Special Education and Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Course Offerings

The Committee on Special Education (CSE) offers a continuum of services for students with special education needs. The programs at Pine Bush High School range from special classes taught by special education teachers to regular classes supported through the Integrated Co-Teaching or Consultant Teaching Services. Integrated Co-Teaching classes are core-curriculum courses taught by regular education teachers along with special education teachers, utilizing adaptive teaching methods to directly support the students. Consultant Teaching Services provides direct or indirect support for main-streamed students and their teachers as needed. 

All special course placements for classified students are recommended and approved annually by the CSE. Instruction is provided by special education teachers for the following courses.

Reading (SC) 

This class provides remedial reading instruction to CSE students who have moderate to severe reading disabilities. Students benefit from the use of multi-sensory techniques and materials. 

1 credit

Resource Room 

This course provides remediation of basic reading, math, and writing skills in addition to academic support for all mainstream class work as needed by students with identified special needs.

½ credit

Special Academic Courses (SC) 

These core curriculum courses are taught in small group settings, with program modifications or adaptations of instructional strategies and specialized materials to help students with special needs meet the New York State Learning Standards. 

1 credit

Life Skills (SP) 

These core curriculum and life skills courses provide special education instruction to students who qualify for alternate assessment and who are exempt from Regents exams.

Noncredit bearing 

Academic Intervention Services (AIS)

This course provides remediation of basic skills, specifically in language arts for regular and special education students. Eligibility is determined by standardized test results. Classes meet every other day. 

Noncredit bearing

Learning Lab 

This class provides academic support with an emphasis on the use of technology. It is open to all students and has a maximum class size of 15. Classes meet every other day. 

½ credit

Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
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