
    Phone: (845) 744-2031
    Fax: (845) 744-6189
    Amy Brockner
    Interim Superintendent of Schools
    This website is maintained by Public Information Specialist Linda Smith. It is the goal of the Pine Bush Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. View our accessibility statement. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2025. All rights reserved.