Pine Bush High School Student Handbook

Academic Eligibility

We believe that satisfactory academic progress is both desirable and necessary for participation in the extracurricular program. The following academic eligibility code reflects this position and emphasizes cooperation between the student-participant, teacher and advisor/coach.

Sports Teams

Every two weeks, a grade report will be run for each JV and varsity team student/athlete. The report will be based on current averages in the SchoolTool system. The report will then be given to the eligibility coordinator for each team.

If an athlete is failing two or more courses, the coordinator will email the teacher of the failing courses to verify the grade in SchoolTool is accurate and up to date.

A student who is failing two or more subjects will be placed on academic probation for the remainder of the season.

  1. A student who is designated on probation and receives a grade report with two or more failing subjects (even if different than the initial report’s failures) is ineligible for contests for two weeks or until the next grade report is due. A student who is declared ineligible remains ineligible for the entire two week period.   

    a. An ineligible student who is still failing two or more subjects at the end of the two week period in which he or she was ineligible, remains ineligible to participate for another two weeks.      

    b. An ineligible student who is no longer failing two or more subjects shall be returned to probationary status and may participate in his or her sport.

  2. All students who are placed on probation or are declared ineligible should seek assistance from their teacher, and/or from any teacher available during professional periods.


Plays, Musicals or Dramatic Productions

Plays, musicals and / or dramatic productions will fall under the following guidelines: 

Progress reports from involved students will be due at the end of the first week of rehearsal. Each member will then turn in succeeding reports every two weeks during the entire course of the production.

  1. Any student failing two or more subjects or neglecting to turn in a report on time will be placed on probation for the remainder of the production. 
  2. The final grade report  will be due two weeks before the dress rehearsal for the production. Any probationary student, student who is failing two or more subjects or any student who has neglected to turn in a grade report at this time will be declared ineligible and will not be allowed to participate in the production. 

Field Trips

Field trips by any club, class or activity taking place during school hours are also subject to the eligibility rules in the following ways:

  1. Rosters of all students eligible to attend the trip will be turned in to the Eligibility Committee at the time the person organizing the trip turns in their request form to administration.
  2. Progress reports for all students planning to attend the trip will be collected by the advisor for that trip two weeks before the date of the trip. The advisor will then turn in the collected reports to the Eligibility Committee.
  3. Academic eligibility for attending students will be checked one week prior to the trip. At this time, any student failing two or more classes or neglecting to turn in a grade report on time, will be declared ineligible for the trip. Students should be aware that any prepaid fees may not be able to be refunded by the advisor.
  4. Eligibility for field trips not requiring the student to miss part of any school day will be determined solely by the person(s) organizing the trip.

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Pine Bush High School has a variety of co-curricular activities. Students are encouraged to participate in as many activities as their schedule permits. Information concerning these activities will be provided via the morning

After School and Extended Detention

  1. After school detention hours are 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Extended detention hours are 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 
  2. The period must be spent working or reading.
  3. Students are expected to attend assigned detentions.
  4. Students who cut detention will face further discipline, including suspension.

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After-School Regulations

After School Sports Study Hall

  1. All athletes who do not leave school before practice or games must report by 2:20 to the High School cafeteria
  2. Athletes are encouraged to use this time for homework and/or studying.
  3. Athletes/Teams will be dismissed by their coaches only.
  4. Athletes that are found in unsupervised areas are subject to disciplinary action. 

Students are NOT allowed in any locker room / practice area / classroom unless they are under direct supervision of their advisor / coach before, during, or after the activity. After the activity / practice, students must be in the locker
room, in the front of the school, or in the PE hallway, while waiting for transportation. All other areas of the school are off limits.

Any student found loitering within the school building or on the school grounds will be subject to arrest for trespassing as well as subject to all disciplinary procedures. No student is to remain after school unless they report to a teacher for extra help or a coach for athletic practice. Any other student wandering the halls will be considered loiterers. Students who remain after school may not ride the bus unless they are issued a pass from the staff member with whom they stayed.


Assemblies are a part of the educational process at Pine Bush High School. Students are expected to show proper respect and consideration for others at all times. Misconduct including unnecessary talking, yelling, booing, or clapping is not permitted. Bookbags are prohibited at all assemblies. 

Students may not leave an assembly until they are formally dismissed. Once students are dismissed from the assembly, they are to report immediately to their assigned class. 

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Athletic Code

Extracurricular activities in the Pine Bush School District are seen as an extension of the academic environment. Student-Athletes are to be held accountable to the Pine Bush Central School District Code of Conduct as well as the following Athletic Code of Conduct. We expect all students involved in after school athletic activities to follow rules and regulations that ensure academic, athletic, and personal success. 

I. Major Offenses

Include but are not limited to consuming or being in possession of alcoholic
beverages; consuming or begin in possession of drugs; or non-prescribed medication, using or in the possession of any tobacco products, stealing or being in possession of stolen property, acts of hazing, acts of vandalism, and insubordination to a coach. Any involvement in an activity that is unbecoming to a Pine Bush Central School District student–athlete will be considered a major offense. Penalties are as follows:

  1. First Offense: A minimum of a two-contest suspension for those sports with 12 or fewer regularly scheduled seasonal contests; or a four-contest suspension for those sports with more than twelve regularly scheduled seasonal contests; up to a maximum of removal from the team, depending upon the severity of the infraction. A committee composed of the athletic director, building principal, and the coach will determine the consequence. Student-athletes may continue to participate in practices and may be required to attend contests as observers at the discretion of the coach. (Note: scrimmages are not considered to be contests.)
  2. Second Offense: Automatic removal from the team for the duration of the season any time two violations occur in the same season (whether or not they are the same offense). 

II. Minor Offenses

These include, but are not limited to, missing practice, skipping detention, and any other actions defined by the coach as minor offenses. Descriptions of those other offenses must be presented to the student athletes in writing prior to the start of the season. 

First Offense: Grounds for a one-game / contest suspension; penalty at the discretion of the coach. 

Second Offense: One-game or more suspension or as designated in the specific team rules given by the coach.

Third Offense: Falls under the first step in the MAJOR OFFENSE category.  

Other Guidelines

A student-athlete may not quit one team and join another during a season, unless the athlete has the permission of both coaches.

If an athlete is dropped from a squad or activity because of disciplinary reasons, he/she may not join another sport in that same season.

A player who withdraws from a team or activity after team rosters are established and prior to the completion of the entire season will not be eligible to receive his / her award. 

A player who is removed from a team for disciplinary reasons will not be eligible to receive his / her award.

SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL: Student-athletes who are suspended from school may not participate in any school related activity while on suspension (either in or out of school). Suspension begins at 7:39 am and continues to the next school morning at 7:39 am. A Friday suspension means a student-athlete cannot participate in Saturday or Sunday competitions. 

In order to participate in the day’s activities, including practice, a student-athlete must be in home room and attend a full day of classes. Exceptions must be approved by the coach 24 hours in advance. 

Before a student-athlete is suspended from team participation, the student-athlete will be verbally advised by the head coach. The student-athlete will have an opportunity to explain or justify his/her behavior. After the meeting, if the coach believes the suspension is justifiable, a written note stating the reason and recommending the time of suspension will be sent to the athletic director and building principal. The student-athlete’s parent or legal guardian will be notified in writing. 

Any additional rules established by specific teams must be abided by if the principal and athletic director approved those additions. 

In order to appeal any ruling, parents or guardians must begin the process by meeting with the coach of the sport involved. Successive appeals would be made to the head coach of the sport, athletic director, building principal, and the superintendent – in that order.

General Expectations

1. All Pine Bush student / athletes are expected to be ladies and gentlemen at all times. Vulgarity, fighting and disrespect to other players, coaches, fans, officials, or faculty members at any time will be treated severely. The coach, with the approval of the Athletic Director and Building Principal, will determine the punishment for such behavior. 

2. Students / athletes are expected to abide by all additional rules established by individual programs. Such aspects as dress codes and holiday and weekend practice times are included here. Student / athletes will know these rules BEFORE trying out and will be given a copy in writing.  

3. Equipment and uniforms are to be used only for scheduled activities. Certain equipment may be used in practice situations with the approval of the coach. Uniforms, however, are never to be used for any purpose other than an organized, scheduled activity. 

4. Student / athletes who are issued school uniforms or equipment are responsible for those articles. If lost or stolen, the student / athlete are expected to pay for such articles. Failure to do so will cause that student /
athletes to become ineligible for any school activities. If necessary, administrative action may be taken.

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Student bathrooms are available throughout the building. Students may use these facilities in-between periods or during the period when given a pass from a teacher. No more than one student at a time is permitted in a bathroom stall. More than one student in a stall will result in all violators being suspended from school. 


AM Students

Students are to pick up their BOCES bus at the high school. Attendance will be taken on the bus. This is your homeroom. Buses leave at 7:30 a.m. – BE ON TIME!

In case of a delay schedule, AM BOCES students should report to the cafeteria. 

PM Students

Students are to remain in their assigned periods until dismissed to the buses at approximately 11:56. 

The morning activity schedules may necessitate an early dismissal from class to permit the student time for lunch. 

All BOCES Students

Suspensions at BOCES or Pine Bush will be honored by both schools.

If a student misses the BOCES bus, he/she is to report immediately to the attendance office to be assigned a place to stay.

No student may drive to or from BOCES unless given written permission from both schools. Such students can have this privilege revoked if they violate the rules listed on the parking permit contract. 

Students must enter the high school building immediately after exiting the bus. No student is to go into the parking lots without a pass from an administrator. 

BOCES students who lost their privilege to ride the bus are not allowed to car pool with a student who has permission to drive to BOCES. Parents must arrange for, or provide transportation to BOCES.

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Bus Safety Rules

Transportation is a privilege not a right. Proper behavior is expected on the school bus. 

1. LEAVE HOME EARLY ENOUGH. Arrive at your bus stop five minutes before the bus is due.
2. WAIT FOR YOUR BUS WELL OFF ROADWAY. Respect the property of others.
8. BE COURTEOUS TO YOUR DRIVER AND FELLOW PASSENGERS. No fighting, yelling or throwing objects. Bad language or rude behavior will not be tolerated.
9. NO SMOKING, EATING, OR DRINKING ON THE BUS. Help to keep your bus neat and clean.
When allowed to open windows, do not extend head, hands, arms or any object out of the window.
11. When leaving the bus, if you have to cross, ALWAYS CROSS IN FRONT OF THE BUS. Walk out ten feet, look both ways and wait for the driver to signal you to cross. NEVER ATTEMPT TO RETURN TO THE BUS ONCE YOU LEAVE unless instructed to do so by the driver.
13. Once a student exits the bus on school property, the student may not leave school grounds. Students must enter the school building immediately. 


College Visitations

Juniors and Seniors who plan to visit a college during the school day should follow the procedure listed below: 

1. Bring a note to the attendance office from their parents in advance stating the day they will then be absent for a college visit.
2. Inform their teachers of the absence and reason. Students are responsible for making up any missed work.
3. Bring a note from the college(s) that the student visited to the attendance office stating that he / she did visit on that day. Most colleges have preprinted cards for this purpose.
4. Please see our guidance counselor and / or attendance officer if you have any questions

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Conversion Table for Letter Grades

We use the following table when converting a letter grade to a numerical grade for transfer students. This table is consistent with a November 1992 State Education Department recommendation. 

Letter Grade Numerical Grade
A+ 100.00
A 95.00
A- 90.00
B+ 89.00
B 85.00
B- 80.00
C+ 79.00
C 75.00
C- 70.00
D+ 69.00
D 65.00

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Course Withdrawal

All course withdrawals and independent studies must be approved by the building Principal.  

Students may drop a course from the first day of class to the last day of the 5th week without academic penalty or notation.

Students may drop a course from the first day of class of the 6th week to the last day of the 10th week with the understanding a “W” signifying withdrawal will appear on their final report card and transcript. 

Students may drop a course after the last day of the 10th week with the understanding a “WF”–50 signifying withdrawal failing with a grade of 50 will appear on their final report card and transcript.

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Dress Code

The following rules have been formulated to insure that students’ dress does not interfere with the orderly functioning of the school: 

  1. Articles of clothing that are not appropriate will not be allowed in school (this includes any reference to alcohol and drugs, comments and/or illustrations that are sexual in nature or considered to be obscene or in bad taste). Any student in violation will be required to change these clothes. Continued violations will result in more serious consequences. It is up to the discretion of an administrator to determine the appropriateness of individual cases.
  2. Long pants must be worn in all Industrial Arts classes, science laboratory classes, and art classes where hazardous chemicals are being used.
  3. Shoes or sneakers are to be worn at all times. No bare feet are allowed 
  4. Hats are permitted in common areas, (halls, cafeteria). Hats in classrooms are at the teacher’s discretion. 

Additional information about dress code is available in the Code of Conduct


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Drug Policy

If you are found possessing, using, selling or in possession of drug paraphernalia: 

  • You will be suspended and brought to a superintendent’s hearing.
  • If you can show significant improvement, you may be readmitted.

Additional information can be found in the Code of Conduct

Early Dismissal

Prom / Senior Ball

Dismissal times will be announced prior to the day of the Junior Prom and/or the Senior Ball. All notes requesting an early dismissal must be brought to the main office the Monday prior to the event for verification. Only students whose names appear on the reservation lists will be permitted to leave early.

Standard Early Dismissal Procedures

  1. All students who leave this building for early dismissal will exit through the front entrance.
  2. ALL NOTES TO LEAVE EARLY MUST BE GIVEN TO THE OFFICE BEFORE 1ST PERIOD. All notes must be verified via a telephone call to a parent before early release is allowed.
  3. The names of students who are dismissed will be listed on the daily attendance sheet.
  4. ALL STUDENTS MUST SIGN OUT BEFORE LEAVING THE BUILDING. Sign-out forms are provided in the main lobby. Work release students will use the white sheet in the main lobby. 
  5. Students may not sign into school late because they have a first period study hall. Also, students may not sign out of school early because they have afternoon study hall(s). 
  6. Students who will be returning to school after a doctor appointment must bring a doctor’s note from that appointment upon their return. 

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Electronic Devices

Cell phones and electronic devices may not be used in the classroom unless directed by the teacher as part of a classroom activity. If an electronic device is confiscated for the 3rd time, it will only be released to parents.

Equal Opportunity Employer: Title IX and 504 Compliance

The Pine Bush Central School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, creed, color, national origin, or handicap in educational programming or activities that it offers. This nondiscriminatory policy includes the following areas: recruitment and appointment of employees, pay and benefits, access by students to educational programs, course offerings, and activities.  

Title IX and 504 Compliance: The Pine Bush Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees, and the general public that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational education opportunities without regard to sex, race, color, national origin, or handicap. Secondary vocational education opportunities available to district residents under age 21 are courses in the Business Education, Home Economics and Technology / Industrial Arts Programs. Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to Pine Bush Central School District, 845-744-2031. Information will be provided, including complaint procedures to any citizen, student, or employee who feels that his / her rights under Title IX or Section 504 may have been violated by the district or its officials. 

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Gun-Free Schools

Consistent with the federal gun-free schools act of 1994, any public school pupil who is determined under this subdivision to have brought a weapon to school will be suspended for a period of not less than one calendar year; and, any non-public school pupil participating in a program operated by a public school district using funds from the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 who is determined under this subdivision to have brought a weapon to a public school or other premises used by the school district to provide such programs, shall be suspended for a period of not less than one calendar year from participation in such program.

The procedures of this subdivision will apply to such a suspension of a nonpublic school pupil. A superintendent of schools, district superintendent of schools, or community superintendent will have the authority to modify this suspension requirement for each student on a case-by-case basis. The determination of a superintendent shall be subject to review by the Board of Education pursuant to Paragraph C of this subdivision and the commissioner pursuant to Section 310 of this chapter. Nothing in this subdivision shall be deemed to authorize the suspension of a student with a disability in violation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or Article 89 of this chapter.

A superintendent shall refer the pupil under the age of sixteen who has been determined to have brought a weapon to school in violation of this subdivision to a presentment agency for a juvenile delinquency proceeding consistent with Article 3 of the family court act. A superintendent shall refer any pupil sixteen years of age or older who has been determined to have brought a weapon to school in violation of this subdivision to the appropriate law enforcement officials.

No student will bring onto school premises or have in his / her possession on school premises any “firearm” as defined in federal law. For purposes of this policy, the term “firearm” shall mean: any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of such weapon; any firearm muffler, or silencer; or any destructive device. The term does not include an antique firearm. Antique firearm is defined as any firearm manufactured in or before 1898, or any replica of such a firearm so long as it does not use “rimfire” or conventional center fixed ammunition. (18 USC Section 921 (a) (16). However, this policy does not diminish the authority of the Board of Education to offer courses in instruction in the safe use of firearms pursuant to Education Law Section 809-a,

In accordance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, any student found guilty of bringing a firearm onto school premises or having such a firearm in other possession on school premises, after a hearing has been provided pursuant to Section 3214 of the Education Law, will be suspended from school for a period of not less than one year. 

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The high school administration and staff strive to maintain a safe and orderly environment. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and any student who engages in harassment of any type will be subject to administrative discipline. Any student who feels that he/she is being subjected to harassment should immediately report the incident to a building administrator.

Hazardous Substances

Hazardous substances such as fireworks, gas, and other toxic materials are not allowed in school. Possession of such items will result in immediate suspension. If a student is caught possessing an illegal substance, police notification will take place.

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Pine Bush High School condones only those behaviors that lead to positive outcomes. Hazing, which is “to subject newcomers to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule,” is not permitted by any individual or group on either a formal or informal basis.

Any initiations which provide ceremonies of admission into officially recognized school groups must be approved by the advisor and the building principal. 

Any student who participates in hazing or unapproved initiations will be subject to administrative discipline.

Homework Assignments

Parent homework requests come from the main office and are for students who are out sick for two or more days. Assignments should be returned to the main office for pick up by a parent. Please call prior to 7:30 am for pick up
after 2:30 pm. 

Home Tutoring

Home tutoring is arranged for those students who are sick and absent from school for more than five (5) consecutive days, or who are suspended out of school (OSS) or in a residential facility. A doctor’s note is required for those
whose sickness requires home tutoring. The guidance office notifies teachers and obtains and assigns tutors. 

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Honor Roll, High Honor Roll

Pine Bush Schools recognize the diligence and academic success of their students. A student who achieves an overall average of 85.0% or more in any ten-week marking period will be placed on the honor roll list for that period. Any student achieving an average of 90.0% or over any ten-week marking period will be placed on the high honor roll list.


  1. Incompletes are to be made up within three weeks of the report card ending date.
  2. Incompletes not changed after three weeks will be converted to a grade of 50.  

Instructional Support Team

The Instructional Support Team, IST is a multi-disciplinary committee that operates in the school building (formally CAT). The purpose of the IST is to provide resources and suggest techniques to effectively meet the needs of students having significant academic difficulties. The goal is to encourage strategies that prevent and / or resolve problems, and thus minimize the need for full CSE evaluations. 

The Instructional Support Team is comprised of regular members that will include the following school personnel: school administrator, IST chairperson, psychologist, school counselor, nurse, social worker, special education teacher, and two regular education teachers who have been trained in the problem-solving process. The presence of the referring teacher and personnel who are directly involved with the at risk student is essential for the collaboration to be effective. 

Referrals to IST can be made by teachers, school counselors, or administrators. Parents must be informed that a referral will be submitted. They will be contacted again if formal evaluations are deemed necessary. 

Referral forms are available in the main office, guidance office and from the Special Education Department
Chairperson. Meetings will be held monthly during the school day and after the second and fourth Mondays of each month. 

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ID Cards

All students are required to carry school issued ID cards at all times and produce such cards when requested.  Failure to carry and /or produce ID cards will result in immediate disciplinary action. New students to the high school will be issued student identification cards. While in the high school, all students must: 

1. Carry their identification card at all times.
2. Show their identification card when signing in late to the school. Failure to do so will result in the student
being detained until the student is properly identified.
3. Show their identification card before admission into the library and checking out library materials.
4. Show their identification card to staff members upon request.
5. Show their identification card when purchasing items from the school store.
6. Have their identification card in order to get a pass from study hall to other locations.
7. Show their identification card to a cafeteria cashier if the students are on free lunch or reduced lunch when

Students will be provided one identification card free of cost. Failure to produce the identification card to any staff member will result in disciplinary action.


Students may not be in possession of keys belonging to a faculty or staff member. Possession of keys will result in disciplinary action.

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Lab Guidelines

Laboratory experiences are the crux of a successful science program. It is anticipated that all of the 30 minimally required 40 minute laboratory periods will be spent with the students directly involved in the problem-solving approach to learning. The laboratory exercises will be manipulative in nature.

1. State guidelines dictate that all students enrolled in a Regent’s level science course must complete 30 lab
periods of work as a requirement to gain admission to the Regents exam. A mandatory lab requirement, for
certain Regents Science courses have been instituted. These labs must be submitted as part of the 30 labs or
the student will be ineligible to take the Regents.
2. Lab work is defined as a “hands-on” activity for the student.
3. Determining the number of days to be assigned to a laboratory activity is the responsibility of the teacher.
Teachers using the same laboratory activity should agree to the number of days assigned.
4. Time spent on pre-lab preparation, the actual performance of the lab, write-up and post lab discussion may
all be counted toward the determination of lab days of credit.
5. Teachers may establish a due date for each lab to be submitted in order to receive report card credit.
6. Lab work submitted after a due date will be eligible to receive Regents credit.
7. Students entering Pine Bush from other school districts in New York State are expected to bring their lab
work with them and will be strictly held to the requirement of 30 lab periods of work.
8. Students entering Pine Bush from school districts outside of New York State will be held to the 30 lab
periods of work requirement. Those students will be asked to present evidence of all laboratory activities
they have participated in for evaluation. Credit may be granted for work completed in other school districts
when it is compatible with the Pine Bush curriculum.
9. Teachers may indicate that students are missing lab work on the interim report to parents.
10. A time table for minimum lab completion has been established.
a. At the end of 10 weeks of school, 8 lab periods of work should be completed.
b. At the end of 20 weeks of school, 15 lab periods of work should be completed.
c. At the end of 30 weeks of school, 23 lab periods of work should be completed.
d. By June 1st, 30 lab periods of work should be completed. 
11. Teachers will notify the department chairman in writing which students have not met the minimum lab
requirement at the 10 week, 20 week, and 30 week mark of the school year. The department chairman will
send a warning letter to the parents of each student who was so identified.
12. Students must complete all laboratory work by June 1st.
13. Teachers will submit to the Science Department Chairperson, the names of all students who have not met the lab requirement on June 2nd. 
14. Students must meet the laboratory requirement to enroll in a Regents level science course in summer school.

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Library Policies

Student Use

Students may come to the Library Media Center with a pass or accompanied by a teacher with a scheduled class. The LMC is a place for students to  conduct research, use computers, study, read, check out materials, and other
appropriate activities. Inappropriate student use of the LMC will result in the suspension of library privileges. Students must present their hall pass and register at the circulation desk upon arrival. 

The following items are NOT permitted in the library: food or drink and electronic devices such as cell phones, audio/video players, etc.

Materials Use

Book Loans: Library Media Center materials to be taken from the library must be properly charged at the circulation desk. Students must present their Pine Bush High School identification card for checkout; ID cards are bar-coded with a library patron number. Books are loaned for a three-week period. Books should be returned on or before the due date or they will be considered overdue. Students with overdue books will not be allowed another checkout until overdue books have been returned or lost books paid for. The cost for lost books will be the replacement price. 

Reference books: They must be used in the library; they are not available for checkout. The library also subscribes to online reference databases, which can be accessed by the library web page. 

Periodicals: The library subscribes to a number of magazines and newspapers; EBSCO online magazines and newspapers can be accessed through the library web page.


Students may not play games on school computers or load programs onto library computers. Noncompliance of computer regulations may result in the suspension of student computer privileges and a suspension from school. 
Individual student use of computers will be subject to availability; scheduled classes have priority. The LMC adheres to school board policy regarding student computer use. 

Copy Machine

The library copy machine is available for student use. 

Library Hours

The library is open periods 1 through 9 every day. Per teacher requests, extended library hours may be available for students to conduct research, use computers, study, read, check out materials, or other appropriate activities. Inappropriate student behavior or use of the LMC will result in the suspension of after-school library privileges. 

Security System

Any student activating the security alarm must return to the circulation desk for a property search. Any student in possession of library material that has not been properly checked out will be subject to disciplinary action. 

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Students at Pine Bush High School will be issued a locker and a lock. Students should not give out their lock combination to anyone. Students must use locks supplied by the school. Lost locks may be replaced at a cost of $5.00. Locks and lockers are assigned to each student. Students are responsible for the assigned locks and locker during the school year. Students may NOT share lockers. Students are not permitted to use or go into any locker not assigned to them. 

Any student who is experiencing locker problems or has lost a lock and needs a replacement should contact the main office immediately. Students must clean out their lockers prior to the last full day of classes. Lockers that are not
cleaned out will be emptied by school staff following dismissal the last day of classes. Locker contents will be brought to a central location. Contents that are unclaimed will be disposed of after the last week of June. Lockers are the exclusive property of the Pine Bush Central School District.

Lost and Found

You should report all lost and found items of value and significance to the main office. Please provide a full description of the items in each case so that proper ownership can be established. All items that are unclaimed will be disposed of after June 30th. 
All forms of theft and fencing are prohibited anywhere on school property.  Students involved in illegal activity will be suspended and subject to criminal charges. 

Please do not bring valuable items, large sums of money and/or jewelry to school. 

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National Honor Society


1. To be eligible for NHS, a student must have a cumulative grade point of 90.0 and completed his or her sophomore year.
2. Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, and character. Each student’s school record will be scrutinized. The Faculty Council will then review each candidate.
3. Once a student has been inducted, he / she must maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, service, and character that were used as a basis for his/her selection. Students are allowed limited warnings during the membership, but in the case of a flagrant violation of school rules or civil laws, a warning is not required for dismissal.
4. The Faculty Council and advisors will determine when an individual should be suspended or dismissed from National Honor Society.


1. NHS members do not have to attend study hall on a daily basis; however, they should notify their study hall teacher where they usually can be found in case of an emergency.
2. NHS members do not need a pass from class if they carry their Honor Society card. Wandering the halls is not permitted.
3. NHS members may go to the Honor Society lounge during study halls, lunch, and after school until 3:12 when the library is open.
4. NHS members may order lunch from restaurants whose menus are posted in the lounge. Food ordered from these restaurants must be eaten in the lounge. Members may also buy school lunch to eat in the lounge.
5. NHS members may use the computer center whenever a class is not utilizing the center. 
6. NHS members will not be charged for attending high school activities. To get into a sporting event, show your membership card to the person selling tickets. For the musical, two tickets will be sold to NHS members for the price of one. See Mr. Flint to purchase your ticket. This privilege will not apply to any event that is a fundraiser or athletic championship games (i.e. NY Giants vs. faculty basketball dances for Student Senate.etc.)  


1. To exercise any of the privileges of National Honor Society, a member must carry his / her membership card. This membership card must be presented in a polite and courteous manner to any school personnel who request to see it. Without the card, there are no privileges. At the end of each marking period, there will be a review of the member’s GPA. If the GPA drops below 90.0, the
member will be put on probation with a loss of privileges. This process can continue as long as the cumulative GPA is improving.
2. A member must demonstrate 20 hours of school / community service by September 10th of his / her senior year to continue membership. A maximum of 10 hours may be school related.
3. To graduate as a member of National Honor Society, 20 additional hours of school/community service must be demonstrated by May 1st. A maximum of 10 hours may be school related. A student who has not completed this requirement will be suspended from NHS for the remainder of the school year. A member who still has not completed the service requirement by June 1st will be scheduled for a dismissal hearing.
4. Attendance of all members is required at all after-school meetings. Any member who does not attend risks suspension of privileges.
5. Participation is required and expected in all NHS activities. Not participating in National Honor Society activities is reason enough for suspension of privileges.
6. At the discretion of the faculty council, the length of a suspension may be reduced by performing additional hours of community service. This will only be done when the faculty council feels the circumstances warrant it. The nature of the additional hours of community service will be determined
by the faculty council.
8. Repeated violation of rules is likely to result in a dismissal hearing.
9. In case of disciplinary action or suspension, the member will be notified in writing to avoid any misunderstanding. This letter will briefly explain the NHS standards. The time period of the suspension, if appropriate, will be clearly stated.
10. Dismissal Procedures
 Faculty advisor speaks to the student
 Faculty council is informed of the situation
 Faculty council meets to determine disciplinary measure
If dismissal is under consideration:
 The member will be notified of the violation, the possibility of dismissal, and the need for
a hearing with the faculty council.
 A hearing will be scheduled.
 The member may appear to explain the situation (parent/ guardian may be present).
 If dismissed, a written notice will be sent to the member, his or her parents, and the .
 Member must surrender his / her membership card.
 The dismissed member has the right to appeal to the principal.
11. Once a member has been dismissed or resigns, he / she is never again eligible for membership in the National Honor Society.


The following are extremely serious offenses. Any student not abiding by the following restrictions risks a dismissal hearing. 

NHS members are NOT permitted to:

1. Lend their Honor Society membership card to anyone;
2. Cheat or assist anyone in the process of cheating;
3. Leave school; and if an NHS member is found leaving the school without a legal excuse, he / she will be considered truant from school.
4. Violate a civil law. 

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Student parking will only be allowed in designated parking lots. Student parking is located in front of the building on the north end. Parking will be limited, and all student parking permits will be assigned. Those seniors who wish to obtain the privilege of parking on school grounds must obtain a parking permit from the attendance office. A driver’s license and a copy of the registration and insurance card for the car that the permit will be issued for must be submitted at the time the student applies. Parking permit applications are mailed out to seniors in the summer before their senior year. If you have any questions, please call the attendance office. Any cars parked in the student parking lot without a permit will be towed at the owner’s expense. Any student cars parked in the faculty parking lot will be towed away at the owner’s expense. 

Any student’s car found in these areas will be towed at the owner’s expense. The speed limit is 10 miles per hour. Students are not to exceed this speed limit. Failure to observe this speed limit will result in a loss of parking
privileges. Permission to park on school grounds can be revoked by a school administrator if a student violates school rules or policies.

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The Pine Bush High School PASS Committee is a multi-disciplinary, problem-solving, and intervention team consisting of administrators, school counselors, school social workers, student assistance coordinator, school psychologist and school nurse. PASS meets weekly to review internal referrals and to assess ongoing intervention. Please contact the Guidance Office if you feel your child needs assistance.

Physical Education

Students who successfully complete physical education will be awarded ½ (one-half) credit per year. Students are required to earn a total of 2 (two) credits during their high school career. Students should be aware of the following: 

  • Students will be denied credit due to excessive absences as per the Pine Bush High School attendance policy. 
  • Medical excuses pertaining to the student’s inability to participate in the swim unit must be submitted to the student’s physical education teacher prior to or on the first day. Excuses will not be accepted retroactively. 
  • Physical education class make-ups must be arranged through the student’s physical education teacher and may take place during any physical education teacher’s professional period, before school, or after school. 

Physical Education Philosophy

We believe in a child-centered approach to student learning, and support an optimal environment for them to feel healthy, alert, and capable. Physical Education provides the opportunity to: 

1. Learn and practice good health habits
2. Make positive decisions about personal health and wellness through a wide variety of active
experiences. Students acquire personal living skills including:
a. Engaging in teamwork
b. Engaging in fairplay
c. Learning acceptance of individual differences in ability. 

Pine Bush students are encouraged to find enjoyment in movement, seek and accept challenge, and to reach beyond their perceived physical, emotional and social limits. 

The The Pine Bush Physical Education Program provides the opportunity to:
1. Develop a lasting appreciation and enjoyment of an activity or form of movement and engage in a physically active lifestyle.
2. Demonstrate competency in many skills and movement forms, leading to proficiency in several sports or activities.
3. Create and maintain a safe and healthy environment by demonstrating personal safety, group concern and a high regard for equipment and facilities when involved in physical activity.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of how to achieve and maintain a health enhancing level of wellness.
5. Demonstrate responsible personal decision making in active group settings as both a player and spectator.
6. Demonstrate an understanding and respect for differences among people in physically active environments.
7. Demonstrate a willingness to invite challenge, take appropriate risks, and participate as a cooperative group member in physical settings.

Physical Education Procedures


1. Unprepareds: All students are expected to provide suitable gym clothes / swim suit and to change and participate in physical education for every class. If the student refuses to participate, he / she may be referred to the administration for insubordination. 


1. Unprepareds: students are expected to participate in every physical education class. No make-ups will be allowed for unprepareds.
2. A student may be given an opportunity to make up physical education in classes missed when excused by an instructor or the nurse. A student will be not be permitted to make up physical education classes missed as a result of cutting or truancy.
3. A student may be given an opportunity to make up all physical education classes missed due to legal absence.
4. Make-ups for numbers 2 and 3 above must be done within one week of the missed class unless mutually agreed upon by the instructor and student.

Grading Scale

Based on a scale of 0-100 point, quarter grades will be given to each student on the following basis: 

1. The physical education curriculum addresses the psychomotor, cognizant, and affective development of each student. The student’s performance is assessed in each of these areas. The assessments evaluate the student in specific skills such as: physical skill, effort, preparation, participation, sportsmanship, cooperation, sports rules and etiquette, and the knowledge and ability to design and implement a life long nutrition and fitness program.
2. Classes may be made up due to a legal absence only.
3. Medicals: All students on medical release will have written work assigned. The work will be evaluated on the basis of meeting the length criteria, content, quality and neatness of the work. The grade will be determined by averaging the written work with the class grade (see section D under medical excuses).

Medical Procedures

All students on medicals must attend physical education classes and, if possible, dress for the activity offered and assist with class by keeping score, etc. When at all possible, a student must obtain a school medical activity form from the school nurse and have it completed by the attending doctor. 

A. Stage 1: 4 P.E. classes or less missed
1. The student must change for the class if possible, and, he/she must complete Stage 2 or agree to make up the days missed. 

B. Stage 2: 4 to 8 consecutive P.E. classes missed:
1. The student must change for class, if able.
2. The student must obtain the written assignment from the instructor. A grade on this written assignment will be averaged in to the quarter grade. 

C. Stage 3: Long term medical (over 9 classes missed)
1. The student must select a topic.
2. Completed assignments are required per unit missed and must be handed in on or before the last day of the unit.
3. Grades will be based on attendance, preparation and written assignments.

D. Grading for written assignments:
1. Papers must be typed or written legibly. Plagiarized reports will not be accepted.
2. For late reports, 5 points per day will be subtracted from the grade for up to 5 school days; after then a grade of 0 will be given.
3. 300 words in length for Stage 2.
4. 600 words in length for Stage 3.
5. Copying from a book is prohibited.

E. Suggested topics for Stages 2 and 3:
Diet and nutrition, Olympic winners, great players of a sport, fitness fads, drugs in athletics, history of a sport or biography of an athlete.

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Policy on Plagiarism

The English Department believes that each student is entitled to earn and receive a fair grade in each course in which he or she enrolls. The department believes equally that it is the right and the responsibility of an instructor to
establish criteria for evaluation for each course which he or she teaches and to determine the degree to which an individual student has fulfilled the standards set for the course. The student’s responsibility is to produce work that clearly reflects his / her efforts and not the efforts of others, unless properly documented. When a student becomes involved in activities that jeopardize the academic integrity of a specific course, the English Department will take action. 

It should be noted to all students and parents that Pine Bush High School English teachers use Google and Turnitin to check authenticity of student papers for plagiarism. 

  1. To plagiarize is to be dishonest with your teacher, your peers, your “source” and yourself.
  2. Plagiarism is the equivalent of intellectual robbery.

Definition of Plagiarism

To plagiarize is “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own :—-(to) present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source” (Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 898). 

The most important phrase in the above definition is “Pass off as one’s own.” A student may get material from a book or an article, but if a student presents ideas and / or specific language from these or other sources as though they are his or her own, he is guilty of plagiarism. To take another person’s ideas, even when those ideas are put into the student’s own words, is to be guilty of plagiarism unless the reader is told that this has been done.  Similarly, to take another person’s expressions—a key word, a phrase, or a longer passage – even when one’s own ideas are being expressed, is to be guilty of plagiarism if the reader is not told precisely what has been done. 

A student may, however, use the same material with full and proper acknowledgment and not be guilty of plagiarism since in that case he is not “passing off as his or her own” the work of another. “Full and proper acknowledgement” may be defined as unambiguous identification of the sources of all ideas and expressions that are of one’s own. A Works Cited (a list of material consulted) while useful, is not full and proper acknowledgement since it does not tell the reader precisely what parts of the paper are indebted to this material or the extent of the debt. 

Full and proper acknowledgement must indicate clearly where direct quotations or paraphrases within a page both begin and end, with quotation marks around quoted material and introductory statements where paraphrases begin. In addition each quotation and paraphrase must be accompanied by internal documentation of the source quoted or paraphrased. (For documentation in English papers use the most recent MLA guidelines). The guidelines can be found in any recent writing handbook. Also, for full and proper acknowledgement, a “Works Cited” page must be included at the end of the paper. When in doubt about citing sources and documenting them, consult the instructor; the penalties for plagiarism are stiff and strictly enforced. 

In addition, students who give unauthorized help to another student or use their own previously graded work engage in plagiarism. Students who allow such copying are parties to plagiarism, thus guilty of cheating. 

Procedure for Dealing with Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty

A faculty member who has evidence that a student is guilty of plagiarism or academic dishonesty shall initiate a process for dealing with the matter by determining the student’s guilt or innocence. No penalty shall be imposed until the student has been informed of the charge, the evidence upon which it is based, and the opportunity to present his/her defense. 

a. Notify student
b. Notify parent
c. Notify department chair
d. Notify principal (if necessary)

Plagiarism Policy – The Consequences

Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism will result, at a minimum, in a grade of zero for that assignment. Since it is impossible to evaluate a plagiarized paper, no credit can be given. At the discretion of the instructor, a
student may be: 

  • Failed in the course
  • Dropped from the course (electives only)
  • Assigned a reduced grade for the course.
  • Allowed to rewrite and resubmit an additional assignment for credit.
  • Subjected to more severe disciplinary action if second and third offenses occur
  • Required to perform services for school/community
  • Subjected to revocation or suspension of Honor Society privileges
  • Suspended from school

In addition:  

  • Any students who are involved in a group action which makes plagiarism or dishonesty possible shall be subject to the same penalties as outlined in above.
  • A grade of “Incomplete” may be given by the instructor in the event that a case cannot be resolved before final grades are due.

Note: English Department teacher staff – The evidence submitted in substantiation of a case of suspected plagiarism must be explicit, specific, and well– documented. 

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Pledge of Allegiance

The policy for students at Pine Bush Central School in regard to the Pledge of Allegiance and Salute to the flag during homeroom is: 

  1. All are to stand or remain seated in a respectful manner, every day. 
  2. No talking (other than the recital).
  3. Complete cooperation and respect.
  4. All faculty and staff should participate – we teach by example.
  5. Students who take exception to this policy should be respectful during this exercise. 

Promotion Policy

The following course and credit requirements apply to grades 8 through 12: 

8th Grade

  • An 8th grader must pass two or more of the Four Core subject areas and be on grade level in either English or social studies. 
  • Any preceding core subjects failed will be scheduled.
  • A student may not be scheduled for a core subject until the preceding course has been passed. 
  • A student retained at Grade Eight will be scheduled for a complete GRADE EIGHT PROGRAM.
  • There will be no forward-scheduling. 

9th Grade

A freshman must have 4 units of credit and be on grade level in either English or social studies to become a sophomore. 

10th Grade

A sophomore must have 10 units of credit including 1 math and 1 science credit and be on grade level in either English or social studies to become a junior.

11th Grade

A junior must have 16 units of credit, including 2 math and 2 science credits and be on grade level in either English or social studies to become a senior.

12th Grade

A senior must also be able to complete all diploma requirements, including required tests and courses during the regular September through June school year.

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Yearly Grades

Quarterly grades will be computed as follows: 

Yearly Average: 1st quarter grade, 2nd quarter grade, 3rd quarter grade, 4th quarter grade, Final – (cumulative exam)

Final Grade:  total divided by 5

Semester Average: 1st quarter grade, 2nd quarter grade, Final (cumulative exam)

Final Grade: total divided by 3

Quarter Courses (as earned)

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Under the No Child Left Behind Act, school districts receiving federal education funds must, upon request, provide military recruiters and institutions of higher learning the names, addresses and telephone numbers of high school students, unless the students and their parents exercise their right to prohibit release of the information without prior written parental consent. Parents and students who wish to exercise that right should contact the Pine Bush High School guidance office to opt out.

Schedule Changes

Once school has started, students are not allowed to drop and add courses at the same time. Exceptions to this rule include course adjustment for summer school work, incorrect sequential course placement, CSE committee recommendations and course cancellations. 

All other requests will be considered by your school counselor on an individual basis with the student’s best interest in mind. Course withdrawals must be approved by the principal. 

As always, students may add courses, if their schedules permit.

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School Store

The school store will be open during lunch periods only. The store offers shirts, pens, pencils, review books, paper, notebooks, film (for photography class) report covers and many other useful items. Stop in and make your selection / purchase and return promptly to class. 

Selling of Goods and Posting Signs

The only goods sold or signs posted on school grounds must have prior approval by an administrator in writing. All sales related to private profit-making are prohibited. Only signs and sales related to school organizations and with an approved calendar schedule may be allowed. 

Sexual Harassment Policy

The Pine Bush Central School District is committed to providing a safe, positive learning and working environment for everyone. Therefore, sexual harassment and sexual violence (SHV) is prohibited and will not be tolerated in any form. 

It will be a violation of this policy for any student to use sexual harassment or sexual violence toward any other student. 

The district will endeavor to address illegal forms of discrimination based on sex in its educational program and / or any extracurricular activities. Furthermore, the district will strive to safeguard the rights of all students and to provide an environment that is free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. Refer to the Pine Bush Board Policy and the Code of Conduct

Sexual Harassment may include, but is not limited to, name calling, unwanted sexual advances, touching, and pulling on or off pieces of clothing.

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Smoke-Free Environment Policy

1. The use of tobacco by any student on school property is prohibited at all times in all school buildings, surrounding outdoor grounds within school property boundaries, and vehicles used to transport children and personnel, owned or leased, contracted for and utilized.
a) In addition, with regard to other property, no smoking will be permitted at any time within any indoor facility owned, operated, leased or contracted for by the school district for educational or library services for students K-12 where such services are funded directly by the federal government or indirectly through state or local governments.
2. For the purpose of this policy, smoking will mean all uses of tobacco, including cigars, cigarettes, pipes and other forms of smoking objects, as well as chewing tobacco. An indoor facility is a building that is enclosed.
3. Students who smoke or otherwise engage in the use of tobacco in violation of this policy may be subject to the full range of appropriate penalties or disciplinary action according to the necessary regulation (and/or) statute (s). In addition, any other individual who violates this policy may be asked to leave the premises.  


Our school has joined a statewide effort to promote sportsmanship at our events. We believe the time is now to begin stressing the type of exemplary behavior that should be exhibited by all players and spectators at our athletic

A single negative action by a coach, athlete, or spectator at an event can influence how our school is perceived in our own community and the communities of those schools we meet on the field of play. That is why we have joined with other concerned school districts in the state to promote good sportsmanship. We want to raise our level of expectation in our own community, so we can continue to take pride in our athletic teams. 

We are asking parents for support in this effort to emphasize to the students what is expected of them at an athletic event. After all, such events are an extension of the school-day, and we should expect the same type of respectful behavior exhibited in the athletic arena as we do in the classroom.  We urge you to ask your children to demonstrate self-control and self discipline and to remind them of the disciplinary actions which may be taken  against those who misbehave.

Those spectators who demonstrate unsportsmanlike behavior will be removed from the gymnasium. Repeated offenses will prohibit them for attending future games. 

Finally, we ask you to set a good example when in the stands at an event. It is only through those efforts that we can clearly communicate what is acceptable behavior. Remember, as a spectator, you are in the pubic eye as much as any athlete and we hope that your positive example will help set the tone for those around you so we may all enjoy the games in which our athletic teams will be involved.

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Student Course Scheduling/Doubling

Students are encouraged to attend summer school to make up failures in their major academic courses. Generally, it is not a good idea to double in a subject that you have failed.  Please consider the following in planning your academic program:

1. A student enrolled in Grade 7, 8, 9, 10 11:
 May not be scheduled in two consecutive courses in English, social studies, mathematics, or science.
 May not be scheduled in any other courses that are sequential in nature, or any course for which a prerequisite would normally be required.
2. Seniors may double enroll in either English 11 and 12 or Social Studies 11 and 12, but not in both. 
3. Students may not double enroll in a subject.
4. Seniors who are double enrolled in Social Studies 11 and 12 and who fail either Government or Economics in the Fall semester will not be allowed to triple enroll in Social Studies in the Spring semester.
5. Seniors who are double enrolled in English 11 and 12 and who fail the first semester course in Social Studies 12 (Government or Economics) will not be allowed to double enroll in Social Studies in the Spring semester.
6. Seniors and fifth year students who are enrolled in a previously failed English 11, English 12 or Social Studies 11 course may take the January Regents or Midterm if they have a 75 average and their teacher’s recommendation.

Seniors who pass the Regents exam will be granted credit and allowed to register for an elective course. Fifth year students may use this option to graduate in January. 

Exceptions to these regulations may involve AP Biology, Business Math, CSE students and, in rare instances, out-of-state transfer students. All other requests for exceptions are evaluated on a case by case basis with the
goal being the best interests of the student. 

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Student Health

A regular physical examination is recommended for each child. New York State Education Law requires physical examinations of children when they: 
 Enter the school district for the first time
 Are in grades K, 2, 4, 7, 10
 Participate in interscholastic sports
 Need working papers
 Are referred by / to the Committee on Special Education
 Are deemed necessary by school authorities to determine a child’s education program.

If the physical is not done by the student’s primary care provider by October 1, the district is required to provide this service by the school physician or nurse practitioner. 

Required Immunizations 


According to New York State Law, there is a procedure the school nurse must follow before any medication can be given during school hours. These legal requirements are as follows:
1. The school nurse must have a written order by the doctor stating: name of medication; reason for giving medication; dosage to be given; time medication should be given; and number of days medication should be given. Aspirin, Tylenol, or any other over the counter medication may not be administered without written permission of a physician and parent.
2. Medication must have a professional label.
3. Medication must be brought to school by an adult. Under no circumstances is a child to bring medication to school. Ask the bus driver to give it to the school nurse or please package and label the medication as mentioned above. Do not send any over-the-counter medication with students, particularly younger children. Although most children are responsible, there is always a chance for consumption by another child.
4. The parent must submit a written request to the school nurse to give the medication as directed. For emergency medications such as inhalers and Epipen, a provider may write an order for this student to carry and self administrator. Please contact the school nurse for this information.
5. The medication will be destroyed seven days after the final dose is given. Unused medication must be picked up by the parent within those seven days.
6. If you have any questions regarding the medication, contact the school nurse. 
7. If your child is taking medication that may affect school learning or behavior, please notify the school nurse.
8. Indicate if your child has any allergic reaction to medication, bee or wasp stings, or food. This can be noted on the information sheet or by calling the nurse’s office. If need be, medication may be brought into school for allergic reactions.

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Student Senate

Your Student Senate functions as an organizer for student activities, serves as a training ground for student leadership and cooperation, helps solve school problems and shares in the management of the school. Representatives and volunteers participate from each social studies class.

Substance Abuse Procedure

(See the Code of Conduct for more information.) 

The district takes a firm approach to students manufacturing, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs on school grounds, at a school-sponsored activity, or in a school district vehicle. When a student violates these rules, the district intervenes as follows: 

1. The school nurse will conduct an assessment of medical risk.
2. Law enforcement authorities are called, and other social agencies or medical agencies are contacted as necessary.
3. The student’s parents/guardians are contacted and asked to come to school to join their child for a meeting with the school principal or the principal’s designee to review the related circumstances.
4. The student is suspended from school for five days and referred to the superintendent for a hearing.
5. If the superintendent finds the student guilty of the charge, the superintendent can suspend the child for up to the remainder of the school year. The child’s behavior record is reviewed before any penalty is determined. Suspensions may be reduced if the student shows a significant change in behavior. This usually involves the student’s participation in a drug rehabilitation program.
6. A referral is made to the student assistance counselor for assessment and referral services.
7. Prior to the student’s return to school, a conference is held involving the student, parents/guardians, student assistant counselor, and school principal or the principal’s designee. A student must serve a minimum of one half of their suspension. 

Students who have been found guilty of possession of drug paraphernalia, including tobacco rolling paper, will be dealt with in the same manner. In accordance with the clean Indoor Air Act, the Pine Bush School District has a tobacco free policy. This prohibits the use of tobacco products by anyone at all times on school grounds including automobiles on school grounds. Violations of the Clean Indoor Air Act are subject to fines that range from $500.00 – $2,000.00. 

Students who smoke on school grounds in violation of the Clean Indoor Air Act are suspended out of school for two days for the first violation, three days for the second violation and five days for the third violation. Students who are
suspended for five days following the third violation are also referred to the Orange County Health Department for a hearing. If found guilty, the student is subject to the fines listed above. Any subsequent violation will be treated in
the same manner. 

Students who are highly motivated to quit smoking will be referred to a smoking cessation program. 

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Summer School 24-50 Policy

Students who have been absent more than 24 days and intend on attending summer school, must have a minimum final average of 50 in the subject in which they plan to enroll in summer school. 

Taping and/or Video Recording

Any student, staff member, visitor, or guest, who wishes to tape or video-record a lesson, lecture, talk, demonstration, or any other experience at Pine Bush High School, must secure permission from the building principal prior to the use of any electronic or photographic equipment.


All visitors to this school should be aware that Section 140.10 (B) of the Penal Law is Criminal Trespass in the Third Degree – (misdemeanor) and states that: 

Any person who enters or remains in or about a school building without written permission from someone authorized to issue such permission or without legitimate reason, “may be subject to criminal proceedings.” 

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Any student who is illegally absent from school or leaves school without permission is considered truant and will be disciplined as per the school discipline code. Leaving the building without permission for any reason is considered truancy. Students who arrive to school but do not attend homeroom and leave the premises will also be considered truant. Under the guidelines of New York Sate Law, it is mandatory that all students attend school.

Vehicle Law

The Vehicle and Traffic Law in New York State was amended on November 1, 1990 on the issue of passing a stopped school bus while that school bus is on school property with its red lights flashing. 

Whenever a school bus is in a parking lot driveway or any area where students gain access to or leave from the bus, it will be unlawful to pass the bus during the time spent when that bus has its red lights flashing.

Just as a reminder, state law already prohibits passing a school bus when it is stopped on the road and its red lights are flashing; this even includes divided highways. Vehicles proceeding in either direction must stop.

Working Papers

Working papers are obtained in the High School office for people under the age of eighteen. Please allow 24 hours for completion.

A school physical may be used for some jobs (i.e. newspaper carrier) and /or used within one year for other jobs. Check with the nurse, if necessary, for assistance on the Medical Report Form.

Non-Discrimination Statement


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Pine Bush Central School District
State Route 302, Pine Bush, NY 12566
Phone: (845) 744-2031
Fax: (845) 744-6189
Amy Brockner
Interim Superintendent of Schools
This website is maintained by Public Information Specialist Linda Smith. It is the goal of the Pine Bush Central School District that this website is accessible to all users. View our accessibility statement. The district is not responsible for facts or opinions contained on any linked site. Some links and features on this site require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. This website was produced by Capital Region BOCES Engagement & Development Services, Albany, NY. Copyright © 2025. All rights reserved.