Public Conduct on School Property

The district is committed to providing an orderly, respectful environment that is conducive to learning. To create and maintain this kind of an environment, it is necessary to regulate public conduct on school property and at school functions. For purposes of this section of the code, “public” shall mean all persons on school property or attending a school function including students, teachers, and district personnel. The restrictions on public conduct on school property and at school functions contained in the Code are not intended to limit freedom of speech or peaceful assembly. The district recognizes that free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the objectives of the district. The purpose of the Code is to maintain public order and prevent abuse of the rights of others. All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner. In addition, all persons on school property or attending a school function are expected to be properly attired for the purpose their presence (also see District Policy #3280 Use of School Facilities, Materials and Equipment).

Prohibited Conduct

No person, either alone or with others, shall: 

  1. intentionally injure any person or threaten to do so; 
  2. intentionally damage or destroy school district property or the personal property of a teacher, administrator, other district employee, or any person lawfully on school property;
  3. disrupt the orderly conduct of classes, school programs, or other school activities;
  4. distribute or wear materials on school grounds or at school functions that are obscene, advocate illegal action, appear libelous, obstruct the rights of others, or are disruptive to the school program;
  5. intimidate, harass, or discriminate against any person on the basis of their membership in legally protected categories, including, but not limited to, race, color, religion, religious practice, creed, national origin, ethnic group, gender (identity and expression), sex, sexual orientation or disability;
  6. enter any portion of the school premises without authorization or remain in any building or facility after it is normally closed;
  7. obstruct the free movement of any person in any place to which the Code applies;
  8. violate the traffic laws, parking regulations, or other restrictions on vehicles;
  9. possess, consume, sell, distribute, or exchange alcoholic beverages, or controlled substances, or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances on school property or at a school function;
  10. possess or use weapons in or on school property or at a school function, except in the case of law enforcement officers or those specifically authorized by the school district;
  11. loiter on or about school property;
  12. gamble on school property or at school functions;
  13. refuse to comply with any reasonable order of identifiable school district officials performing their duties;
  14. willfully incite others to commit any of the acts prohibited by this code;
  15. use profane, obscene, or provoking language, actions, or gestures;
  16. violate any federal or state statute, local ordinance, or Board policy while on school property or while at a school function.
  17. the use of drones, except by law enforcement or for instructional purposes, will be prohibited on school property and will be subject to removal by the school district;
  18. disrupt the virtual classroom learning environment.


Persons who violate the Code shall be subject to the following penalties:

1. Visitors: 

Authorization, if any, to remain on school grounds or at the school function shall be withdrawn and they shall be directed to leave the premises. If they refuse to leave, they shall be subject to ejection.

2. Students: 

Shall be subject to disciplinary action as the facts may warrant, in accordance with the due process requirements.

3. Tenured faculty members: 

Shall be subject to disciplinary action as the facts may warrant in accordance with Education Law §3020-a or any other legal rights that they may have. 

4. Staff members: 

In the classified service of the civil service entitled to the protection of Civil Service Law §75, shall be subject to immediate ejection and to disciplinary action as the facts may warrant in accordance with Civil Service Law §75 or any other legal rights they may have.

5. Staff members: 

Other than those described in subdivisions 4 and 5 shall be subject to warning, reprimand, suspension, or dismissal as the facts may warrant in accordance with any legal rights they may have. 


The building principal or the principal’s designee shall be responsible for enforcing the conduct required by this code. When the building principal or the principal’s designee sees an individual engaged in prohibited conduct that, in the judgment of the principal or the principal’s designee, does not pose any immediate threat of injury to persons or property, the principal or principal’s designee shall tell the individual that the conduct is prohibited and attempt to persuade the individual to stop. The principal or the principal’s designee shall also warn the individual of the consequences for failing to stop. If the person refuses to stop engaging in the prohibited conduct, or if the person’s conduct poses an immediate threat of injury to persons or property, the principal or the principal’s designee shall have the individual removed immediately from school property or the school function. If necessary, local law enforcement authorities will be contacted to assist in removing the person. The district shall initiate disciplinary action against any student or staff member, as appropriate, with the “Penalties” section above. In addition, the district reserves its right to pursue a civil or criminal legal action against any person violating the Code (also see District Policy #3280 Use of School Facilities, Materials and Equipment). 

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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