Understanding discipline as a “teachable moment” is fundamental to a positive approach to discipline. Progressive discipline uses incremental interventions to address inappropriate behavior with the ultimate goal of teaching pro-social behavior. Progressive discipline seeks concurrent accountability and behavior change.
The goal of progressive discipline is prevention of a recurrence of negative behavior by helping students learn from their mistakes. Essential to the implementation of progressive discipline is helping students who have engaged in unacceptable behavior to:
- Understand why the behavior is unacceptable and the harm it has caused
- Understand what they could have done differently in the same situation
- Understand the impact their behaviors have on others
- Take responsibility for their actions
- Be given the opportunity to learn pro-social strategies and skills to use in the future
- Understand the progression of more stringent consequences if the behavior recurs
Determining the Disciplinary Response
This document provides guidance to school officials when determining which disciplinary measure to impose. In determining how to best address inappropriate conduct, it is necessary to evaluate the totality of the circumstances surrounding the conduct. The following facts must be considered prior to determining the appropriate disciplinary measures:
- The nature, severity, and scope of the behavior
- The student’s age and maturity
- The circumstances/context in which the conduct occurred
- The frequency and duration of the behavior
- The student’s disciplinary record (including the nature of any prior misconduct, the number of prior instances of misconduct, and the disciplinary and guidance intervention measures applied for each)
- The student’s IEP (Individual Education Plan), BIP (Behavioral Intervention Plan), and/or 504 Accommodation Plan, if applicable
Student Discipline Chart
This discipline chart will be used during the school year as a recommendation to school administrators so students that violate the District Code of Conduct are dealt with in a consistent and fair manner. Disciplinary action will be determined at the discretion of the administrator, with consideration of the age and relevant behavior record of the student. Responses may be modified with consideration of extenuating circumstances or the severity of the infraction, based on the disciplinary penalties and procedures outlined in the District Code of Conduct. Responses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 indicate progressive disciplinary penalties for subsequent violations. Furthermore, discipline may include the implementation of restorative practices.
A glossary of the listed offenses follows this chart. In addition, the following definitions refer to the interventions listed on the chart below.
Detention: Students must be on time and sit quietly for the entire time. This May include Extended Detention at the High School.
In School Suspension/Alternative Learning Placement (ISS/ALP): Students are assigned to an alternative educational location. Students will be given credit for all work completed and for attendance.
Out of School Suspension (OSS): Students are not allowed to attend school or school-related functions, except for district-provided tutoring, when assigned. Tutoring will be provided.
- Academic Misconduct
- Aggressive Bystanding
- Arson
- Assault with Physical Injury
- Assault with Serious Physical Injury
- Cyberbullying
- Cutting Class
- Dress Code
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Endangerment
- Explosives
- Failure to Serve Detention
- Failure to Serve ISS
- False Alarm
- Fighting
- Gambling
- Harassment/Discrimination/Bullying/Anti-Semitism
- Homicide
- Insubordination
- Leaving Building
- Leaving Grounds
- Misconduct/Disruptive Activity
- Pass Abuse
- Possession of nicotine/smokeless products
- Profanity (non-directed)
- Profanity (directed)
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Harassment
- Other Sexual Offenses (Excluding Sexual Harassment)
- Tardiness (group of 3)
- Theft
- Trespassing
- Truancy
- Unauthorized/Unsupervised Area
- Use of nicotine/smokeless products
- Vandalism
- Weapon
- Unsafe Driving/Parking
- Violation of Technology Acceptable Use Policy
- Glossary of Offenses
Academic Misconduct (may include cheating, plagiarism)
Response 1
- Student receives a grade of zero for work or exam
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Response 2
- Student receives a grade of zero for work or exam
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS 1-5 days
Response 3
- Student receives a grade of zero for work or exam
- ISS 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
Response 4
- Student receives a grade of zero for work or exam
- OSS 1-5 days
Response 5
- Student receives a grade of zero for work or exam
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Aggressive Bystanding (skip to index)
Response 1-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Responses 1-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Assault with Physical Injury (skip to index)
Response 1
- ISS/ALP ISS 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Response 2-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Assault with Serious Physical Injury (skip to index)
Response 1-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Cyberbullying (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Responses 2-5
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Cutting Class (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
Responses 3-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Dress Code (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and Teacher or administrator conference with student
- Student dress brought into compliance
Response 2
- Warning and teacher or administrator conference with student
- Student dress brought into compliance
- Caregiver contact required
Response 3
- Behavioral referral required
- Detention 1-5 days.
Response 4
- Behavioral referral required
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-3 days
Response 5
- Behavioral referral required
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
Drugs/Alcohol (Use/possession of) (skip to index)
Response 1
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Responses 2-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Endangerment (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Explosives (skip to index)
Responses 1-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Failure to Serve Detention (skip to index)
Response 1
- Administrator or teacher conference with student
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Response 2
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Responses 3-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
Failure to Serve ISS (skip to index)
Responses 1-4
Response 5
- Superintendent’s hearing
False Alarm (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Fighting (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Gambling (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 3-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Harassment/Intimidation/Discrimination/Bullying/Anti-Semitism* (Excluding Sexual Harassment) (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
*The minimum disciplinary consequence for anti-Semitic harassment, discrimination or bullying will be an age-appropriate detention.
Homicide (skip to index)
Responses 1-5
- Contact Law Engorcement
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Insubordination (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 3-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Leaving Building (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 3
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 4-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Leaving Grounds (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 3
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 4-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Misconduct/Disruptive Activity, including recording/distributing audio or video of verbal or physical altercations (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-3
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 4-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Pass Abuse (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Pass restriction
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Possession of Nicotine/Smokeless Products (skip to index)
Responses 1-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Profanity (non-directed) (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Responses 3-4
- ISS 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
Response 5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Profanity (directed) (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2-4
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Sexual Assault
Responses 1-5
- Contact Law Enforcement
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Sexual Harassment
Response 1
- 1-5 Day Suspension and Parent Conference with principal in school
Response 2
- 5-day Suspension
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 3-5
- 5-day Suspension
- Contact Law Enforcement
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Other Sexual Offenses (Excluding Sexual Harassment) (skip to index)
Response 1
- Administrator conference with student and phone call to parent
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 3-4
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Tardiness (group of 3) (skip to index)
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Responses 3-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Theft (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 3-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference
with student - Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Response 2
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Responses 3-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s Hearing
Truancy (skip to index)
Response 1
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Responses 2-5
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
Unauthorized/Unsupervised Area (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Use of Nicotine/Smokeless Products (skip to index)
Responses 1-5
- OSS -5 days
Vandalism (must repay or repair), including intentional or reckless damage and/or misuse of district devices (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 2
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Response 3
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 4-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Weapon (skip to index)
Response 1
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Unsafe Driving/Parking (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator conference with student
- Parking/driving privileges suspended
Response 2
- Parking/driving privileges suspended
Responses 3-5
- Parking/driving privileges suspended
- OSS 1-5 days
Violation of Technology Acceptable Use Policy (skip to index)
Response 1
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Suspend student privileges
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Responses 2-5
- Warning and/or administrator or teacher conference with student
- Detention 1-5 days
- ISS/ALP 1-5 days
- OSS 1-5 days
- Superintendent’s hearing
Glossary of Offenses
Academic Misconduct (may include cheating, plagiarism) -Includes but is not limited to plagiarism, cheating, collusion, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, failure to contribute to a collaborative project, and sabotage.
Aggressive Bystanding – Purposefully obstructing the area around the incident in question to not allow others in and/or out of the area.
Arson – Deliberately starting a fire with intent to damage or destroy property, with or without a weapon. The fire may be started by using matches, lighters or
other devices capable of producing sufficient heat (i.e. magnifying glass) to
ignite other combustible items, including, but not limited to, paper, linens,
clothing, and aerosol cans, with or without a weapon. Property includes any
object belonging to the school, students, school staff or visitors to the school,
including personal items of the arsonist.
Assault with Physical Injury – Touching another student or staff member with the intention to harm.
Assault with Serious Physical Injury – Intentionally or recklessly causing serious physical injury to another person, with or without a weapon, in violation of the school district’s code of conduct. Pursuant to Penal Law §10.00(10), “serious physical injury” means physical injury creating a substantial risk of death or serious and protracted disfigurement or protracted impairment of health or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ. Serious physical injury requires hospitalization or treatment in an emergency room and includes but is not limited to, a bullet wound, a serious stab or puncture wound, fractured or broken bones or teeth, concussions, cuts requiring stitches and any other injury involving risk of death or disfigurement.
Cyberbullying – Harassment or bullying that occurs through any form of electronic communication, (Ed. Law §11[8]) including, but not limited to, cell phones, computers, and tablets, or other communication tools, including social media sites, text messages, chat rooms, and websites. (See definition of harassment or bullying as defined in section Harassment and Bullying. and
Commissioner’s regulation 100.2(kk)(1)(viii))
Cutting Class – Intentionally not attending classes.
Dress Code – A set of rules about what clothing may and may not be worn
Endangerment – The action of putting someone at risk .
Explosives – A solid or liquid substance (or mixture of substances) which is in itself capable by chemical reaction of producing gas at such a temperature and pressure and at such a speed as to cause damage to the surroundings.
Failure to Serve Detention – The action of not reporting to or be present in a designated classroom/area during the time a student is assigned.
Failure to Serve ISS – The action of not reporting to or be present in a designated classroom/area during the time a student is assigned.
False Alarm/Call to 911 Service – Causing a fire alarm or other disaster alarm to be activated by either falsely reporting or activating a fire alarm or other type of disaster alarm, with or without a weapon.
Fighting – Displaying or engaging in violence, combat or aggressive behaviors.
Gambling – The betting or staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest,
Harassment/Intimidation/Discrimination/Bullying/Anti-Semitism* (Excluding Sexual Harassment) – Threatening, stalking, or seeking to coerce or compel a person to do something; intentionally placing or attempting to place another person in fear of imminent physical injury; or engaging in verbal or physical conduct that threatens another with harm, including intimidation through the use of epithets or slurs involving race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, religious practices, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability that substantially disrupts the educational process, with or without a weapon.
Homicide – Any conduct which results in the death of another person, with or without a weapon.
Insubordination – The refusal to obey someone who is in a higher position than you and who has the authority to tell you what to do.
Leaving Building Without Permission – Failure to remain inside the building during the school day without authorization
Leaving School Grounds Without Permission – Leaving school grounds during the school day without authorization
Misconduct/Disruptive Activity, including recording/distributing
audio or video of verbal or physical altercations – Disruptive behavior that poses a serious threat to the learning environment, health, safety, or welfare of others.
Pass Abuse – 1. Not being in an area specified on a pass; and/or
2. Not returning to class in a timely fashion; or 3. Being found out of class without a pass.
Possession/Use/Sale of Alcohol – Illegally using or possessing alcohol on school property, including having such substance on a person or in a locker, vehicle, or other personal space, with or without a weapon; illegally selling or distributing alcohol on school property; finding alcohol on school property that is not in the possession of any person.
Possession/Use/Sale of Drugs – Illegally using, possessing or being under the influence of a controlled substance or marijuana, on school property, with or without a weapon, including having such substance on a person or in a locker, vehicle, or other personal space; selling or distributing a controlled substance or marijuana on school property; finding a controlled substance or marijuana, on school property that is not in the possession of any person; provided that nothing herein shall be construed to apply to the lawful administration of a
prescription drug on school property.
Possession of nicotine/smokeless products – Possession of, using, or selling tobacco or vaping on school grounds or at a school sponsored function.
Profanity (non-directed) – Delivering verbal messages that include swearing, name calling, or use of words in an inappropriate way. If the student is using language that is insulting to federally protected classes, a DASA form is to be completed.
Profanity (directed) – Delivering verbal messages that include swearing, name calling, or use of words in an inappropriate way directed towards a staff member. If the student is using language that is insulting to federally protected classes, a DASA form is to be completed.
Sexual Assault – Sexual contact or behavior, usually physical, that occurs without the consent of the victim
Sexual Harassment – Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature
Other Sexual Offenses (Excluding Sexual Harassment) – Inappropriate sexual contact, including, but not limited to, touching another student on a part of the body that is generally regarded as private, which includes, but is not limited to, the buttocks, breasts, and genitalia, removing another student’s clothing to reveal underwear or private body parts, or brushing or rubbing against another person in a sexual manner or sexting. Other sex offenses shall also include, but not limited to, conduct that may be consensual or involve a child who is incapable of consent because of disability or s/he is under 17 years of age.
Tardiness (group of 3) – Late to class or the start of the school day 3 or more times in a marking period.
Theft – Possession of, transfer of, or being responsible for removing someone else’s property, without that person’s permission.
Trespassing – Knowingly being in a place that one is not allowed to be in.
Truancy Absent from school without parent/guardian permission.
Unauthorized/ Unsupervised Area – Being in an area that is outside the area s/he is supposed to be in.
Vandalism (must repay or repair), including intentional or reckless damage
and/or misuse of district devices – Participating in an activity that results in destruction or disfigurement of property.
Possession of a Weapon – Any device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, homemade or commercially made, that is used for or readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury.
Unsafe Driving/Parking – Operating or parking a motor vehicle in an dangerous or careless manner.
Violation of Technology Acceptable Use Policy – As defined by Pine Bush Central School District’s Acceptable Use Policy.